dumb things you've heard lately

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New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
Well, apart from the thing about all of those scientists being more than a little biased towards supporting the bible/religion...
<the following is based on what i read on the site Furball linked to>

Hugh Ross is has degrees in astronomy and Physics.
Neither of those makes him at all qualified to talk about evolution.

Then he became a minister, and now he is a christian TV show host.
again, nothing in his scientific background makes him at all qualified to talk about evolution, except that as a fairly hardcore christian, he is inclined to support creationism.

as for the creationism vs evolution, the article I looked at from 'Fuz' seemed to be based primarily on the fact that our scientists do not really understand early evolution.
Obviously this means that we were created by a higher power.

Anyway, such an intense emphasis on faith fully undermines pure scientific research, to the point that anything discovered that was contrary to their designs <pardon the pun> would be discarded or covered up.

That is not to say that christians cannot be fair scientists, just that the importance of religion to these people is emphasized to the point where all their findings are suspect.

Anyway, it comes down to faith vs science, and by and by large people are more willing to side with research rather than dieties.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Furball said:
Um...the Bible is NOT just a book of moral teachings. Why do you think there are geneolgies in the old testament? Why did God give directions on what to eat and not to eat...ect? There are recordings of battles, there are recordings of the forefathers, there are recordings of the prophets and judges. Did you know you can trace Jesus' lineage through King David and then all the way back to the first man, Adam, using only the Bible? That is a very long time to cover without the Bible being a history book. It was not written by hundreds of other religions. The old Testament was written by the Jews, and the New Testament was written mostly by Jews and some Gentiles who became the first Christians.

The bible is not to be used as historical reference, the bible has been rewritin in many languages, passed down over 1000+ years, and was orginally used by word of mouth before it was writen into paper.
god giving directions? umm no thats human/animal nature, animals know what to eat and not what to eat, instenct(sp?). ok anyone can record battles into a book, and prophets and judges, its so easy to beleive jesus raised the dead yet you cannot accept another religion that says Zeus healed or killed. Y? he is about as big of a myth as jesus. Adam and eve ahh yes the first. ever heard about insest? killed that theory quick. even if they did find others, the blood line would be so thin we would have died well before the ages they proclain in the bible, its physicly impossible.
and i didnt say it was writen by other religions but the stories in the bible are similar to other religions.

Furball said:
Evolution does exist, but only in micro evolution. Micro evolution is how creatures adapt to the evironment. Here is the BIG thing though, when creatures micro evolve they LOSE genetic strands. They lose traights to emphasise ones they already have. Macro evolution, which would be the theory many people use to account for the existance of earth, the solar system, life and everything does NOT happen. Nothing macro evolves, nothing gains DNA or genetic coding. National Geographic is always publishing stories on evolution, stating things as fact. Have you ever seen those "skulls" they use as proof? They have half a jawbone and three teeth, and then they model what they think the rest of the head looks like. It's funny when they find out the jawbone was from a pig. Pretty much every neanderthall man type gimic has been disprooved. I don't say all, just because they are always "finding" new ones.

Just something to chew on.

what about repiles? crocodile being a lost code from dinosours(sp?)
the things they dig up is way much more proof than the bible puts out. all it is is a book rewriten over hundreds of years, what they dig up is actual stuff, not a book.

srry for the spelling


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Actually, dietary restrictions in religion made a LOT of sense back in the day. Organized religion was the only method of passing knowledge over large areas - wider than any organized government at the time, and usually with better resources.

If you look into the restricted foodstuffs from just about any religion, then move back in history to where this was being enforced, you'll find in every case that I am aware of that the animals in question were terribly disease ridden and usually made the people who ate them very sick - or even caused them to die outright.

The last thing you want is all your worshippers to prematurely shuffle off this mortal coil.

Whether these restrictions came from God himself, or the priests of the day were a little smarter than your average bear is really a moot point, it was a good idea whatever the source.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
Wow...alot has happened since I was gone.

First, I will address this...
YourHondaSux said:
Your church has done a really good job.
Do not discredit me becuase I go to church. My church has not brainwashed me into believeing what I do. I have studied many religions including atheism (yes, it is a religion) and have come to the conclusion that Christianity, simply put, is the way to go. My church did not decided it for me.

Second, what are you talking about Grim???
The Bible is by it's definition, unverifiable. If anything in it can be proven, the entire thing falls apart.

Sound crazy?

Think on this - if anything were provable truth, then you wouldn't need faith. Faith is one of the basic requirements that Christianity is built on - without that, you don't have much. If, on the other hand, anything were provable false in the Bible, it would create a different reaction with the same long term effect.
that is quite a shot in the dark...Having faith in God does not mean you cannot prove events in the Bible to be true. Many cities, battles, and people movements that are recorded in the Bible have been proven places that existed, or events that actually happened when the Bible says they did. That does not mean my religion falls apart. One last thing, Faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ is the basis of Christianity, not faith in the Bible. I don't pray to the Bible every night

More good stuff...:icon_conf
The bible is not to be used as historical reference, the bible has been rewritin in many languages, passed down over 1000+ years, and was orginally used by word of mouth before it was writen into paper.
god giving directions? umm no thats human/animal nature, animals know what to eat and not what to eat, instenct(sp?). ok anyone can record battles into a book, and prophets and judges, its so easy to beleive jesus raised the dead yet you cannot accept another religion that says Zeus healed or killed. Y? he is about as big of a myth as jesus. Adam and eve ahh yes the first. ever heard about insest? killed that theory quick. even if they did find others, the blood line would be so thin we would have died well before the ages they proclain in the bible, its physicly impossible.
and i didnt say it was writen by other religions but the stories in the bible are similar to other religions.

The Bible stayed in pretty much three languages untill just recently in history. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Greek, and the New Testament was written in Aramaic and Greek.

In regards to the food thing I was talking about the unclean foods of the Bible. The creatures God forbade the Jews to eat are all creatures that are prone to carry organisms that make people very sick. Pigs, for example, are one of them. They can carry worms, and many other nasty critters that are harmful to humans. When the ban on foods is lifted in the New Testament it was at a time when people could properly prepare food so as to kill these organisms

I love your comment on incest...makes sense by moddern thinking right? Lets go back to the begining. When God created everything, everything was perfect. It was not until after the fall of man that degradation and disease even entered the world. Defects caused by marrying within the same family is only caused by strenghthening genetic flaws so much that they take over. If you start with a perfect genetic strand and mix it with another perfect genetic strand, you get a pretty darned good genetic strand. Basically it would take a long time for the genetic strand to decay enough to cause any problems, which in turn would leave enough time to populate the earth sufficiantly and also have quite different genetic strands, allowing for healthy children.

Ok, my turn....since you like to use things that come out of the earth so much to prove things let me say this. Who likes carbon dating? I'm betting a bunch of you do. Read this, and let me know what you think.
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Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
Just wanted to add this. Here are some fun facts about your evolutionary proof.

1. Java Man was the skull of a gibbon

2. Nebraska Man was made from a pigs tooth

3. Pitdown Man was built form an orangutang skeleton

4. There wasn't ever much of Ramapithics, he was made from a fragment of jaw and a few teeth. Additional skeletons found show us that he isn't our relative. Oh look, another monkey

5. Australapithicus known as "Lucy" the fossil is very vague, and has very few pieces. The knee bone they're so proud of was found 200 feet deeper and a mile away

6. Neanderthal Man was just a man that was deficiant in Vittamin D, rickets anyone?


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Eek! That was a *long* article.

Carbon dating isn't perfect, and I don't think many (if any, for that matter) scientists are claiming it is. It's just a tool, like many others. Scientists, by their nature and training, create such tools to try to gain a better understanding of their surroundings. They also constantly test their tools, discarding ones that are eventually proven to be fallible.

As for the Bible being provable, I think you took me a little too literally. Think about it, and maybe tomorrow if I don't still feel like I've been kicked by a mule, I'll expound some more. :)

Also - please don't assume my personal opinions are either creationist or evolutionary, folks. I just like a good debate, and I have some good points both ways. I also like to make people think about their position.

My personal beliefs are far more complicated, and would take too much time to try to put down here. Plus you'd all think I am slightly odd. ;)


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
This is another fun one on probabilities.

As for the Bible being provable, I think you took me a little too literally. Think about it, and maybe tomorrow if I don't still feel like I've been kicked by a mule, I'll expound some more.

I'll will be glad to hear your expounding :icon_razz , because at the moment I am confused about what you are trying to say.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
The other night at work I didn't HEAR something dumb, but saw something instead.

The dayshift supervisor doesn't like when people sit on the workspace counters. Well, two guys were sitting next to each other on the counter. A few people were sitting in chairs, and one chair was open. Well, the dayshift supervisor says to the guys that they aren't supposed to sit on the counter. They say "There aren't enough chairs". He points to one open chair and says "Well, there's one right THERE".
At that point, one of our brightest, who was sitting in a chair already, mind you, jumps up from his chair and bolts for the empty chair. At the same time, one guy on the counter does the same and gets in the chair before the other guy.. and the OTHER guy on the counter gets off the counter and takes the now empty chair.

It's one of those simple, stupid things that can really make your day.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Furball said:
In regards to the food thing I was talking about the unclean foods of the Bible. The creatures God forbade the Jews to eat are all creatures that are prone to carry organisms that make people very sick. Pigs, for example, are one of them. They can carry worms, and many other nasty critters that are harmful to humans. When the ban on foods is lifted in the New Testament it was at a time when people could properly prepare food so as to kill these organisms

What about rabit? it carries desieses in the summer, they dont eat pork, thats it. thats all the bible tells them not to eat, why because pigs are considered unclean, because they roll around in the mud and their bellys drag the ground much like a snakes.

Furball said:
I love your comment on incest...makes sense by moddern thinking right? Lets go back to the begining. When God created everything, everything was perfect. It was not until after the fall of man that degradation and disease even entered the world. Defects caused by marrying within the same family is only caused by strenghthening genetic flaws so much that they take over. If you start with a perfect genetic strand and mix it with another perfect genetic strand, you get a pretty darned good genetic strand. Basically it would take a long time for the genetic strand to decay enough to cause any problems, which in turn would leave enough time to populate the earth sufficiantly and also have quite different genetic strands, allowing for healthy children.

When was the fall of man may i ask, if i do recall we were burdened with sin when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, this is before they had children,
so the fall of man happened when we where kicked out of the garden of eden, correct?
and as for the genetic strand thing, what about animals, take cows for example incest happens, they use one bull over and over, inscest will happen, %99 of the time the offspring are flawed. they have perfect strands what happened?

Furball said:
Ok, my turn....since you like to use things that come out of the earth so much to prove things let me say this. Who likes carbon dating? I'm betting a bunch of you do. Read this, and let me know what you think.

carbon 14 datting sucks, ive read so much and heard about so many flaws it has ive stopped bringing it up.

as for things that come out of the earth, what about books that the chruch holds that where not printed in the bible?
and what about times before the romans, cave drawings and such.
what about the native americans here they had no clue about what a bible was but they had their gods, and there histroy but its just hocus pocus right? because it wasnt written down. or they didnt have some guy that said he was the son of a god come and walk on water or turn water into wine.
why is christianity so easy for people to accept when other religions are not?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Quote.."Who likes carbon dating?"
i will jump in on this again, carbon dating only..

from what ive read its fairly reliable at dating objects that we know them to be made at a certain date.. many people think its not accurate because they dont get the results they want or they were expecting.. that being said, its just a tool that should always be used in conjunction with other evidence...

now read mine... http://home.tiac.net/~cri/1999/c14hist.html
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Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Furbal, Im with ya.

Carbon dating is a joke. Most of the time when they do it, they are finding how old the rock is, not when the event took place. So if you have MR Scientist who says the people live 1 million years ago... GREAT ASS HAT, you just found out how old the mud is that they built their houses out of. TRY AGAIN.

Now, for the Bible and Jesus Christ.

Islam is a VERY VERY secretive and brutal religion. If you ask all of the Islamic leaders in the Holy Land about being a Martyr, they praise it. Nice. Lets all go blow our selves up.
If you leave the religion, your time card is up. Nice. Leave and die.
If you are in the religion, and you are wanting a non-beliver to become muslim, the non-beliver is not allowed in your Mosque. Nice. I wanna learn but can't go to class.

As for knowing that Christianity is the religion for life? Its the perfect manual for living. IF YOU COULD live 100% to a "T" the way the good BOOK wants you to, then the world would be perfect. Its your owners manual for life.

Wana pick that apart too?

Well guess what? Your car has an owners manual too. It describes how the car should run perfectly forever. Wham flat tire. Basically, your car won't run perfectly with the perfect manual, and nor will you the human being run perfect with the perfect instruction manual.

As for teaching "animals" and humans to just instinctively know what to do... what BS.

Animals kept in zoos then let go....


They dont' know how to hunt or find water or where to sleep because the parents never tought them.

A human is no different.

This is what the Bible refers to as "Born into a World OF SIN". You don't have to teach a child how to hate, hurt, steal, lie, or be mean etc etc etc. You DO HAVE to teach them how to love, heal, share and be honest and compasionate.

Furbal, unfortunately these are the times The book of Revalations has warned us about. Our beliefs and thoughts and way of life will be picked apart by those of the world and we will be persecuted for it. Right will be wrong, and wrong will be right with every thing inbetween explained away to apease the public. Hang in there, and just keep trying to plant the seed of truth amongst the non-believers. That is all you can do. Let God do the rest my friend.

And the stupidest thing I heard lately...

"Hillary Clinton will do so much better than Bush when she gets elected."

And the thought to think about...

If Con is the opposite of PRO

Then Congress is the opposite of PROGRESS.


I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
MDCmotorsports said:
Furbal, unfortunately these are the times The book of Revalations has warned us about. Our beliefs and thoughts and way of life will be picked apart by those of the world and we will be persecuted for it. Right will be wrong, and wrong will be right with every thing inbetween explained away to apease the public. Hang in there, and just keep trying to plant the seed of truth amongst the non-believers. That is all you can do. Let God do the rest my friend.

Don't you love how Christians have taught themselves that anyone who remotely disagrees with any aspect of their teachings, is "persecuting" them.
You jump into a discussion about religion where everyone is explaining their own beliefs and you're being PERSECUTED!?

Nice. :nono:


New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
I seriously doubt that every last islamic leader type in the holy land condones suicide bombings or other forms of agressive martyrdom.
I would go as far as to say with good certainty that that is not true.

As for the bible being the perfect guidebook, I can almost agree with that in general, but the all that leviticus trash is just that.... trash.
If that Jesus dude was as awesome and righteous as we are told, he would have no problem wigh gays.

anyway, Im getting queasy just thinking about the sheer lunacy that is blind faith...
funny, MDC seems proud of it, while the same level of faith focused on a different religion has a very negative stigma.

fuck blindly following any ancient book of rules made up by a group of random dudes, and just live by the golden rule.
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