Different tranny mounts. My old one on the right and the one that came with my "new" trans on the left. There is a large heavy rubber thing that once mounted doesn't actually touch anything and gets in the way of the exhaust support bracket on my car.
Box of cleaned parts
Freakin' mess
Ready for the EGR block off plates LMK if anyone needs a relatively new EGR (Had a new one installed during the first engine swap)
My old extension housing all nice and clean. The "new" one was all bashed up
Not quite there yet
I LOVE IT when shit cleans up so nicely
"new stuff on the left, old stuff on the right... crazy how my old stuff is in much better condition with barely any rust on the T/C at all
Scrubbed the "new" trans for a whole day... and compared to my old one? Still looks worse -_-
Rusted parts on the "new" trans
non rusted, just dirty parts on the old trans

Different tranny mounts. My old one on the right and the one that came with my "new" trans on the left. There is a large heavy rubber thing that once mounted doesn't actually touch anything and gets in the way of the exhaust support bracket on my car.

Box of cleaned parts

Freakin' mess

Ready for the EGR block off plates LMK if anyone needs a relatively new EGR (Had a new one installed during the first engine swap)

My old extension housing all nice and clean. The "new" one was all bashed up

Not quite there yet

I LOVE IT when shit cleans up so nicely

"new stuff on the left, old stuff on the right... crazy how my old stuff is in much better condition with barely any rust on the T/C at all

Scrubbed the "new" trans for a whole day... and compared to my old one? Still looks worse -_-

Rusted parts on the "new" trans

non rusted, just dirty parts on the old trans
