Can anybody top this?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Off topic, I know, but Boo5t3d has the best avitar

Josh is going to be riding on air...................::w00t::


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Today is the day that Josh is supposed to get new shocks. Hope his car makes it to the shop.

How are you feeling Josh? We haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Hopefully everything is going as well as can be expected. I hope you had some good luck with a donor for your bone marrow transplant. Please keep us posted, and as always, we will be praying for your speedy


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Ok guys the past couple days have been ROUGH! But I seem to be leveling off and heading for some good days. Everything seems to be going as planned. They did finally give me the surgury on my neck, but I get relief and more brusing to go along with it. Oh well, still not dead so ill keep doing what has to be done. Im lookin forward to driving a sports car and not a supra shaped caddy.:icon_bigg
Josh M.


Supramania Contributor
Feb 11, 2006
It's good to hear from you. Jay and I were talking last night about we hadn't heard anything in awhile. So glad things are going according to plan. Keep your chin up and smile. Even when it's raining the sun is still shining, you just can't see it for the clouds.
God Bless


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Josh: Don't ya love how when they're putting a central line in the Dr say's "You may feel some slight discomfort"...... WTF Doc have you ever had one of these?? discomfort my arse! ;)


Supramania Contributor
I'm actually speachless, and that's saying somthing.

I read all of the posts, and you sound like you have the right attitude to get through this, and I'm speachless over your strength and will to beat this cancer.
I'm sure you will win! And it's got to be tempting to drive the Supra with new struts if yours was a caddillac before :)

My prayers are with you man.


Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
i drove it today and it didnt feel that bad. definatelly need those struts though bro. your dad is an awesome guy. we'll be taking care of you sup way more than you know. well, atleast until you see it anyways. your baby is in good hands. btw. the key is in my possession. no one faulty will even be near it. im very selective as to who even looks at it in the shop.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Boosted FTW!!

Josh, I don't really know what to say that hasn't been said already. I promise I pray for you every day. I won't quit praying for you until you have fully recovered, then I'll say a few prayers that you don't wreck in your smooth riding supra. I hope the doctors are makeing your stay there as painless as possible. Like my wife said, keep your chin up and force a smile so your mom doesn't worry about you tooooo much. Wishing you the very


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Vonda: Thank you so much for all the prayers and consant thoughts. You too have affected my life very deeply, just to know there are people like you all over the world. Makes me feel like the future will turn out just right. :icon_bigg

IJ: Yeah, the surgeon kept telling me "it'll get better, just wait" for the past week! He finally gathered up enough balls to admit that it needed to be changed, but still said it wasnt his fault! But it got changed, so Im still thankful that he did accomodate to my pain.

Adjuster: You are right. Im just doing what has to be done to get me through. And I really appreciate the prayers, because I know that there workin!

Boosted: There is no other place I would rather have my car right now, cause I know its in great hands!

Jay: Ill make you a promise to you, you keep praying and I'll keep fighting.:icon_bigg
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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I really think medico's need to have some of the basics done to them so they have a clue what they're talking about when they use the "mild discomfort" line!

Good to hear they sorted it!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I had to get a cortizone shot in my neck one time, but the doctor was brutally honest. He said " This is going to hurt you more than it does me.......:biglaugh: " My wife had already told me that they have grown men pass out from the pain of this shot in the neck. They must have been boys instead of men, cause it wasn't near as bad as they had me believing it was going to be. The bark was definately worse than the

Josh, You don't have to worry about me praying for you. It's just second nature by now. I pray for you daily, and I KNOW that you are getting stronger everyday. You may have a couple of setbacks, but all in all, you're getting stronger. Keep up the faith and the strong will...................much love and respect...........Jay


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Thanks Jay, and yes I am getting better. But it feels like Im taking two steps forward and one step back. But at least its not vice-versa. Im lightly sedated because of the pain most of the time. But my stomach seems to be taking the most beating, Im on four different medicines! But everthing is looking good, so I have no right to complain.
Thanks Guys,
Josh M.


Hi Josh, I'm new here, my name is Ronnie and I've read your whole post and I have to let you know I'm blown away by how positive you have remained after all you've been through. With your amazing outlook on life I believe that you will come through this just fine. You are more mature than I'll probably ever be and I'm 11 years older than you. If more people had your outlook on life the world would be a much better place for us all. Everyone should be so lucky in life to know just one person like you. You and your family are in my prayers. Stay strong and positve and you'll be better in no time.

I'm believe in the power of laughter, not sure if you'll like these but here's a few jokes. I've been told the first one is just wrong, but the reaction I get when I tell it is priceless.

(1). 2 guys go out hunting for the day. When they get to their spot they both head south of the truck, except one goes SE and the other goes SW. After about an hour the guy who who went SW has to take a crap, so he looks around and sees a downed tree leaning up against a standing tree, it's like the perfect nature made toilet, so he sits down and goes about his busniess, gets to comfortable and falls asleep.
Meanwhile the guy who went SE shoots himself a buck, guts it and takes it back to the truck. After waiting about 20 minutes he wants to leave so he starts honking the horn, 45 minutes later his friend is still not back so he goes and looks for him. He finds him asleep on the log and thinks to himself I'm gonna get the mother fu**** for making me wait.
So he goes back to where he gutted his deer and picks up the gut pile, takes it over and very quietly puts it under his friends ass. He then goes back to the truck and shoots off his rifle a couple times.
About 20 minutes go by and his friend comes up to the truck and he is as white as a ghost.
So he asks him what in the hell happened to you.
His friend replies, "your not going to believe this, I was taking a crap, fell asleep and when I woke up I'd shit my guts out."
So the one who got his deer said "HOLY SHIT we'd better get you to a hospital."
His Friend replied, "no, nothing to worry about, by the grace of god and a greasy stick I got them all back in."

(2). So this rabbit and a bear are shitting in the woods. The bear looks over at the rabbit and asks, "Do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur?" The rabbit says, "why no, I don't". So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit.

Hope you liked them, God bless you and your family.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
suprasforlife, that first one was pretty funny, and wrong all at the same time. The second one has been one of my favorite jokes for a long time. More like a story than a joke though. Laughter will always make you feel better than self-pity. I commend you for TRYING to make us laugh....................:biglaugh:

I posted the bear and rabbit story about two weeks ago on the bad joke thread..........nobody thought it was funny then either...............I on the other hand love


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
what r you takeing about i love the joke

glad to hear your starting to feel better josh your one hell of a man
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Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
hey josh, i know our conversation was short but you sound like your doing great. i couldnt solve the problem we talked about though. so i ll need to talk to you again soon. gimmie a call at the shop tomorrow if your feeling well enough. or, have your dad call us. btw, you know your trim moldings that were hanging on by a thread on the back of your car? dont worry about it, i took care of that little problem for ya. all for a brother. take care bro, call me if you need someone to talk to or just want to bullshit with someone other than family. family is the best but sometimes you need a friends voice too. 852- 4097. ask for brandon. ttyl bro, stay strong.


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Suprasforlife: Thanks for such a great compliment! I will admit the first joke was a bit disturbing but funny none the less.:icon_bigg . And I have heard the second joke many times, but it never gets by me without at least a smile. So thanks for the encouragement and jokes, they really help.:icon_bigg

Boosted: Wow I never knew they were that bad! The recent heat must have over powered what was left of the adheisive! Thank you, otherwise I would have been on the search for new rear trim! If everything goes as good tommorrow as it did today I will definatly be calling you. Sorry for the lock trick problem, its got little knick knacks that I overlook all the time and forget to tell others about. Well I guess I'll be calling you sometime tommorow so Ill talk to you then.
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