Yersterday I installed new, longer, bolts with nuts for the throttle body, crancked them tight, and no more air leak. Doubled checked everything and she started right up and ran pretty well. I was even able to drive it for the first time in almost 2 years. First I drove it around the block and POOF smoke every where!!!! Turns out the the coolant hose running from the head to the heater core valve on the firewall blew off and blew coolant every where. The plastic where the hose attached was broke right off

So for now I just by-passed it and took her for a quick drive up to Sean's shop. While I was at the shop I noticed there was some coolant on the floor coming from my car, but the radiator and over flow wasen't low, so I dont know if it was still dripping off the frame from when the coolant hose blew off, but I will look into it today. I put on a whole 25 miles yersterday.
I still have stupid code 52 but I will look into it later (I feel the knock sensor wire is unhappy). Today I think some new plugs, and exhaust gasket for the cat will get put on and even put the interior back together and put some more miles on this motor. I have one pic on post 9 and will update that post later with more pics.
All i have to say is a Supra drives weird, compared to my V. The clutch feels funny(will try and bleed it more today), the stearing is way to easy and to much free play. The throttle has a sticky point right at first(no DBW

), the 7m is NOT a quick reving engine( you touch the throttle and she revs up to2500-3000 rpms an dslow t odrop back down), and the tranny shifts harder than I like.
The 3 gauges in the piller pod is really ANNOYING at night, there way to bright ( pro sport gauges, need to find a way to dim them at night, Im not changing color on them right now there just white)!!! The Nav unit in the factory location is to low, and I think she rides smother than my caddy.
Thank you; Sean, Emilio, JJ, IJ, jdub, poo, figgie, rennat, zum, doward, facime, nashman, annoyingrob, and every one else I'm forgetting for the help in the last couple years. Im sure I will need more in the future.