Curious--How many Maft Pros in MkIII


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Well, I don't know if I can really be considered a part of this club or not... but, I love mine! I haven't had time to play with many of the settings, I'm waiting for the funds to become available to buy a WB. I'm running MAF w/ 4.80 on an N/A.

You can look here for v4.80. Just ignore the instructions in that post as they're only relevant to the GE ECU.

EDIT: Here's the release from FullThrottleTech. I'm not entirely sure the version I'm running is the final release or if it came before or after. You may want to download this one for GTE ECU's.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
malloynx said:
as well i know, i was the first to run the pro in the MK3 :)... any i hae mess with all the vesrion and i find that my car runs best on 4.20. my pro is sold old it came with version 4.01.. lol..

Have you ever used the VPC? Based on this thread and the others about it, I am thinking MAFT-Pro is far superior in every way, especially price.


Boost Addict
I finally got mine installed & working over the weekend - took about 3-4 hours total, plus about an hour or so more, tinkering with some of the settings to get it close to how it ran before (I'm using speed density mode). Used version 4.40, but I flashed it to 4.80 tonight. Like others have mentioned of the versions newer than 4.40, the slight stumble when revving went away when I upgraded to the newer version. Haven't had a chance to really do much adjustment yet, hoping to soon, I've been too rich under boost for too long. I like the boost control so far, it's easier to set than my Profec A, but I haven't quite got it tuned the way I'd like it either, yet (I actually really like the way the Profec A works, I just hate having to try and get it set correctly). Using the Auto Sport Wiring harness adapter ( also I had laying around made the wiring job so much easier - now I just have to figure out how to fit my glove box back in.....


Apr 1, 2005
wow havent seen you around in a while. hope things are well w/ you.

actually, i have had better luck w/ version 4.65. altho it doesnt have all the part throttle features 4.8 has.

i played around w/ the settings, as we too had the hesitation and stumble at jabs of the throttle. you may try tinkering w/ tps and map enrichment, and the decay setting. also, may drop displacement down from 3.0 to 2.8 or 2.9. that seemed to make a good improvement in throttle response.


Boost Addict
dbsupra90 said:
wow havent seen you around in a while. hope things are well w/ you.

actually, i have had better luck w/ version 4.65. altho it doesnt have all the part throttle features 4.8 has.

i played around w/ the settings, as we too had the hesitation and stumble at jabs of the throttle. you may try tinkering w/ tps and map enrichment, and the decay setting. also, may drop displacement down from 3.0 to 2.8 or 2.9. that seemed to make a good improvement in throttle response.

Yeah, been okay, mostly. Between school, having to find a new job, & insane gas prices, no too bad, I suppose ;).

Actually, upgrading to 4.80 eliminated the stumble I was getting. I couln't get rid of it at all w/ 4.40, no matter what I tried, but it seems good now. If I get time tomorrow, I think I'll probably burn of some of my fresh $3.20/gal gas and tweak the boost control a little. Once I get that and the cruising afr the way I like it, I'll start in on pulling some fuel out under boost. Upgrading to a 57 trim helped a little, but I think that TechTom chip I've got must be set up for a big turbo, I'm still getting mid- to high- 9.xx/low - 10.xx afr under boost (at ~16 lbs.)