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  1. swaq

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    Whoa! Your last post in this thread was over a year ago. Welcome back, congrats on still being alive!
  2. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    There is no nut left on the other side... It's just a hole. Yeah, I don't have a threaded hole. :(
  3. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    I can't really tell from the picture, how did you attach it on the headlight side?
  4. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    How can I thread it? Bolt and nut doesn't work because whichever one is underneath will fall when it is unfastened. And it's blocked by the battery anyway so getting it tight isn't very feasible. Using two nuts as it was before works okay, except for being too tall, as I already mentioned.
  5. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    Yeah, I figured as much. Any thoughts on what to do? The way it was when I got it the bolt was in backwards and held in by a nut, and then another nut was used to secure the tie-down. The problem with this is it is just high enough to rub up against the headlight cover when the lights are...
  6. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    Yes, I know. Perhaps I didn't phrase my question very well. The hole behind the headlight on my car doesn't have any threads, it's just a hole. Also, it looks bigger than the other similar holes (e.g. radiator bolts) in the frame. Is there supposed to be threads in that hole?
  7. swaq

    Battery tie-down bolt

    I was wondering if there should be threads in the chassis where the battery tie-down bolt is supposed to go (next to the driver's side headlight). I'm not sure if the bolt I have is original or not but it doesn't thread into the hole and instead is held in place but a couple nuts.
  8. swaq

    A Defiled MKIV

    +1, me too:
  9. swaq

    water pump install tips

    I'm installing a new water pump and was wondering if there are any tips I should follow. It appears that the previous water pump was installed with some type of rubbery sealant or something, but I see no mention of anything needed for sealing besides the gasket in the TSRM. Is there some sort...
  10. swaq

    Don't buy cheap brake pads!!!

    I did this to the brakes on my bicycle when I was a kid. I don't remember how I rationalized it, but it completely ruined the brakes... My stopping distance essentially doubled :runaway:.
  11. swaq

    subwoofer setups

    There was an old thread on this a while back. See post number #6 for mine:
  12. swaq

    Dash brace spring

    Thanks. That's where I connected mine. I took a couple pictures too, but you were able to get a closer shot.
  13. swaq

    Dash brace spring

    Thanks Ian. Looks like it's on the left side of that pin and the short side of the hook attaches to the brace bar. I've hooked it up now, tomorrow the dash pad goes back in, hopefully I'm not forgetting anything...
  14. swaq

    Dash brace spring

    Okay, so I see a pin that goes through the brake pedal lever. I take it that is what I hook on to? Do I attach to the left side then (the side with the clip)? That's what this picture seems to imply:
  15. swaq

    Dash brace spring

    Thanks. I was wondering if it might hook to the pedal, but I couldn't see where it would attach. I'll have to look again after work. Is there a correct direction for the spring? One hook is longer than the other.
  16. swaq

    Dash brace spring

    When I took apart my dashboard there was a spring connected to the cross brace thing. Now I'm putting it back together and I'm not confident that I've found the right place to attach it to. I took pictures along the way, but none of them show the spring. I've attached a picture of where I...
  17. swaq

    This is why you don't use AU green coolant in your 7M

    This is what I use. Or at least it was until the shop flushed my system and put in the green stuff without my permission... Bastards. Going back to G05 when I get my car back together.
  18. swaq

    YOUR Supra... Is it FUN to DRIVE?

    It was fun until it started bleeding green..... That was some number of months ago so I've started to forget what it was like.
  19. swaq

    Anime Recommendation Thread

    Gurren Lagann was awesome. After you get past the first few episodes the story really starts to gain depth. I highly recommend it.
  20. swaq

    Anime Recommendation Thread

    If you didn't finish then how can you know if anything was solved? :icon_razz I thought the second season ended pretty well. Currently watching Rental Magica, which seems quite good so far.