dumb things you've heard lately

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Supramania Contributor
I'm sure those on the planes agree with you.

Especially the ones that brought down the airplane flight into a field in PA v/s some other innocent people in a building somewhere. (After they learned of the other terrorist acts.)

We have been very lucky to intercept many attempts at further terrorism here in the USA. The reality is, when we are no longer so lucky, your words are going to stick in your thoat like bile my friend.

I suppose my "overestimated" concern is based on a decade of living with Islam outside my window every day. I don't hate Islam. I am mindfull of the teachings, especially the radical ideals that we are the "great satan" and should be fought at all costs. (Jihad.)

Congrats slowmongoose, you just earned a spot on this list of stupid things I've heard lately. :)


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
stupid thing i heard lately?

background: this kid that lives at the end of the hall is an idiot. he wanted to buy a MR2 turbo. he found a highly modded one(350hp, top mount air to water IC) for 5500. i told him not to buy it cuz its modded and he doesnt know what has been done to it, not to mention the fact that he's an idiot and knows nothing about cars to begin with. so he goes and buys it.

one day he comes to me and says the MR2 is smoking oil smoke.

me: "have you done a compression check?"

him: "no"

me: "have you checked your shaft play? do you know what the spec for shaft play is?"

him: "yeah i checked it, i think it was ok. the stock spec is 1/4in but the spec for the 16g is 1/8in."

me: "..............."

no joke, i swear he said this. that car is doomed.


New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
Adjuster said:
I'm sure those on the planes agree with you.

Especially the ones that brought down the airplane flight into a field in PA v/s some other innocent people in a building somewhere. (After they learned of the other terrorist acts.)

Again, allowing citizens guns on planes is sheer lunacy....
I dont understand how someone can endorse un/poorly trained civilians <which the vast majority of gun owners are> to carry a weapon on a pressurized, unarmored vehicle miles above the ground.

Adjuster said:
We have been very lucky to intercept many attempts at further terrorism here in the USA. The reality is, when we are no longer so lucky, your words are going to stick in your thoat like bile my friend.

I suppose my "overestimated" concern is based on a decade of living with Islam outside my window every day. I don't hate Islam. I am mindfull of the teachings, especially the radical ideals that we are the "great satan" and should be fought at all costs. (Jihad.)

Congrats slowmongoose, you just earned a spot on this list of stupid things I've heard lately. :)

shit like this is why I hate SF most of the time.... and it is spreading.
Midful of the teachings?
Like christianity has never executed wars in the name of god.

As for us getting lucky... you cant honestly think that allowing citizens more access to firearms would help in any significant way in the vast majority of terrorist situations?
A few more gun toting americans will not help in the 'war on terror.'

And dont even get me started on how so many people want the right to carry military weaponry.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
Me: Nice Chevelle man.

Him: Thanks.

Me: What have you done with the engine?

Him: Nothing. Besides, I am already putting out 350hp.

Me: Really, with nothing but a stock setup?

Him: Yeah.

Me: How do you know.

Him: Because I have a small block 350 in there.

Me: Oh...turns away to laugh.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Supra Blues said:
Me: Nice Chevelle man.

Him: Thanks.

Me: What have you done with the engine?

Him: Nothing. Besides, I am already putting out 350hp.

Me: Really, with nothing but a stock setup?

Him: Yeah.

Me: How do you know.

Him: Because I have a small block 350 in there.

Me: Oh...turns away to laugh.

I dont know how many people i encounter that say the exact same thing


Supramania Contributor
The engine comment is dang funny.
I've got a 454, 454hp... Or whatever size it is, they figure it's making about 1 hp per CI. This might be true at the crank, with nothing bolted to the motor. (You know, like a water pump, alternator and things like that.)

Most muscle cars that I've seen dyno'ed have great tourqe. Easy to exceed the CI rating of the engine, but the peak HP is generally much lower than the CI rating of the engine. (Unless there is a form of forced induction on the engine.)

The newer motors are getting better, the LS3-7 V8's from GM are all making serious power, are compact and easy to find. The Ford OHC V8's are not generally as powerful, but even they have made some improvements lately with the DOHC engines, and better combustion chamber designs.

If you want to compare hand built engines, the GM ones are pretty good, AMG does a great job, Ford has a line that drops them in the top cars, but Ferrari really still employes the masters of hand build engines. Each motor is finely tuned and assembled like a swiss handmade watch. (And just as expensive, and tempermental when broken.) Everyone pretty much agree's the best high volume built motor right now is the VQ that Nissan puts in everything from the G35 to the Altima. (And you can punch that thing out to 4.4L, so it would make a very fun turbocharged engine indeed.)


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
SnowMongoose said:
Midful of the teachings?
Like christianity has never executed wars in the name of god.

The Bible does NOT tell us to go out and kill people in the name of Christ. It also doesn't say many things that the Catholic church of the time made up. Christianity is not a violant religion. Radical Islam on the other hand is. What happened during the crusades was horrible, but was not directed by God, it was directed by man. Many of those men, including quite a few popes, were not Christians. They never practiced Christianity, they never preached it, they just called themselves Christians. It was a very dark time for the Christian church. It wasn't until Martin Luther showed up that things got turned around in the right direction.

Oh, my dumb thing I've heard lately is, "Microsoft did not meet the quota they told us, so your XBOX 360 you preordered months ago and payed off already will not be availible at launch. Where you stand on the list right now, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it by Christmas."


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Furball said:
The Bible does NOT tell us to go out and kill people in the name of Christ. It also doesn't say many things that the Catholic church of the time made up. Christianity is not a violant religion. Radical Islam on the other hand is. What happened during the crusades was horrible, but was not directed by God, it was directed by man. Many of those men, including quite a few popes, were not Christians. They never practiced Christianity, they never preached it, they just called themselves Christians. It was a very dark time for the Christian church. It wasn't until Martin Luther showed up that things got turned around in the right direction.

WOW, that shows me how much you know about islam,
Man got to hand it to you, you and a hell of a lot of other americans think the same fuckin way.
history lesson,
and read up well,
Islam like christianity is not a kill all religion,
you know how many crusades the christians started?
13, thats not including the small ones, how did they justify 13+ wars, over 100s of years? well the idol they call god, thats in the bible, in the bible it says no where in it that killing each other is ok, but what the men who faught in the crusades were taught was, if you die trying to "take back the holy land" then you go to heaven, hmm sounds like brain washing.
guess what they are doing the same thing right now, using religion as a tool for war. the islamic religion or radical islam as you know it, is not a kill the westerners cause it says so, but you aparently like other americans think it is, your country has brainwashed you into thinking so, and guess what so has theirs.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
D34DC311 said:
WOW, that shows me how much you know about islam,
Man got to hand it to you, you and a hell of a lot of other americans think the same fuckin way.
history lesson,
and read up well,
Islam like christianity is not a kill all religion,
you know how many crusades the christians started?
13, thats not including the small ones, how did they justify 13+ wars, over 100s of years? well the idol they call god, thats in the bible, in the bible it says no where in it that killing each other is ok, but what the men who faught in the crusades were taught was, if you die trying to "take back the holy land" then you go to heaven, hmm sounds like brain washing.
guess what they are doing the same thing right now, using religion as a tool for war. the islamic religion or radical islam as you know it, is not a kill the westerners cause it says so, but you aparently like other americans think it is, your country has brainwashed you into thinking so, and guess what so has theirs.

usually i stay out of religious debates, as i consider myself to have no religion. but Deadcell brings up an incredibly valid point, and i agree.



Supramania Contributor
Oh, how the education levels differ from topic to topic.

Islam is a convert or die religion many times throughout history. Right now is one of them. Look at Africa, or parts of the South East Orient. You either are part of Islam, or your being removed from the planet.

Dont' fret however, the Catholics have done the same a few times too. Either agree with us, or die. (Generally by burning, but many a priest has participated in death by tourture of unwilling church members. Well non-members if you get my drift.)

So where does that leave us?

Currently radical Islam is killing off unbelivers by the thousands in North Africa, and to some extent in SE Asia too.
The "west" or to a great extent, Christians, are engaged in a "war on terrorism" that is bringing around the current "western" theory of self rule, and democracy to these formerly Islam, or Islamic controlled lands. (Iraq and Afganistan.) You can call it a crusade if you want, but religion has been replaced by ideology in both cases. It's less about God, and more about power and politics. (Or is it really? I think the Mullah's and Priests are still in search of power, and that God/Allah really must be disgusted with all his children while we fight and piss and moan about who's being picked on the most this week. Just like little children fighting over a toy.)

The cold hard fact is, the children of Islam poked us in the eye on 911, and we are kicking their asses for it. (Don't pick on your big brother, or you get beat up.) Simple really.

Are we right to do what's going on around the world? Sure. There is no question that the children of Islam can not, at whatever time they want, poke us in the eye with terrorism. When a child is disobedient, I belive a swift and sure punishment needs to be metered out, or that child get's even bolder next time around. (As we have seen, they started with smaller bombings, and acts of terror, and ended it up with 911 and a few thousand dead on our side of the back seat so to speak. If we had responded more forcefully sooner, perhaps it would not have happened, but hindsight is always 20/20 as you know.)

Can we teach each other to get along? I doubt it. Can we at least be tolerant of each other? I hope so. (Otherwise, there are going to be alot more dead children of Islam world wide before this is all done.)

Think about that.

csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
shaeff said:
usually i stay out of religious debates, as i consider myself to have no religion. but Deadcell brings up an incredibly valid point, and i agree.


Oh so that's what his name means. I always looked at it quickly and thought it was a chassis code for a Honda. Like DC5 or Eg6


I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
I respect the peaceful aspects of many religions, and I encourage exploration of all philosophical possibilities. However I believe that blind faith is incredibly dangerous. And all "religious" faith is just that....blind. There is absolutely no definite, physical proof of any of the major religions. The only "proof" any religion can offer is the holy writings (bible, torrah, quoran) of that religion. So if you offer the bible to me that Christianity is right, well then I ask you to prove that the bible is actually written by god-which you can't do. A person can talk about "feeling" the holy spirit or just having a "spiritual experience" but the fact is- Drugs, sex, sleep deprevation, etc, can produce the exact same experiences. However, one's "feelings" do not constitute proof of anything. Once you have a person's "faith" you can convince them to believe or do ANYTHING. Such as the case with the cruisades, Islamic jihad, even suicide cults. So, my advice, guard your brain and be weary of those offering to save your soul.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
csr ma71 said:
Oh so that's what his name means. I always looked at it quickly and thought it was a chassis code for a Honda. Like DC5 or Eg6
Haha! Talk about threadjack!

A sobering thought on the current (already threadjacked) subject - if you hate radical Islam, and decide to stomp it out using your rather large and powerful war machine, are you not involved in a crusade?

The only difference I see is the weapons technology and a few hundred years.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
csr ma71 said:
Oh so that's what his name means. I always looked at it quickly and thought it was a chassis code for a Honda. Like DC5 or Eg6

LOL, man i knew i should have just spelt it out,:biglaugh:

YourHondaSux said:
I respect the peaceful aspects of many religions, and I encourage exploration of all philosophical possibilities. However I believe that blind faith is incredibly dangerous. And all "religious" faith is just that....blind. There is absolutely no definite, physical proof of any of the major religions. The only "proof" any religion can offer is the holy writings (bible, torrah, quoran) of that religion. So if you offer the bible to me that Christianity is right, well then I ask you to prove that the bible is actually written by god-which you can't do. A person can talk about "feeling" the holy spirit or just having a "spiritual experience" but the fact is- Drugs, sex, sleep deprevation, etc, can produce the exact same experiences. However, one's "feelings" do not constitute proof of anything. Once you have a person's "faith" you can convince them to believe or do ANYTHING. Such as the case with the cruisades, Islamic jihad, even suicide cults. So, my advice, guard your brain and be weary of those offering to save your soul.

correct, hence religion was man made, not heaven sent like they claim.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
D34DC311 said:
LOL, man i knew i should have just spelt it out,:biglaugh:

correct, hence religion was man made, not heaven sent like they claim.

simply put, were not smart enough to understand that yet, we cant physcially comprehend how large our universe is, litteraly we cant, much less determine its source, we can come close but the human race as a whole just cant comprehend it. thats why the arguments come up so fast, people that gave up trying to understand it and just accepted creationism vs those who havent given up trying to figure it out.
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