Thanks for the comments guys...
Today's job was AC. Living in Houston makes AC mandatory, it's too damn hot:aigo:
I took the top housing off my spare 7M compressor, it bolts right onto the 2JZ compressor. The 2JZ compressor has a sensor on the bottom, with an associated second plug. I don't need this for my 7M wiring so I cut the wires. The 7M harness only has the one power wire, so I cut the wire off my 7M comp and soldered it to the 2JZ comp, now it has the right plug to plug into my 7M body harness.
I test fitted the comp on the block, it is pretty tight. I am going to have to see when I put the motor in if I can get the lines on the top of the compressor. The 2JZ power steering pump is VERY close to the top of the compressor. I measured the hard lines in my car, they sit about 1 1/4inch from the top of the comp, I have 1 1/4 inch between the power steering bracket and the top of the comp!!!!
Worst case I will grind down part of the P/S bracket. I also may use an oil filter relocation kit, this will give me plenty of room at the back of the compressor for the hard lines. I think it will fit as is, but we will see when it is in the car.
Left 2JZ Comp right 7M comp, both stock
Here's the 2JZ comp on the left with 7M top housing on. Rewired with 7M wires.
Here's the comp on the block. Black thing above is P/S bracket