dumb things you've heard lately

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I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
Snow has a great point. MDC comes in here and completely bashes the hell out of Islam. He generalizes and stereotypes the entire religion....and then he turns around and bitches about how "persecuted" christians are. That was the biggest load of stereotypical, hypocritical bullshit I've seen in a while. I guess he was keeping with the title of the thread. Nice one, MDC! +1


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Hey Honda, thanks.

Pick it apart untill you and yourself feel comfortable with how empty and lonely your true soul really is. Untill then, keep searching for what makes you feel whole. Then when it lets you down, search again.

When you finally think you've figured it all out, and every thing has let you down you're going to go back to this thread and read it one day...

"Holy sh!t those guys were right."

And you know what? I'll be right there helping you along the way if you want the help.

Untill then, glad to hear you have a supra, and keep posting.

And yes, Muslim sucks.



Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Jesus was compasionate but not TOLERANT.


Tolerate me becasue Im this and tolerate me because I stole your car.

F' that.

Jesus wasn't tolerant of the vendors in the Holy Temple, and he sure wasn't tollerant about how to get into heaven:

"The only way is but by and through ME."


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
The Bible tells us to love one another, not one another's religions. I will say more after I sift through all the posts and figgure out what I need to address.


I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
Oh my god, MDC is hot tonight!

I don't even know where to start tearing apart his last post.

That just shows the difference between you self righteous christians and the rest of us open minded folks. I KNOW I don't have all the answers, therefore I am open to all possibilities. If you had actually read all my posts, particularly the one about being agnostic, you would realize that. And I know you might have to break out the dictionary to look up such a big word. You, on the other hand, are convinced that you have all the answers to everything, and that God himself has ordained you king of the world. Gee, it must be nice to be as great as you are. And here I always thought one of the basic tenants of christianity was humility. Again, you might need to keep that dictionary out.

And didn't you guys adopt the creed "what would jesus do"? I guess from your comments, Jesus would act like a stuck up, arrogant, prejudiced prick, huh?

MDCmotorsports said:
And yes, Muslim sucks.

oh thats just beautiful. Did they teach you that in Sunday school?


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500

Nope, Im not God, and Im no king.

And no, I don't need the DICKtionary.

Thanks though.

Open-minded-ness got this country and the world where it is at today... A MAJOR PILE OF DEEP SH!T.

And in fact, Im sorry you evny me so much. Im not that great. Maybe someday you will look up to me.

Also, funny how you non-believers all of a sudden know so much on HOW NOT TO BE when being CHRISTIAN but yet don't want any thing to do with the religion itself. :icon_ques


I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
MDCmotorsports said:
Also, funny how you non-believers all of a sudden know so much on HOW NOT TO BE when being CHRISTIAN but yet don't want any thing to do with the religion itself. :icon_ques


Did that make sense to anyone else?

Anyway, I'm through with this waste of time. You have really sent this discussion into the shitter and I'm tired of this childishness. We all realize that you are convinced that you know everything and have all the answers. Congratulations! If I were one of the other christians on here, I would be appalled by your comments and your attitude. You have yet to post an actual intelligent comment, therefore I am walking away before this just turns into name calling and the mods shut the thread down. I'm sure you will consider this a "victory over the non-believer". And with your lack of intelligence, I'm sure you need all the affirmation you can get. So you go ahead and let your ego inflate even more on the thought of winning an argument on the fucking internet.

In the mean-time, I'm going to go get intoxicated and fornicate with my girlfriend. Night!


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
YourHondaSux said:

Did that make sense to anyone else?

Anyway, I'm through with this waste of time. You have really sent this discussion into the shitter and I'm tired of this childishness. We all realize that you are convinced that you know everything and have all the answers. Congratulations! If I were one of the other christians on here, I would be appalled by your comments and your attitude. You have yet to post an actual intelligent comment, therefore I am walking away before this just turns into name calling and the mods shut the thread down. I'm sure you will consider this a "victory over the non-believer". And with your lack of intelligence, I'm sure you need all the affirmation you can get. So you go ahead and let your ego inflate even more on the thought of winning an argument on the fucking internet.

In the mean-time, I'm going to go get intoxicated and fornicate with my girlfriend. Night!

"We all realize." Great so you admit that you go to "Atheists who post on sm.com off topic" meetings?

Well g'night and maybe one day I'll help you if you have a problem with your car.

Till then happy boosting.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
YourHondaSux said:
That just shows the difference between you self righteous christians and the rest of us open minded folks. I KNOW I don't have all the answers, therefore I am open to all possibilities. If you had actually read all my posts, particularly the one about being agnostic, you would realize that. And I know you might have to break out the dictionary to look up such a big word. You, on the other hand, are convinced that you have all the answers to everything, and that God himself has ordained you king of the world. Gee, it must be nice to be as great as you are. And here I always thought one of the basic tenants of christianity was humility. Again, you might need to keep that dictionary out.

As MDC said there are no kings here. The only true King is God. Why do you get on our case for truly following what we believe. The Bible hasn't given us all the answers, just the direction to live our lives. There is nothing self- righteous about it.

Every other religion requires you to be good to gain entry to heaven, Chrisitianity does not. The reason why is, because no matter how hard a man may try to be good, he will never reach that point. Every man sins, it is mans nature. Christianity only asks for repentance and belief in Christ's sacrifice for us. As men we are told by God to do our best not to sin, but he does not expect perfection from us. We can never reach perfection, we are flawed beings. Now because we do not have to be good to be saved, we can be good because God calls us to be. There is no self-promotion received by being good, therefore there should be no selfish motives behind being good. Us being good is us trying to reflect God. Christians do not claim to have the answers to everything, they just follow the one who does.

I do think that we should do our best to be civil to each other, insults are not needed in this debate.
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Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
YourHondaSux said:

Did that make sense to anyone else?

What he meant was there are quite a few people on here who will tell us how to live as Christians, but don't follow the religion or even study it enough to make those judgements. You accuse us of having no knowledge of Islam, but you are willing to blurt out things about Christianity as if you are an expert.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I think we all need take a look at how we are presenting ourselves on this forum. First, I will say that I'm not with any religion, so I'm not siding with anyone.

Honda, it's not just what you are typing that makes you look like an immature a-hole; you could transmit a blank post and it would get your point across the same as any of your past couple of posts - You don't like Bible-Thumpers and you think they are stupid/followers/misled/etc. WE GET IT. Look, man.. a 15 year old high-school goth kid who just found out how "fun" [IE: pathetic] it is to make fun of Christians for being "sheep" e-mailed me - apparently they want their forum User Title and Signature back. Grow up.

MDC, we all know that you love God and Jesus Christ. That's fine, but you have to realize that not everyone believes what you do, and nobody can be forced to love or understand the teachings of Christ. If you claim to love Christ and then bash the living hell out of another religion, it does not really help your image or cause. In fact, as a representative of Christians, it could give the image to the impressionable that ALL Christians are rude, insulting and prejudiced towards anything different than your way.

Many of these interesting "World view on humans" posts that we have had in the past few months have all been really fun sociological experiments, and have been very enjoyable - until the posts degenerated into garbage. Look back at some of your posts and look at how you present yourself to others. It may not help you here, online, but it might help you out in the real world.
People are different.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Drun medic:

Good point, and by all means I didn't realize I was trying to be seen as forcing it down some ones throat. Just trying to back up what I believe in .

That and by all means, am I FAR FROM a role model on how to follow Christ.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
drunk_medic, EXCELLENT post. I was done with this thread - just keeping an eye on it to make sure it didn't degenerate entirely into a flame fest and require locking - and that post broght the average percieved IQ back up to the point that I'm willing to post again.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
we should all be thankfull we have the freedom to even discuss topics like this, in some contries, talk like this would be a an automatic death sentance.. thats what im thankfull for today...


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
Thank you Drunk Medic, I felt this disussion going down hill too. I think there are interesting oppinions(sp?) here that by all means should be discussed. I could definately do without a flame fest interfering.


this discussion is done fella's, grim may not have felt the need to lock it, but i see this going downhill from here, both sides have been presented and defended valiantly,

time to let this hijacked thread retire to locked-ville
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