ebay recirculated DDP - fitment and specs?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
theprodigy79 said:
So there were no clearance issues between the flex section and the tranny pan?

None at all.

I mounted mine with the metal bracket that's bolted into the tranny (same as stock). If you don't use that, it's possible the pipe might be sitting SLIGHTLY different. As far as fitting in the physical space, it's not even close to being a problem anywhere.

Like I said, the only issue is the bottom inside nut - which I guess is pretty tight with other elbow-integrated DP's.

Anybody reading this have any suggestions for gettin a nut on there before I spend my Saturday thinking up a solution?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I used a normal wrench (the closed end) and had to flip it back and forth to clear the stuff in the area (only get like 1/8 turn each time)

takes a long ass time and the most time consuming part to removing the engine on my car...


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I had to tighten mine from the bottom of the car using my monkey arms and a wrench. Very awkward possition to be in and painful on the palm of your hand, as that's the only way I could get enough leverage to tighten it. It would only tighten maybe 1/4 turn a time, but by God I got it on there.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
I bolted my elbow to the turbo when it was off the car. I knew it would be trouble once mounted. I was still annoyed that I couldn't put a torque wrench on that one bolt though.


Apr 29, 2006
Huntington Beach CA/Ohio
Poodles said:
I used a normal wrench (the closed end) and had to flip it back and forth to clear the stuff in the area (only get like 1/8 turn each time)

takes a long ass time and the most time consuming part to removing the engine on my car...

I used this method too from under the car. It was the best way I could figure out. I need to get my ass in gear and see how the ZW DDP sitting in my garage fits.


New Member
Aug 24, 2006
has anybody put a wide band on one? i know that the bung on the elbow is to close to the turbo, but i would like get the new bung to welded in before installing it.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Hey guys,

I decided to go ahead and be the guinea pig for the eBay DDP... For those of you who don't have patience to read / look further, I advise AGAINST purchasing one of those $199+$73 shipping ones (or similar).

First off, I purchased mine from optionautoimports. I believe he has another user name as well, but I could be mistaken... Either way watch out.

This was the image he had in his auction:

Looks familiar doesn't it? If not, check out the 935 Motorsports homepage, it's the exact image they used...

Well, here's what I got:

Here's what I didn't get:

See the difference?

Yeah... The angle is wrong and it's around 8" too short to reach the cat in stock location... I believe the angle is workable if one really wanted, but it requires removing the plate covering the speedo cable and relocating the cable itself up into the channel beside the transmission... But even if you solve that, it's still useless unless you do custom piping back...

Fortunately the dude who sold it to me seems like a legit fellow... I called him up and explained the situation and he seemed genuinely surprised and offered to take it back and refund me in full. I saw that he had sold a few others previously and had positive feedback from them, so I am wondering if this was a legit mistake or if the people who purchased them either didn't have the balls to step up or managed to modify their exhaust to make it work...

Moral: Just spend the extra $60 and do it right the first time... I'm about to order a new one from 935.




Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
San Diego, CA
I can't see the images you posted, but I probably know what happened. There is an MK2 version of this downpipe. It is much shorter to compensate.

You probably received that one. The thing is the seller tends to not know the difference and assume that they are all the same.

I am basically selling what is on eBay, so I don't want to mislead you that I have something different. I am just making sure that people get the proper item and offer warranty. I'm glad the eBay guy took care of you because that usually doesn't happen.

I am getting more this week and will make sure they are all correct.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
You got the wrong the pipe. I think that's pretty easy to see. It's good to hear that the seller was responsive.

One of the reasons I decided to buy from 935 was that the shipping was expensive from the ebay sellers. Some ebay sellers won't cover extra shipping costs even if it was their error.

Hopefully everything works out and you get a timely and economical exchange.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
935, I understand you are selling what is on eBay, that is no problem and I am not mislead. I am a bit confused why a MKII pipe would have a divorced wastegate section when the MKII did not have a turbo though... but that's a different issue. The images are linked from Photobucket, so per haps your office filters that site?

It's obviously the wrong pipe, but I wonder what it is for... It ALMOST fit angle wise, but was still a no-go.

The eBay seller, to his bahalf, IS going to refund me my complete purchase price, including the $73 shipping, so I'm only out the $13 it's costing me to ship it back. $272, even with that shipping, was an unbeatable price, but this wrong item cost me a lot of wasted time and effort... I also layed into him pretty hard to get this refund (although I remained polite and polished).

935, I do have one additional question for you regarding this item... The ZW pipes are made from SUS-304 stainless if I'm not mistaken (or so I've read)... One thing that caught my attention in this auction was that this pipe is supposedly manufactured from SUS-321 stainless... Do you know what material your is made from?

The welds and bends appeared excellent on this one, so my only complaint was fitment (although that is a huge complaint).

Thanks much,



Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
theprodigy79 said:
I am a bit confused why a MKII pipe would have a divorced wastegate section when the MKII did not have a turbo though... Thanks much,


A lot of people swap out the motors in the MKII with a 7M for a better power/weight ratio, or even just bolt on the turbo mani to their stock head.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
San Diego, CA
Someone had divorced dps for mk2s made because there was so many 7m swapped mk2s out there.

If the guy wouldn't have taken it back, I'd probably have worked out a trade/credit with you. I can use a DDP for my mk2 7m.

Anyway, there are many claims about the SS, and I don't trust what anybody says.

It can even vary by batch. So I would have to assume that it is the cheapest SS available until proven otherwise. What I mean is that I can't answer your question without first shipping a downpipe to myself to verify the materials.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
my cheap DDP has help up fine, and I'm pretty sure I'm on the first people to get one...

I hide mine under the stock heatshield to save my engine bay from the heat of the turbo, and it's easy to pass inspection...