Curious--How many Maft Pros in MkIII


New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
My surge problem was not boost related. It would surge with the cruise set on a flat road. The AFR would run high-low-high-low in 1 sec intervals. I'm sure it's "just a setting", but I spent 10 minutes looking at 4.63 and had to reflash to 4.4 for the time being. Now that the engine is broken in, I'm ready to get 4.6+ running.

My new turbo dieing was related to a bad drain line. It's been replaced, and I'm awaiting a rebuild/upgrade (BB FTW) The MAFT-PRO boost control is pretty easy to use. It's almost the same as the AVC-r. The 'problem' (for me) was that the start duty default was too low, like 20% and my actuator was too loose. I tightened the actuator to 13psi without the MAFTPRO. When the start duty was 20% (low), nothing seemed to work as described. I brought that up to 60-80% and everything started to work as the book described.

Based on what I know about the AVC-r and the MAFTPRO, I'll toss the following intot he mix and see what turns up:

What the MAFTPRO manual should say about boost control is set your actuator to the minimum boost you want to run WITHOUT MAFTPRO correction. Then set your target PSI to what you want (19psi), set Start PSI to 3 psi less than that (16psi), set start duty to 50%, set your TPS and RPM to slightly above normal cruise, set your gain to "10".

****This means you will build boost quick on the bottom (until Start PSI is met), but the actuator will start opening too soon, and too quickly. <- safe

Do a third gear pull and log your boost. The line for solenoid will spike when the turbo is trying to build boost (100% solenoid duty). AFTER THAT - If the line goes up raise your start duty. If the line down, lower your duty. Try to get a line that starts out fairly level. If you boost goes to target and then drops raise start duty. If you boost spikes, lower start duty.

****Adjusting start duty adjusts the amount of air getting to the solenoid/actuator *initially*. The gain controls how quick the solenoid can self adjust thereafter. For now, you want to adjust this percentage to get a level line after the spike.

Once the solenoid line is fairly level after the spike, raise the Start PSI until you get a little boost spike. Lower it a bit to remove the boost spike.

****Similar to the above. On a large, laggy turbo you can build boost fast, then slam the actuator with alot of air at the last minute to avoid a boost spike (High Start PSI, low start duty). Alternatively, you can apply less air initally but apply it earlier to prevent boost spike (low Start PSI, High start duty). It may be desireable to do the latter to take the edge off a really hard hitting turbo.

Lower your gain to ~4 and hopefully you'll enjoy stable boost.

**** Lower the gain to ~4 and make sure your boost stays stable. If the gain is too high, boost can fluctuate. If it's too low, boost may creep up/down.

That's my take on the AVC-r / MAFTPRO boost control. Comments welcome....


New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
dbsupra90 said:

did you ever try 4.60?

Maybe, but only 4.4 has worked so far. I download the versions as I see them, but only specifically remember 4.63 and 4.4.

I do have a general question. For those running 4.63, have you done the required wiring for the timing control or are you running the basic wiring? *I* have not done the timing control wiring yet.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
-Rich87Tx2 said:
Maybe, but only 4.4 has worked so far. I download the versions as I see them, but only specifically remember 4.63 and 4.4.

I do have a general question. For those running 4.63, have you done the required wiring for the timing control or are you running the basic wiring? *I* have not done the timing control wiring yet.

njot yet done the timming control, and i have 4.63 up and running, just not tuned, i need to work on a couple cel's....


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Rich....great info on the boost control, I dont remember my settings, I haven't messed with it in awhile, been under the hood last 5 weeks. I started out with the 3 stooges.....wooop wooop wooop, went tial+ssqv, then got one big woop backing out of throttle, everything will be diff now with 3x size intercooler and pipes up from 2.5 to 3", FFI. I cant wait to play!


Jul 13, 2005
Jacksonville, FL 32277
I have not done the wiring for the timing yet either. I want to get my boost stuff figured out as well. The way it is now it will gradually boost to about 6 pounds and then BAM!!! jump to 11-12 psi and then die off fairly quickly, even if I stay in the throttle. So... NICE post on the boost settings.. I need to record a run or 2 and see what is happening.. I'm sure it has something to do with the DC% or gain.


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
pimptrizkit said:

im thinking about going out and flashing it

you kno, i will.
i'll give an update a little latter and some feed back about what my settings are.

Ever get 4.6x loaded?



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i experimented with the boost control today. the wastegate snaps open and closes a tiny bit after the solenoid is off. (max boost reached)

other than the TPS tip in problem, and not having tuned the car yet, it works very well. no spikes, it jumps right up to 13.5psi and stays there. i'll be upgrading to v4.65 tomorrow. i bought a serial -> USB adapter today.



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
I am playing hell trying to tune this thing.

Got the tunerpro to work but wouldn't log.

Went through tuner pro directions again, this time couldn't get it to do anything.


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
malloynx said:
WOW GUYS,, AWESOME THREAD. here is what i plan on doing. i'm going to open a thread in the FAQ reguarding the MAFTPRO and tuning only.. i would like to get a database for all this stuff. i think we can all learn a bunch from each other.

as well i know, i was the first to run the pro in the MK3 :)... any i hae mess with all the vesrion and i find that my car runs best on 4.20. my pro is sold old it came with version 4.01.. lol..

but yea, on the 4.20 i get a 14.7 idle, car goes to closed loop after warming up, etc.. i did my 543rwhp numbers on the 4.20 version. i did run the 4.65 and i had problems with it, however i had electrical problems at the same time..

let's keep this thread going. . :)
I pm'd the mods a while back to see if they would start up a whole new category for "electronics" like SAFC, MAFT, WB's etc.... I never heard back from them:cry:


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
-Rich87Tx2 said:
My surge problem was not boost related. It would surge with the cruise set on a flat road. The AFR would run high-low-high-low in 1 sec intervals. I'm sure it's "just a setting", but I spent 10 minutes looking at 4.63 and had to reflash to 4.4 for the time being. Now that the engine is broken in, I'm ready to get 4.6+ running.

My new turbo dieing was related to a bad drain line. It's been replaced, and I'm awaiting a rebuild/upgrade (BB FTW) The MAFT-PRO boost control is pretty easy to use. It's almost the same as the AVC-r. The 'problem' (for me) was that the start duty default was too low, like 20% and my actuator was too loose. I tightened the actuator to 13psi without the MAFTPRO. When the start duty was 20% (low), nothing seemed to work as described. I brought that up to 60-80% and everything started to work as the book described.

Based on what I know about the AVC-r and the MAFTPRO, I'll toss the following intot he mix and see what turns up:

What the MAFTPRO manual should say about boost control is set your actuator to the minimum boost you want to run WITHOUT MAFTPRO correction. Then set your target PSI to what you want (19psi), set Start PSI to 3 psi less than that (16psi), set start duty to 50%, set your TPS and RPM to slightly above normal cruise, set your gain to "10".

****This means you will build boost quick on the bottom (until Start PSI is met), but the actuator will start opening too soon, and too quickly. <- safe

Do a third gear pull and log your boost. The line for solenoid will spike when the turbo is trying to build boost (100% solenoid duty). AFTER THAT - If the line goes up raise your start duty. If the line down, lower your duty. Try to get a line that starts out fairly level. If you boost goes to target and then drops raise start duty. If you boost spikes, lower start duty.

****Adjusting start duty adjusts the amount of air getting to the solenoid/actuator *initially*. The gain controls how quick the solenoid can self adjust thereafter. For now, you want to adjust this percentage to get a level line after the spike.

Once the solenoid line is fairly level after the spike, raise the Start PSI until you get a little boost spike. Lower it a bit to remove the boost spike.

****Similar to the above. On a large, laggy turbo you can build boost fast, then slam the actuator with alot of air at the last minute to avoid a boost spike (High Start PSI, low start duty). Alternatively, you can apply less air initally but apply it earlier to prevent boost spike (low Start PSI, High start duty). It may be desireable to do the latter to take the edge off a really hard hitting turbo.

Lower your gain to ~4 and hopefully you'll enjoy stable boost.

**** Lower the gain to ~4 and make sure your boost stays stable. If the gain is too high, boost can fluctuate. If it's too low, boost may creep up/down.

That's my take on the AVC-r / MAFTPRO boost control. Comments welcome....
Wow, that is the best explanation to date on how to use the boost control !! Thanks.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
3rdtimearound said:
Ever get 4.6x loaded?

yeah , got 4.63 loaded, seemed to help with my tip in, but i only got to play and log for about 30 minutes so far, i had to go to work. i should have grabbed the lapp top wh en i went on the supra cruise yester day but just barely managed to grab the camera..


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Well thanks to criso, I was able to get that bad boy to log, worked the tip in and got it pretty close to being able to use on regular basis.

We still go way to rich (I think) at part throttle and light cruise. Needs some explanations on a couple of the settings in 4.65, I'll try to get them from FTS.



Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
3rdtimearound said:
Well thanks to criso, I was able to get that bad boy to log, worked the tip in and got it pretty close to being able to use on regular basis.

We still go way to rich (I think) at part throttle and light cruise. Needs some explanations on a couple of the settings in 4.65, I'll try to get them from FTS.
I'm running into the same problem (among several others).

I tuned my AFPR to 36psi with the diag jumper in place but running pressure is 32psi. When I hit boost I am running way too rich at <10 on my MAFT and AEM WB. Should I jack up my fp? I am running 550's and a MAFT Pro in speed density mode.