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  1. swaq

    Flip Flop Hoods

    Hideous and pointless, in my very humble opinion
  2. swaq

    Heater core crack opinion

    I've never soldered or welded anything in my life. I know someone who could do it for me, but I'd rather not run the risk of the resoldered joint being weaker. Also, the heater core is being replaced free of charge. Curt said he is sending me a return label with the new core, so I assume...
  3. swaq

    91 supra totaled, fix it?

    Should make a nice parts car... Too bad about the accident, looks like it was in really nice condition. :(
  4. swaq

    Heater core crack opinion

    Thanks guys. I contacted Curt Aigner and he's sending me a replacement heater core. I definitely want to make sure this is right before putting my dash back together.
  5. swaq

    Fan clutch hardware

    Thanks Nick. Just ordered the hardware from Curt Aigner.
  6. swaq

    Fan clutch hardware

    Hmm, looking at the EPC it looks like it's more like a stud: The shop that last replaced my water pump just used bolts to connect the pulley to the water pump. I had electric fans so there was no fluid coupling. Looks...
  7. swaq

    Fan clutch hardware

    Does anyone know the specs of the bolts (length, thread spacing, etc.) used to fasten the fan clutch to the water pump pulley? Also, I need to know the specs for the nuts used to attach the fan to the fan clutch. Thanks!
  8. swaq

    Heater core crack opinion

    I don't have soldering tools, though I could probably find someone who does... I think I'd feel better about replacing it than trying to resolder it though.
  9. swaq

    Heater core crack opinion

    I am in the process of installing a new heater core (see this thread). I test flowed the new heater core with some water and it didn't leak. However, after putting it into the box I noticed a small crack (see attached pictures) where one of the pipes is connected (welded?) to the core. I...
  10. swaq

    Who Makes (Made) The Best Factory Turbo Car?

    F40 is a good choice. I also really like the 288 GTO. Best factory turbo really isn't limited enough. You can't even begin to compare a Supra/GNX/300ZX to a Bugatti Veyron or Jaguar XJ220. I personally would pick the Rossion Q1/Noble M400.
  11. swaq

    Condenser fan

    There are two small fans on the side of the radiator shroud. I'm asking about the one that goes in front of the condenser. I have a 1991 so I guess it was probably never equipped on my car.
  12. swaq

    Condenser fan

    Does anyone have a picture of the fan that goes in front of the condenser? The previous owner of my car replaced all the condenser fans and the radiator fan with aftermarket electric fans. I'm trying to go back to the stock fans but I'm not sure exactly how that condenser fan is mounted or...
  13. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    No, it has short pipes that connect to the two longer parts. The top looks identical to my old one, so I'm pretty sure I got the right one.
  14. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    My new heater core doesn't include the full lengths of piping to go through the firewall. I didn't have to undo anything from the engine bay to get the box out. Though my heater core had already been bypassed, so if there was something it could have been undone then.
  15. swaq

    Star Trek Movie - Love it? Hate it?

    I liked it. There were certainly things I thought should have been omitted or done differently, but overall I enjoyed it.
  16. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    Thanks, I got it out! Quite a bit of twisting and wiggling required. Sorry, I didn't take a picture before I pulled them out. So I now have the white box with the heater core out. I assume I just unbolt the pipes and then pull it straight out, is this correct? Also, when the shop...
  17. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    I've starting messing with the white boxes now. From my initial glance it looks like I need to take out the middle of the three to get out the one in front of (with?) the heater core. I've taken out four bolts and three nuts that looked liked they were holding this box in. It feels a bit...
  18. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    Yeah, those were 17mm, the rest were 12mm. At first I missed the two at the top of the bar near the steering column, but overall it wasn't too bad. It's out now. There were also a couple clusters of wires that had to be detached and then there was a spring (why?) that needed to be unhooked...
  19. swaq

    Dashboard (safety pad) removal

    Alright thanks, I'll probably tackle it today.