well i painted the block this weekend, it showed up flat black! i thought it was going to be shiny. did almost 4 coats but it looks really nice esp when im done polishing a few parts.
Green7mgte;1488554 said:nice. the teal 7mgte's are nice (i own one) rare paint. I got the targa top and leather seats. but I must say your car looks nicer on the outside then mine does.just woundering what mods besides the exhaust and downpipe did you put in? also im getting my body repainted you think the color is going to be highly expensive? I hope not, I don't have any paint buddys in my town
arizzle;1488843 said:hey thanks man, mines in average shape theres alot of flaw, if you saw the pictures in the beginning i have a few pictures of the dmg when i got it.
as for mods im building the motor a few pages back.
but the motor is def not stock. :evil2:
BrandonW;1491373 said:yeah man nice, just got the head on mine this week with the hks stopper gasket and arp studs torqued to 80ft/lbs as per the the instruction in the box since they were new
guess you couldn't get any teal paint for the block in time lol
ninja6o4;1491691 said:omg really? i'm glad you're enjoying the car, no way I would have the patience to fix a BHG if it took this long!heh j/k
good work man, i am really glad you're giving it the attention it deserves.. i'll check back in later when you've decided to go 1J...
redma70;1491707 said:Coming along good!!!
I really wish I had the money for my bearings right now :-( lol Its the only thing holding me back
arizzle;1491804 said:thanks man so is your! yeah i ordered mine 2-3 weeks ago i dont remember thats how long it was! lol and i got a smokin deal! 90cnd at lordco so i could let it up!
redma70;1491894 said:WHAT!!!!! I'm going to lordco lol
EDIT:Nevermind :-( best I can get is $190 lol
BrandonW;1492228 said:looks good, your about at the same stage as me
i wanted to replace that hose with the braded hose like that, what do you have to do? (that hose that feeds oil from the head to the block or vise versa)
BrandonW;1492243 said:yeah it seem like a better thing to do then that rubber hose, plus that looks better i gotta look into that
(oh and you have your valve covers on and i don't but i have my oil pan on and you don't lol)
arizzle;1492218 said:haha serious! my guy can probably get it for 100, ill ask him tomorrow but its a special order.