Lets see here what do we have to update.
Opps the ALT cable touch the block and *pop* went the ALT fuse

I found out the hard way that it is held in with screws. Never the less I have a new one coming in the mail.
Bought a Q45 TB from Nashman, in attempts to getting this FFIM to work.
Then machined a adaptor plate to bolt it up to the 100mm opening on this POS FFIM.
Shortened the TPS shaft on the Q45 so I can use the OEM TPS with it.
Time to install everthing
And just like every else on this car it wont work. The throttle cable area on the Q45 is WAY to tall. I cant even close the hood

So not it is back to the drawing board. Also need to make another throttle cable for this TB if I keep everything. The one I made for the last TB is to short, lol.
Yes this POS FFIM from Tubbie is still pissing my off and I am still trying to make it work before I junk it out and buy ANOTHER FFIM.
So I am back to the drawing board and beer drinking to see if there is anything I can do before pulling this FFIM off and putting it in the scrap alum. pile. Since it is back to the drawing board I am not up dating and pics on the first 10 posts.