Can anybody top this?

boost PSSH boost

SM's Welding Guru
Apr 4, 2005
Marshall, WI
Allan, I applaud your generosity man...Thanks for stepping up to help out a member when he is going through hard times. I told Josh in a PM that the entire Supramania family was behind him in his battle, and your gesture definitly supports that.

Supramania is like no other forum. We have a sense of brotherhood here....well, brotherhood without the stolen CD's and clothes :biglaugh: I know I would have no problem welcoming another supra owner to my Supra Shed if their car broke down.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Josh, just think of the party we're going to have when you beat this thing again. My wife and I made this get well card for you. I know it looks like some third graders made it, but it's the thought that counts. Can't wait to hear about you leaving that hospital and going home for good. I love your attitude and strong will. God bless you and I hope your feeling the love we are all sending your

The card has alot more color in it, but my poc camera will not pick it up. Hope it brings a smile to your face

Raptor Racing

Supramania Contributor
Nov 5, 2005

I have known your Dad for time for some time now on; when he posted this it broke my heart. Reading this thread hit me pretty hard today; I've been sitting here in my room paying bills depressed out of my mind that they are just too overwhelming...and here you are in the prime of your life; faced with this condition and the way are taking this news is inspiring. I feel silly now worrying about bills :(.

I want to thank you for sharing this with us as your courage and outlook on life are an inpsiration to us all...your parents must be very proud of you. God Bless my will be in my prayers...and since my brother and brother in law are both Pasotr's I will make sure you are in theirs too.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
your 20 times the man I am josh.

to even think about what your going thought makes me cringe.but to have the additude and outlook you have is incredable
my thoughts and prayers are out to you man
if theres anything i can do for you now or in the future it would be my hounor to help you


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Jay: I really appreciate the card! And I too, am looking forward to the day I can leave this place cured from my disease for good! It will be almost as rewarding as the first time I did (I thought). But this time I feel like I have much more than friends and family behind me. I really have you guys to thank for showing me that something like this is just another test. And I feel I will become a better person after all of this is said and done!

Karaki: My father has spoken of how great person you are, but I never imagined that you would show so much kindness to a person you really have never met. This proves to me you, are truely a generous person, and you will find sucess no matter the trial. I really appreciate the prayers from you and all you know. They are truely very generous gifts, and I can really feel the outcome they are having on my health and outlook!

Silent: Thank you so much, I am really no greater a person than you, I just have had this trial set before me and have no doubt that if the situation were reversed you would be as positive as I have been.

Thanks so much guys,
Josh M.


Aug 4, 2005
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

you have really inspired me to think about the life I live now. I am the same age as you, And at such a young age, you seemed to have found yourself. This takes decades to accomplish. Your optimism puts a smile on my face. To know that someone with the hardships you are going through right now will not make you lose hope. I havent had any serious illnesses so I cant say that I know and understand what you are going through, but I truly believe that you have created this thread to send us a message. Every moment of life is a precious moment, and you should cherish every moment like it is your last. You have opened my eyes to new opportunities.

It is quite funny actually. I watched Holyman today with Eddie Murphy and you really remind me of his character "G". He is very optimistic and always has a smile on his face. You should really watch that movie. Although it was a comedy it was very uplifting. While watching that movie, you will realize that he is kind of like you.

When you get through all of the treatment and when you beat that cancer for the second time, you should take your experience and your optimism, put it together and let the children in those hospitals know that you have to stay strong. Believe me, all the things that have happened will only lead to positive outcomes in your future. With your attitude, you could become the next Mother Theresa. :D

You are definately my role model. Too bad I didnt live closer. When you recover from everything thats going on, there should be a big meet where everyone can centralize. I am in Ontario, Canada, but I would be more than willing to drop by for a meet and give you a big hug :biglaugh: Maybe go for a beer....... illegally. :drink1:

I dont need to hope that everything will get better because it will and that is all that matters.


Kyle :wave:


Pie + NYQuil = FTW
Apr 5, 2005
Edmonds, Wa
I would just like to wish you the best; and hope your hospital stay isn't too fun!

The outlook you bring to your life is amazing; and I hope you don't ever lose that.

Good luck and god bless.


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005

Thank you so much for the very kind words, although it may seem so I have not found myself. Truely, I just do what any other person would and believe in myself. I do not claim to have the wisdom of any superior person. After I have finished this endevour, I will embark upon an equally yet overlooked task, Higher Education. Wisdom is a gift that is blessed upon few, I just believe I have a will to survive. But if you feel that you are any wiser for meeting me and listening to my story, then this thread was not written in vain. And then I believe we are both a little wiser.:icon_bigg

As for the movie you spoke of I have not seen it but I really enjoy Eddie Murphy so I will find out if they have it in the hospital library! Hopefully they will because I am a big fan of comedy movies.

Any one who has been inspired by my life or story, I am truely humbled. Because my look on depressing events is, there is and always will be less fortunate then me. So I count my blessings and Thank God for the gifts he has given me. And If the less fortunate can make it by day to day, who am I to complain? I will just keep my focus on the goals I have before me, and try to help anyone I can!

If we can get a meet together that large, I would be proud to stand beside my fellow SM members and SM family and of course CS family.:icon_bigg

Thanks Kyle, and everyone who is supporting me,
Josh M.


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Disced: Ill try not to make the hospital stay too exhilerating, but after all I do have an electric power bed :naughty: :biglaugh: . I also really appreaciate the very kind words!

IJ: I will never give up!!! Its just the kind of person I am :icon_bigg .
Last edited:


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Hey Josh, glad you liked the third grade art I posted. I'm pretty good at drawing things, but it was hard to come up with something to put on the poster paper that would show up on my cheap camera, and still be able to be read. I looked at that blank paper and sketched things in with a pencil for an hour before I wrote what I did. It probably looks like it took three minutes to do, but it didn't. Anyways, glad you liked it.

One of your biggest strengths helping you right now is your power of positive thinking. I love your outlook of the whole situation. You know how serious everything is, but you choose to look at it with a smile on your face instead of self pity. I remember a man on here a while back wanting to hurt himself. I don't know what his problems were, but I'd bet there not as serious as yours. I will always admire your courage, and hope you know that you are an inspiration to all of us. Some how all my problems seem minute since I've met you. I hope to meet you in person some time soon. God Bless you, and every one in my household prays for you


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Jay, I hold nothing against the level of the art since you and I have both stated, its the matter of heart that is the most impressive!

My mother is actually a nurse on the same floor as I am, and she says that the nurses are impressed with my outlook. So I must be doing something right. I just feel that with all these people praying for me, I would be dissapointing them to "give-up" or "lose hope". Plus I am the kind of person who cannot sit by idoly when something can be done. And when things are out of my control, I like to help others. Ya know, to feel like Im making progress. Anyways, I thank you so much and hope to meet you soon also! I would love to thank you in person for all that you have done for me! So we will make that happen asap. Until then I cannot express my gratitude enough.
Thanks Jay,
Josh M.


Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
i sure as hell hope that im working the day that your car comes into defiant 7m's (alan) shop. i work there too. it would be an honor for me to work on it. anything for a brother. get well bro and dont worry about the sup. ill have it riding on air.


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
b005t3d: Wow, I never realized that you guys were so close! I wish I could have found out under other circumstances. But now I know my car will be in great hands! Now I also know where to find you guys to thank you after this is over!
Thanks so much,
Josh M


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I know Boosted is going to take care of you. I can't wait to meet Boosted and everyone else when you get out of the hospital. I know that would be a good time for everyone to meet up. I just checked on Mapquest, and I live 2 hrs. and 48 minutes away from Nashville. I can make it in 2 hrs..............:biglaugh:

I'm buying the first round of tea for everyone.................;)