A couple of 1jz running issues, high rpm break up, miss at idle, and much more


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Toledo Ohio
Heres a couple of things i've noticed...

After the car sits for a while (more than a day) it has a miss (i think? loud popping sound) for about 5 min.

I've only driven it 3 times since installation, and i continually notice smoke coming from the turbos, from around the heat shield

once the engine is running smoothly, it only idles at 400-500 rpm, revs perfectly to redline, but breaks up under load at 4000+ rpm.

today i pulled out coil packs and spark plugs, #1 was covered in oil, the others were ok, re gapped to .027

also there was a fine crack on every coil pack, right at the formation line.

What should i do? Im planning on epoxying the coil packs and heat shrinking, or maybe try plasti-dip, i've heard that has had success on healing coil packs, but idk about the oil.

any suggestions?


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
I had a similar problem a couple days ago my problems consisted of - high idle
- boost break up @ 5k rpm

I heat shrink'd my coil's cause all six of them had cracks on the stem and it didn't do anything for me, I ended up fixing my boost break up by gapping my plugs at .028 and my high idle was 2 vacuum lines diconnected. And as for your smoking my guess would be if your on stock twins I know that 1st gen 1jz had a pcv problem causing the rear turbo seals to go bad

Sent from my Galaxy S phone

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 AM ----------



New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Toledo Ohio
I believe i have the second gen 1jz, based on pics i found online. Also, i the smoke seemed to come from the front turbo mainly, also it didn't smoke after i got home. I always do smell something burning under the engine bay.

So did re gapping help your problem at all? or do you still have the breakup?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
The regapping fixed Chris' problem, but you've already regapped yours to .027 and it didn't fix it, so that's not your problem. .028 or .027 should be small enough to fix your miss if it was caused by too large a gap. Make sure all of yours coils are firing and all of the injector plugs are on good.

Have you checked to see if your turbo oil feed is leaking? You say you always smell something burning so you probably have an oil leak around the exhaust or turbo housing somewhere. Take the heat shield off and do some investigating. Good luck.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
suprahero;1741884 said:
Take the heat shield off and do some investigating. Good luck.

That's about all I can add to this discussion, that heat shield is a royal pain in the arse. Oh, and it never hurts to wiggle things around, make sure EVERYTHING that is related to your electrical system is snug and connected. Only takes one loose wire...


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
Arrest_me_red;1741840 said:
So did re gapping help your problem at all? or do you still have the breakup?

Yea me regapping to .028 fixed my problem but like suprahero said since your already at .027 I doubt its a gap problem I must back up his theory on your coil packs. It probably wouldn't hurt to epoxy and heat shrink your coil stems but I don't think it did anything for me when I did it.

Sent from my Galaxy S phone


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
i have the same issue, i have new coils, old coil clips, iridium plugs, i'm switching them for copper and see if that helps with a 28 gap, if not i will be looking into new clips, if that dont work i'll figure it out eventually


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Cecillio, when I had the irridiums in mine, they broke up horribly under wot. They idle'd like a dream, but were no good for my car at high boost and high rpm's. I don't know if this is part of your problem, but the NGK's worked ten times better for me. Good luck.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I've honestly never used anything BUT copper plugs, I could care less about idle quality, so long as the engine stays alive and idles high enough to keep the oil going around...


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Iridiums are good for low power low boost. But anything after than its just not worth it. Used them on my 7m for like 55k with no problems. But it was sub 300hp. On the 1jz i had some coppers i never put in and threw those in. Prolly change them out for some new ones when i manage to get the money together for the rest of my single parts.

ngk 4644 coppers are ftw. And the price at rock auto is 1.61 and there stupid easy to change on jz.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
What kinda plugs would you guys recommend for someone pushing 400+hp on a 1jz?

Sent from my Galaxy S phone


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Toledo Ohio
Sorry if my original post was confusing, I have NOT ran my car since re gapping the plugs, i didn't realize that that alone could solve the problem, i noticed all the cracks in the packs and figured that was the culprit, oh well, i was out all day with the gf so i didn't find time to check this thread, anyways, Thank you to everyone who responded, and i'll see tomorrow if my epoxy'd packs work!

I'm still confused about the rough startups, and the oil on plug #1, i'll take a video of my next start up incase it happens again


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Toledo Ohio
Alright, drove it today, it didn't make any weird popping sounds on startup, i epoxy'd and heat shrinked the coil packs and got the same break up :/ it happened around 3k on my first pull, i also tried feathering the throttle for slower acceleration but still had the breakup, i turned the corner and this time it was breaking up as soon as i stood on the gas, it sounded like a bhg on my old 7m, continued to drive down the road very easily, turned around and made another pull, this time went to 4k before break up, turned the corner back onto my road this time it pulled strong through 5k, i was getting rather excited, thinking that maybe it just needed to be driven a bit more, that it might clear up, so i went past my house and down the road when my PS line that runs from my resivoir to my pump got kinked, i didn't know this at the time, it just made terrible sounds out of the hood when i tried to turn which scared the shit out of me.

When i got home i pulled plug #1 (the one that had oil on it) and it was completely dry.
Alright, drove it today, it didn't make any weird popping sounds on startup, i epoxy'd and heat shrinked the coil packs and got the same break up :/ it happened around 3k on my first pull, i also tried feathering the throttle for slower acceleration but still had the breakup, i turned the corner and this time it was breaking up as soon as i stood on the gas, it sounded like a bhg on my old 7m, continued to drive down the road very easily, turned around and made another pull, this time went to 4k before break up, turned the corner back onto my road this time it pulled strong through 5k, i was getting rather excited, thinking that maybe it just needed to be driven a bit more, that it might clear up, so i went past my house and down the road when my PS line that runs from my resivoir to my pump got kinked, i didn't know this at the time, it just made terrible sounds out of the hood when i tried to turn which scared the shit out of me.

When i got home i pulled plug #1 (the one that had oil on it) and it was completely dry.

hvyman;1742222 said:
Could be valve covers.

what do you mean by that? the seals? sorry for the noobness.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
suprayo;1742882 said:
Yeah the valve cover seals could be seaping onto your turbos. Im pretty sure you can replace them with 7m ones.

Oil seeping out of his valve covers onto his turbos will not make his car break up like it's doing. It would be smoking like hell also. You also can't replace the turbo's with ct26 turbo's without replacing the manifold.

AMR, do you have a wideband so you can make sure you're not running lean under boost making it break up?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Hadn't given it much thought, but that breakup you're describing could be fuel cut. It's not quite as violent as it is on a 7m, at first I thought it was just missing/breaking up...


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
suprahero;1744156 said:
AMR, do you have a wideband so you can make sure you're not running lean under boost making it break up?

te72;1744313 said:
Hadn't given it much thought, but that breakup you're describing could be fuel cut.

Ahhhhh, I love it when great minds think alike.