Blue CC Temp Display!


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Kai said:
CRE - what do you expect? I'm a Class A geek - i BUILD THINGS! :D

Okay, if you're claiming the title of Class A, I'm A+.... I farm the work out! :evil2:


New Member
Aug 5, 2005
Harrisburg, PA
Ok so what does one need to buy in order to solder in the direct replacement? I'm not technical like you guys but i do want to finish my cc in all blue and obviously i need to buy the display but what else do i need to buy to correct the length issue?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
SupraT1987 said:
Ok so what does one need to buy in order to solder in the direct replacement? I'm not technical like you guys but i do want to finish my cc in all blue and obviously i need to buy the display but what else do i need to buy to correct the length issue?

Depending on how you want to do job you either need to cut out some plastic and you can mount the display deeper, or you can order the SIP I posted a link for earlier. Solder in the sockets and the display simply plugs in.

Here's the link again:
It's a 32 pin socket all in one row with indents so you can break off what you need. You want two lenghts with 8 pins each.

You're probably going to want some desoldering wick aka desoldering braid... make the job of getting the old module out a bit quicker and cleaner. (just hit RadioShack they carry it).

Kai said:
Hehe - yes boss. Do we get paid for this? :D

"Minimum wage? ... Never heard of it. Get back to work, number 45382!"


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Right - looking at the VFD's on offer, there are plenty of non-green ones - how does light grey/white sound? You could use that with a coloured gel at least.

Both Newhaven and Futaba have modules that would be suitable but would need to be adapted to the clock board - although that doesnt strike me as too hard - the clock module seems to have plenty of space inside it. As for the supermonitor, those dot-matrix displays are also available in white, and they're luckily driven by an external controller, so its not a mess of wires - there should even be fewer than in just a bare clock module.

Check out the module list here:


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
CRE - i think this weekend you're going to need to tear a clock to bits :D

Hopefully, the VFD in it will have a manufacturers label on it.

If not, then there are plenty of other 'adaptable' modules, or even, should anyone want to undertake it, conversion from VFD to LED display :)


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Kai said:
CRE - i think this weekend you're going to need to tear a clock to bits :D

How do you think I managed to get you as much of the pin out as I emailed you? Nope, no labels. "7G." was stamped on the backside in what appeared to be nothing more than dense wax... could've been a vinyl based paint/silk screen medium which has broken down though.... but, that's all that was on there.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Damn :/

There are plenty of VFD's around, although i dunno if they're easily adaptable or not. One of those newhaven ones has most of the pins unconnected, mainly cause rather than selecting individual digits, it selects 'grid' then the segments.

Asking one of my uber l33t geek people on IRC about VFD's as i type, i'll keep trying and see if i can find something that might work.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Clock VFD Replacement :bigthumb:

Here's the pinout of the stock unit:
Clock pinout final.gif

On the site Kai posted a link to the family of displays "D0103MT-20-XXX" is a direct replacement... those are only offered in green there though.

Kai, you up to finding us a blue and a red module? I've done my bit for the day... I've got an abscessed tooth which spread out along my jawline. I look like I'm sucking on a grapefruit while choking on an orange. :cry:


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Kai said:
Yeah i'm going to have to use my uber l33t powers of catalogue trawling to find modules,

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Kai said:
although - would a grey/white display be okay to use and just filter it?

Given that it's already displaying through a pane of smoked acrylic, I would personally prefer to avoid using filters to color it. But, if that's all you spot, it'd be alright. The stocker's just already too dim for my tastes.

Kai said:
As for the jaw thing - owie :(

Yeah, definitely not something I highly recommended anyone try out... I'd probably be handling it better if I could at least get some sleep.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
acrylic i can take care of, if its removable. see, a friend of mines dad owns a company called Link Design Development, they design bottles and glassware mainly but they do plastics too. I could do a run of say, 10 acrylic thingies in different colours (10 of each colour). Wouldnt cost much either.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Kai said:
acrylic i can take care of, if its removable. see, a friend of mines dad owns a company called Link Design Development, they design bottles and glassware mainly but they do plastics too. I could do a run of say, 10 acrylic thingies in different colours (10 of each colour). Wouldnt cost much either.

Can they cast it in the shape of the original? I'm curious how the finished product would look... I suppose it wouldn't stand out any more than the dark blue hi-beam indicator plastic. Or perhaps just do a run of very lightly smoked faces, just enough to look stock.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Kai said:
they can make any shape you want - if trevs dad can design and make the absolut vodka bottle inside a week, then acrylic should be a piece of piss. Could do 10 lightly smoked ones i spose - i'll ask.

Errr.... if that's the case, you are familiar with our side marker lights? Have you, just by chance, happened to notice the large number of members looking for a clear set? Then there's that funny little thing with 89+ clear turns no longer being available.... In other words: Damn man, hook us up!!! :rofl: j/k, I know that's probably a tall order.

As for the clock face, we're probably making it too complex. We really don't need to replace the whole face. We could simply cut out a piece of the acrylic a bit larger than the visible area and drop in a flat/unshaped piece of whatever color we want.
Last edited:


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Clear ones? If i can present trevs dad with a plan of these things he can make them.

Do they match any other toyota first though? Cause if there are clear celica ones available here in the UK (lots of clear ones available) then i'll look for those too.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
I received my order from Kingbright today.

The red is nice and bright, comparable to the other red 7 seg. displays I've used in other projects.

The yellow I'd consider to be a bit on the dim side... nice color tone though, rather golden, between yellow and amber.

The blue while sufficiently bright is a little bit on the light side, not as rich as I like. Personally, I go more for that deep cobalt blue color. I'm sure this would make most of you very happy.

I'll try to post up some pics... once I start feeling a little better. I've had a horrible weekend and this week hasn't really improved much.