How do you spend YOUR paycheck?


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I just got my first paycheck after having worked my ARSE off all month. £1200 exactly. Although it got paid into an overdrawn account, i was still left with £1085 in the bank....

It sucks that the moment you get your money, you spend it...I for one can't save for anything - i'm useless at it.

£666 goes out straight away for rent
£116 spent on an Opteron 170 to replace my 146
£86 spent on a shopping trip round Tesco (that included a 1 litre bottle of bourbon)
£80 taken out the ATM to fill my Supe up with Shells finest 101octane and rejoice at seeing the fuel gauge rise above the 1/2 way point for the first time since June

Now i have to spend whats left on a day out in Central London with my girlfriend, taking her to a restaurant and buying her things cause i promised that for her 21st birthday (in September *ahem*) i'd buy her whatever she wanted. DeBeers is getting a visit i think.....just a visit mind :evil2:


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
i spend my check like this
1. food, gotta eat
2.utilities, gotta see, gotta keep the house, cars and house, don't wanna lose my shit in a storm
5.transportation,this does not mean the supra(s)
6.communication, cauze i love the internets and phones, gotta keep the old lady in fresh skivvies
8.savings, in case i need something not covered above, i'm shure alpo won't taste very good when i'm old, either
10. you didn't think i was gonna leave the supra out did you?

every dollar gets spent on paper, on purpose, in the order above, before the check goes to the bank


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I need a better job, I have one idea right now and working on another for my PS skills, fuckin every place wont even view my portfolio if they dont see a degree. Mother fuckers.

I have better work than people Ive met WITH degrees

Oh sorry I was just wondering if your check came in monthly or every week or what. I get paid weekly but Im starting to think thats a bad thing.

I make around $420 every week right now (its overtime season) and my GF makes about $350 every OTHER week, so roughly 2300 - $2600 a month for us, we dont live together but its still easier this way. Right now were still going paycheck to paycheck, were trying to fix my car, knock out debts and make our payments. In the next month ALOT of money will be saved, my car will be done, were paying off her CC, my other debts and then we should be good to go.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
2000 bucks a month on 11 year old philipino girlboys.
700 bucks a month on fabrige Eggs.
1200 bucks a month on fluffy hats.
and 5-600 bucks a month on graham crackers.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Each month usually requires at least £333 in rent (only £666 this month cause last months was made of rubber, thanks to the bank being £0.14 short of £333) although its every 3 months that the bills come in. Internet is free for the next 12 months (thank you BT for cocking up royally), Phone is £33 per quarter excluding calls, Electricity is £64 a quarter, Gas is £224 a quarter, Food usually comes to £400 a quarter, and on top of that, theres £25 a month for car insurance, £320 a quarter for fuel (suprafuel!) and anything left over gets spent mostly on beer! :D


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
ok spending wise:

Cell Phone (last 2 months was $450 bills, I took care of that BS)
Her CC
My Debts (Car note, which is now DONE, other small expenses)
Oil (her car is burning it)
Lately, parts for the supra, including tools to fix it
random nickle and dime shit
Small rental type fee for keeping my car in our garage so long (step dad wants $25 a week for that)


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
in terms of monthly earnings,

70% in savings
20% on bills, phone, internet, insurance(i pay like 6 months at a time for each so monthly i pay nothing really)
8% living expenses, food, gas.
2% ends up in a jar or in the ashtray of my truck. take that stuff to coinstar every month and add it to the pocket money fund.

its pretty cool living at home, once i move out im owned.


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
I'm currently unemployed, but over last Spring and Summer I was making almost $700 a week after taxes. The majority that I didn't save went to rent and food, then gas and insurance. Pretty much everything else went to my PayPal account and is earning about 5% interest right now. Now my money is going toward tuition since I'm back in school till next Spring.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Yeah bills are quarterly here. I live in a flat with my g/f, her friend and a friend of mine though - its not like i have a house to myself. And parking is a bitch. But yeah, thats pretty much all i pay out for. Internet (if i had to pay for it - muahahaha!) is only £66 a quarter for 22mbit unlimited DSL2+


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
uurrmm....before the beginning of September, most of my paycheck went into building my computer. Now that it's done, I'm not sure what to do with my paychecks but to save it up. I know some goes to food and gas, but that's about it. $25/month goes from my checking to savings automatically. To my family, my paychecks are pretty much "rainy day" money, I suppose....My mom takes care of everything (bills, insurance, etc) and comes to me when she needs some help, which she hasn't done yet. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the gf goes in that mix somewhere.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Food, Car Parts, Gas, Rent

In that order sometimes. Speaking of which, look what I bought today:
