Curious--How many Maft Pros in MkIII


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
chriso said:
I'm running into the same problem (among several others).

I tuned my AFPR to 36psi with the diag jumper in place but running pressure is 32psi. When I hit boost I am running way too rich at <10 on my MAFT and AEM WB. Should I jack up my fp? I am running 550's and a MAFT Pro in speed density mode.

I am on 440's still and am at about 32 psi on fpr.

I have heard of guys having to turn the mainscale way down like -15% when running 550's.

Have you experience fuel cut with the pro?
What do you have your f out set to?

Thanks again for the tuner pro link.



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Question about the purple wire that is in the map and iat harness, the one that goes to vf on ecu---do you need to change a setting in the pro to accomodate this connection being made?

Remember someone referencing something of this nature, but nothing in the documentation that came with the pro concerning this vf connection.



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
CPT Furious said:
What are your other settings for boost control on the 4.65? Gain, etc...

if you're talking to me, i'm still on v4.4 for right now. i might try to go upgrade it now... but i'm lazy. haha.



New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
3rdtimearound said:
Question about the purple wire that is in the map and iat harness, the one that goes to vf on ecu---do you need to change a setting in the pro to accomodate this connection being made?

Remember someone referencing something of this nature, but nothing in the documentation that came with the pro concerning this vf connection.


From Dr. J's site in referance our phone conversation. I was thinking of this "FIN = 20". Sorry for the mix up - it's the yellow wire / timing monitor I was thinking of, not the VF/ purple wire.
(That Supra I was talking about blew a HG at the track. :3d_frown: )

I'll be publishing some documents on the MKIII specific install in a few weeks, but until then, here's some tips:

Timing monitor setup:
-set Fin to 20
-connect yellow wire on MAFT pro harness to G2
-clip resistor R7 inside the MAFT pro case (IIRC it's on the back of the board)

Vf logging:
-set Aux1 mode to 0
-connect purple wire to Vf

just a note to those using the timing monitor- after setting it up,
you'll need connect a timing light @ idle and adjust *Tm Base* to match
up the MAFT pro's timing reading and the reading on your timing light.
it may be a good idea to take some readings at higher RPM as well and
use *Tm Correct* to correct any differences seen in the high RPM.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i just uploaded v4.65, had a surge at idle, and it won't rev AT ALL. it just dies (engine stalls) when i press the gas pedal. i'll be re-flashing back to 4.63 to see if that does me any better.



thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
shaeff said:
i just uploaded v4.65, had a surge at idle, and it won't rev AT ALL. it just dies (engine stalls) when i press the gas pedal. i'll be re-flashing back to 4.63 to see if that does me any better.


how rich were you? when i updated to 4.63 it was so rich i couldn't drive untill i pulled alot of fuel 15% or so,


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
CPT Furious said:
Crap! 4.65 is working great for me right now...

Post some of your settings, enrichment on response page etc.

Had it running preety good, but after an hour or so of city driving, the afr's go from 14.5 to
18.x with a constant sweep, stioch---lean, back and forth. As soon as I get on it, all is good again,



New Member
Aug 15, 2005
Near Detroit
-Rich87Tx2 said:
My surge problem was not boost related. It would surge with the cruise set on a flat road. The AFR would run high-low-high-low in 1 sec intervals. I'm sure it's "just a setting", but I spent 10 minutes looking at 4.63 and had to reflash to 4.4 for the time being. Now that the engine is broken in, I'm ready to get 4.6+ running.

My new turbo dieing was related to a bad drain line. It's been replaced, and I'm awaiting a rebuild/upgrade (BB FTW) The MAFT-PRO boost control is pretty easy to use. It's almost the same as the AVC-r. The 'problem' (for me) was that the start duty default was too low, like 20% and my actuator was too loose. I tightened the actuator to 13psi without the MAFTPRO. When the start duty was 20% (low), nothing seemed to work as described. I brought that up to 60-80% and everything started to work as the book described.

Based on what I know about the AVC-r and the MAFTPRO, I'll toss the following intot he mix and see what turns up:

What the MAFTPRO manual should say about boost control is set your actuator to the minimum boost you want to run WITHOUT MAFTPRO correction. Then set your target PSI to what you want (19psi), set Start PSI to 3 psi less than that (16psi), set start duty to 50%, set your TPS and RPM to slightly above normal cruise, set your gain to "10".

****This means you will build boost quick on the bottom (until Start PSI is met), but the actuator will start opening too soon, and too quickly. <- safe

Do a third gear pull and log your boost. The line for solenoid will spike when the turbo is trying to build boost (100% solenoid duty). AFTER THAT - If the line goes up raise your start duty. If the line down, lower your duty. Try to get a line that starts out fairly level. If you boost goes to target and then drops raise start duty. If you boost spikes, lower start duty.

****Adjusting start duty adjusts the amount of air getting to the solenoid/actuator *initially*. The gain controls how quick the solenoid can self adjust thereafter. For now, you want to adjust this percentage to get a level line after the spike.

Once the solenoid line is fairly level after the spike, raise the Start PSI until you get a little boost spike. Lower it a bit to remove the boost spike.

****Similar to the above. On a large, laggy turbo you can build boost fast, then slam the actuator with alot of air at the last minute to avoid a boost spike (High Start PSI, low start duty). Alternatively, you can apply less air initally but apply it earlier to prevent boost spike (low Start PSI, High start duty). It may be desireable to do the latter to take the edge off a really hard hitting turbo.

Lower your gain to ~4 and hopefully you'll enjoy stable boost.

**** Lower the gain to ~4 and make sure your boost stays stable. If the gain is too high, boost can fluctuate. If it's too low, boost may creep up/down.

That's my take on the AVC-r / MAFTPRO boost control. Comments welcome....

I grabbed your boost ocntrol comments, I need to revise the manual soon...




New Member
Aug 15, 2005
Near Detroit
3rdtimearound said:
Post some of your settings, enrichment on response page etc.

Had it running preety good, but after an hour or so of city driving, the afr's go from 14.5 to
18.x with a constant sweep, stioch---lean, back and forth. As soon as I get on it, all is good again,


Is your Part Throttle Tracking on? Can you send me a log?

Any of you guys in the Detroit area, I think we need to generate a good/tight calibration for the 7M.......It takes a couple hours of messing around.....

Any of you guys still have the AFM in the car, or able to put it back for some comparative logging?



Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
turbobob said:
Is your Part Throttle Tracking on? Can you send me a log?

Any of you guys in the Detroit area, I think we need to generate a good/tight calibration for the 7M.......It takes a couple hours of messing around.....

Any of you guys still have the AFM in the car, or able to put it back for some comparative logging?

What is the Part Throttle Tracking???? I am having the same problem.


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
turbobob said:
Is your Part Throttle Tracking on? Can you send me a log?

Any of you guys in the Detroit area, I think we need to generate a good/tight calibration for the 7M.......It takes a couple hours of messing around.....

Any of you guys still have the AFM in the car, or able to put it back for some comparative logging?


No, it should not be on


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
malloynx said:
who else is having good luck with the 4.65??? my car didn't like it
I seem to be alright with it. My dip from idle is a little frustrating and my AFR issue at higher boost needs to be straightened out but other than that I don't really notice anything different from 4.40 or 4.63.


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
malloynx said:
who else is having good luck with the 4.65??? my car didn't like it

I have gotten closer to something that will work with 4.65 than I ever did with 4.40.

Is everyone else getting voltage on aux input 1 when looking at it in the tunerpro. It just shows up sometimes up to about 1.5 volts then goes away. Don't see any real rhyme or reason with it. Also have 4.98 volts on aux input 2 with no real change from what I can see.
Last edited:


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
im running 4.63 and it seems kool but the only issue im having is my vf signal. most times i get a reading of 0.00v and it holds that as long as i drive the car. but if after driving around(car well warmed up and at operating temp) i will turn the car off and go back into it start her up and then the vf reading is like 2.4v wtf!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
malloynx said:
who else is having good luck with the 4.65??? my car didn't like it

i'm on 4.65. after you helped me out, mike, the car runs a crap-load better. it's plenty drivable. still rich, but that will all be solved with a bit of tuning. :)

no more tip-in stumble! Woo!

i'll be posting my settings soon. i haven't had time to work on the car at all today. :(



kool member
Nov 26, 2005
shaeff said:
i'm on 4.65. after you helped me out, mike, the car runs a crap-load better. it's plenty drivable. still rich, but that will all be solved with a bit of tuning. :)

no more tip-in stumble! Woo!

i'll be posting my settings soon. i haven't had time to work on the car at all today. :(

do u have the timing control hooked up?