my wire came with a bullet connector from japan, i just disconnected it and taped it. You will get a CEL if you are 2500+ for more then 4-6 seconds, doesn't matter the speed.
i have the same issue, i have new coils, old coil clips, iridium plugs, i'm switching them for copper and see if that helps with a 28 gap, if not i will be looking into new clips, if that dont work i'll figure it out eventually
it should of came w/ it if its new, if not i do not know the thread size you could always go to a speed shop or surf online for AEM UGO BUNG hole LMFAO jk jk but yea seriously =D
It is good practice to mount it in between the 9 and 3 o'clock position, never anything below that. Because at times...
I would just get it welded, many wide bands recommend 18" away from turbo but i've seen people run them much closer. I am running it right after the stock o2, i hear it lowers sensor life but o well. Its already there. if you mount it close, it asks that you build some sort of heat shield for...
Here is what i did with my 1JZGTE headgasket i've had laying around since i started my swap... hope you enjoy - ran low on ink so 1 cyl is empty but with a great family, you'll have good compression for a life time =D
First picture MOM, DAD, ANT lil brother , LIL D my lil nephew , & CIARA...
wow this video brings back many memories!, i remember coming across this and saying to a buddy of mine. I WILL OWN 1! Many yrs later i've owned 5 and currently have 1. :D
i know that's right... you either hate it or love it... but one things for certain dont waste your breathe trying to bash a person who really doesn't give a fuck what you have to say about his car... in the end its still HIS car.
for the blower "LOW" not working that is the blower motor resistor. Its shot, replace it and your medium & high speeds will be even faster then what they are right now.
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