Poodles;1086074 said:
Also, it looks like your PCV system is BLOCKED...
Not good for break in of the rings...or the rings in general..
That was very observant...good job poodles!
bobpogoman;1086119 said:
the fact that my pcv isnt well vented can blow oil up to the spark plug, and make the combustion in the cc unable to burn it? i dont think, maybe with 20 lbs of boost, but i havnt even boosted yet
(Loud Buzzer Sound) WRONG.
Serously, boosting has nothing to do with it. It wouldn't matter if your engine was an n/a.
If you seal up the crankcase, the pressure generated in there has nowhere to go, so it just builds up until it exceeds the engine's ability to hold it in, then escapes at the weakest link (usually the rings). In your case the rings are new, and probably haven't seated yet, so it just found the path of least resistance, which judging by your compression test numbers is cylinder #6.
That 30psi drop in #6 is way, way too much.
10% variance between any two cylinders is considered the limit. You're way past 10%, and you didn't hold the throttle open as I understand it. A wide open throttle compression test will probably yield an even greater difference in compression variance from cylinder to cylinder.
One possible bright note is that the rings may have not seated yet (depending on how long you've run it), which could account for the difference in compression, but it seems odd that only one cylinder is out. But you never know, it's possible.
bobpogoman;1086119 said:
for the seals im not sure, they hav to disasemble the head to change them? if they have to, they didnt did it, they havnt touched the head, only cleaned it, crack checked it.
It's a hassle and requires the old "rope trick", so the valves don't fall into the cylinders (at which point you're officially fucked), but it can be done.
Note: If you have to pull the head...always replace the valve seals (even if you replaced them in the recent past)...their cheap, and easy to do with the head off.