dumb things you've heard lately

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Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Yeah, one cannot blame religion....Its the people who misuse it.

I once read that in the middle east children were given fake keys made out of tin and promised by thier religious leaders that when they would die for thier religion they had the key to open the gates of heaven.

I agree Islam is a more violet religion....In islamic countries like Jordan and others this custom still takes place..when women commit adultery, they get stoned to death.The laws of Islam are the laws of the country. In the west when women cheat a couple divorces or work things out.

My uncle works in Saudi Arabia for an American company as an mechanical engineer and my aunt has to also adhere to the same religious laws. In every corner of the street is a cop and also a religious leader who looks at people to check if a religious law is broken. I think that is a bit extreme.

Young children get brainwashed thinking that the west is evil and they are trained to use a weapon.In the west young children are playing ps2, xbox, skateboardin and havin fun. Its the religious leaders who brainwash the ignorant to serve thier own needs.and if you give the ignorant the opportunity to migrate to the west, they jump at the opportunity.Once they come here they can educate themselves and work and do lots. Not in their home land.
If the west was as bad as their home land I'd bet they would not want to migrate to the west.

Thier religion is thier way of life...and I think Islamic leaders teach their flock to hate the west.I mean some western religious could be doing that too but not as bad at the islamic leaders.
There are millions of islamic people are over the world in the west...and some are sleepers...they are born in the same country as you...they grow up in the same nieghbourhood, go to the same school, use the same roads and then they blow up your buildings and kill people. I do not think people from Christianity do that...go to islamic countries and become sleepers and then blow up buildings and kill people.
As for the Christian crusades, thats how they dealt with things back then...fighting...fighting...fighting...all happened for a reason...If there was not an influence of islamic soldiers in the west or Christian soldiers in the middle east i am sure the shape of things would be different. Everyone plays thier role in life.
But yeah, maybe we all have not fully understood the real meaning of religion and thats why people keep fighiting over religion.



Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
YourHondaSux said:
So if you offer the bible to me that Christianity is right, well then I ask you to prove that the bible is actually written by god-which you can't do.

Um....prove to me macro evolution is real Or even makes more sense than creation. I think you will have quite the tough time.

You know what's interesting. Many people discount the New Testament as historically inaccurate because it was written too long after the happenings, yet we gladly follow Greek history and take it as truth.
The accounts from the New Testament were recorded within 30 years of the hapenings by the people who witnessed them. Much of Grecian history which we follow wholeheartedly was recorded hundreds of years later by people who weren't there. Many tmes the Bible is discounted like this.

I have more to say, and I will say it when it is not almost 4am and I am tired.
Sorry if this post is disjointed.
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ the bible, is a book of moral teachings not historical reference, the bible was created by hundreds of other religions and stories, they just worded it to fit their time and needs.
and evolution, is in many forms, theories mainly, all which are about as hard to explain to someone as any religion is.
I'm betting you have never heard of young and old earth creationist have you?
both are from christian teachings, except they follow evolution

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
This sounds like it should be a new topic, but since were here, i read that more people have been killed in the name of religion than all the wars ever fought.. i feel religion is a tool for the people in power to scare the ones who arent, into doing what they want.. it uses fears of "going to hell" to scare people into doing the right thing. Im not saying its a bad thing, nor am i against it. i think if it makes people feel better about them selves then so be it.. personally i always was asked to leave the church beacuse i would ask the hard questions, like why? show me proof...but all i was shown was the door...
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
joel w. said:
personally i always was asked to leave the church beacuse i would ask the hard questions, like why? show me proof...but ill i was shown was the door...

I used to be a catholic, was raised catholic and went to catholic school, the reason i became agnostic, is because of the 4 years in catholic high school, i learned alot about other religions, and would always ask the priest why? and bring up question they could never answer, but always would say its because of faith. you just have to believe.
to me this is why we have wars, because of blind faith.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
D34DC311 said:
I used to be a catholic, was raised catholic and went to catholic school, the reason i became agnostic, is because of the 4 years in catholic high school, i learned alot about other religions, and would always ask the priest why? and bring up question they could never answer, but always would say its because of faith. you just have to believe.
to me this is why we have wars, because of blind faith.

i totally agree with ya.. i put my faith into science for facts

movie quote " i dated a girl named faith once, she cheated on me with a girl named chastity"....
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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
explain to me how our tail bone falls into the scheme of creation... I think its because we used to have tails...like the monkeys who share 98% of our DNA


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
D34DC311 said:
^^ the bible, is a book of moral teachings not historical reference, the bible was created by hundreds of other religions and stories, they just worded it to fit their time and needs.
and evolution, is in many forms, theories mainly, all which are about as hard to explain to someone as any religion is.
I'm betting you have never heard of young and old earth creationist have you?
both are from christian teachings, except they follow evolution

Um...the Bible is NOT just a book of moral teachings. Why do you think there are geneolgies in the old testament? Why did God give directions on what to eat and not to eat...ect? There are recordings of battles, there are recordings of the forefathers, there are recordings of the prophets and judges. Did you know you can trace Jesus' lineage through King David and then all the way back to the first man, Adam, using only the Bible? That is a very long time to cover without the Bible being a history book. It was not written by hundreds of other religions. The old Testament was written by the Jews, and the New Testament was written mostly by Jews and some Gentiles who became the first Christians.

Yes I have heard of old and new earth creationists. Both are based on creation. One side takes the days of creation litterally as days, and the other says that "days" are just an expression of time and the actual events took place over a long time. Some even believe that we are in the 7th day right now. Nither young nor old earth creation is based off evolution, just a longer period of creation.

Evolution does exist, but only in micro evolution. Micro evolution is how creatures adapt to the evironment. Here is the BIG thing though, when creatures micro evolve they LOSE genetic strands. They lose traights to emphasise ones they already have. Macro evolution, which would be the theory many people use to account for the existance of earth, the solar system, life and everything does NOT happen. Nothing macro evolves, nothing gains DNA or genetic coding. National Geographic is always publishing stories on evolution, stating things as fact. Have you ever seen those "skulls" they use as proof? They have half a jawbone and three teeth, and then they model what they think the rest of the head looks like. It's funny when they find out the jawbone was from a pig. Pretty much every neanderthall man type gimic has been disprooved. I don't say all, just because they are always "finding" new ones.

Just something to chew on.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
More to the point, how about explaining the changes to humankind since the start of recorded history? Ever notice that the suits of armour in museums in Europe are all small? That's because the average height has been steadily increasing. Notice that Olympic records always get broken - even before we had drug abuse to blame? That's because we are getting stronger and faster, with better control over our capabilities.

Now extrapolate that over unrecorded history - which is by far the larger portion of our history - and evolution doesn't seem so unreasonable.

Now I don't oppose the idea of creationism - I'm aware that any all powerful being could just as easily build in a history for us to find, or decide to create something through the evolutionary process, or any number of other methods. What I do oppose is the literal story of creation as listed in the Bible.

I don't honestly think that a book can survive as long as the Bible has, controlled by a church that has admitted to hiding things as despicable as sexual assault on children by powerful church leaders, without being edited to reflect the views of the church.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Evolution does exist??? hahhahah ok...here is the definition..A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form over time.

small (micro) changes over long periods.. like the giraffes didnt always have a long neck..but one freaky muntant giraffe with a change in his DNA had a longer neck to eat the higher fruit that the other shorties couldnt and he lived. all the shorties died, he bred more freaky surviving longneckers and so on...


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
csr ma71 said:
Are you for real? What about dinosaurs or opposable thumbs? Languages evolve, why shouldn't people?

Languages are not physical, they are not made of mater. The "new" ones even use principles formed by the ones before them. Languages evolving is totally different than people, or any life for that matter, evolving. Sorry Cyclops, but you won't be shooting laserbeams from your eyes any time soon.

God can create dinosaurs, and opposable thumbs for that matter. Here's an experiment. Take pieces of a watch, put them in a bag, and shake it for millions of years. Lets see if after all that time you have anything even resembling a watch, and not just dust. Now take those same pieces and give them to a master watch maker. Now, not only will he be able to do it in less than a day (probably less than an hour), but you will have a functioning watch.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
did adam just apear from thin air? whens his birthday? was he full grown at birth?? did he have a belly button? if so, who was it attached to? god? did god have a belly button? pik 2


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Furball said:
Um...the Bible is NOT just a book of moral teachings. Why do you think there are geneolgies in the old testament? Why did God give directions on what to eat and not to eat...ect? There are recordings of battles, there are recordings of the forefathers, there are recordings of the prophets and judges. Did you know you can trace Jesus' lineage through King David and then all the way back to the first man, Adam, using only the Bible? That is a very long time to cover without the Bible being a history book. It was not written by hundreds of other religions. The old Testament was written by the Jews, and the New Testament was written mostly by Jews and some Gentiles who became the first Christians.


you can get that in depth in star treck and star wars dude. people are capable of coming up with some SEROUSLY in depth crap that isnt real. people can speek clingon fluently and communicate with others cus of a tv show. i look at the way people worship mark hammil the way people worsihp jesus sometimes im just saying, it IS possible to bs to that extent. i dont feel like gettin into this argument but just had to say.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
GrimJack said:
I don't honestly think that a book can survive as long as the Bible has, controlled by a church that has admitted to hiding things as despicable as sexual assault on children by powerful church leaders, without being edited to reflect the views of the church.

The Catholic church is NOT the say all in Christianity. They do not controll the Bible, though they may claim to. Many Chatholic teachings are even contradicted by the Bible. Catholocism is not something given to man by God, but made by man to controll how God, and the Bible is presented. Unfortunately many people think of Christians as Catholics, and not Catholics as a division of Christianity.

joel w. said:
small (micro) changes over long periods.. like the giraffes didnt always have a long neck..but one freaky muntant giraffe with a change in his DNA had a longer neck to eat the higher fruit that the other shorties couldnt and he lived. all the shorties died, he bred more freaky surviving longneckers and so on...

You are missing the point here. For one, show me any record of a short necked giraffe. For two, that would be micro evolution. No genetic material was gained, only discarded. For three, he is still a giraffe, if the world was flooded he could not gain gills and fins and become a fish. As I said, micro evolution exists, macro does not.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
put enough of them in water over a long period of time (millions of years)and one will adapt. overcome, evolve and grow gills and fins you betcha...

even if i showed you the proof of all the bones that have ever been recovered something tells me it would do no good....


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
furbal i think what he mean was that current chistianity CAME from catholisism, even faith has evolved and subdivided into different religions that are totally different. before there was modern christianity the bible was controlled by the roman catholic church if im not mistaken, and ONLY written in latin and only readable by the high priests that translated it, it wasnt untill mass production of books and litteracy came allong that others were able to read what these few priests had held on to. from there came wide variety of religions we have arround the globe. sure not ALL religions came from that one bible but the ones were talking about did.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
joel w. said:
did adam just apear from thin air? whens his birthday? was he full grown at birth?? did he have a belly button? if so, who was it attached to? god? did god have a belly button? pik 2

1. No, he was created from the dust of the earth by God. 2. If Biblical history is taken literally (as in days are actual days) roughly 10000 years ago.(I will check up on this as I want to be more sure) 3. Yes 4. Probably not, considering he didn't have a mother, Eve probably lacked a belly button too, but God could give him (and her) one if he wanted to.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
joel w. said:
put enough of them in water over a long period of time (millions of years)and one will adapt. overcome, evolve and grow gills and fins you betcha...

even if i showed you the proof of all the bones that have ever been recovered something tells me it would do no good....

The problem with the "put giraffes in water for millions of years" theory is that they'd all drown. There is no survival of the fittest theory, cause no matter how fit they are, they would all die.
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