Search results

  1. rakkasan

    Once & hopefully for all, best source for 1j injectors....

    please don't tell me Ebay, I've seen nothing but Venom there lately. I'm looking for a good set of 680's....
  2. rakkasan

    What is the best Ebay single manifold?

    I'm considering going single, so I'd like a little input before I purchase. TIA
  3. rakkasan

    Koyo radiator cap, which one fits....

    I thought that the stock one would fit....Wrong. Any ideas?
  4. rakkasan

    Cool, I was having withdrawls

    of not being able to search for info....
  5. rakkasan

    Emanage (blue) & wideband question....

    Which wideband is compatible with Emanage?
  6. rakkasan

    Why are the threads all fug'd up?

    is it just me or is the sequnce of the threads out of wack?
  7. rakkasan

    Well, it's official. I am no longer a civilain....

    I was sworn into the Army today. I leave for a refresher course on Jan 5th, so I have two months to get my personal stuff in line. But, I have about 4 months that I'll have to go through three different schools, then I'll end up at 3rd/75th Ranger Regiment at Ft Benning, Ga. I should be there...
  8. rakkasan

    Trying to fit a FMIC?.....

    Maybe this will help take the guess work out of it. I attached a .pdf that I drew of the tabs I had welded on my I/C. It attaches directly to the frame rails (the bolts that hold the bumper support), tucks up nicely underneath, leaves room for the A/C stuff & leaves room to put the 1J overflow...
  9. rakkasan

    Need help, I'm stump on something simple...

    can anyone provide a picture of how the PS reservoir mounts to the inner fender? I've stared at it like a monkey trying to do arithmetic the last hour...
  10. rakkasan

    before I beat the hell out of mu throw out bearing...

    could some explain the technique for putting the snap ring that holds the wave washer & plate washer on?
  11. rakkasan

    John Kerry loves the military..... Somebody PLEASE tell me that he really didn't say what it appears he said....
  12. rakkasan

    Are there any runners other than me?

    if so, I highly recommend Nike Max Air 360's. I shaved nearly three full minutes off of my 6 mile route. Very comfortable & fast shoe.
  13. rakkasan

    Any one know of a good online how to about tuning &

    timing? I understand adding/subtracting fuel, but I don't firmly understand all of the aspects of timing. TIA
  14. rakkasan

    clutch release fork pivot pin.

    Can it be ordered buy itself or do I have to order the clutch fork too? See 31240....
  15. rakkasan

    Need a picture with the nose taken off....

    showing the A/C crap in place. I took my A/C components out when I was building my 7M/short runner FFI & didn't pay attention to the placement & attachment points, so a picture would help me out a lot. Thanks
  16. rakkasan

    Need some advice on oil cooler setups...

    I need to put in an oil cooler, so show me what you use. I have a 2jz oil filter boss that I will be putting on FWIW.
  17. rakkasan

    My BPU'd 1jz swap/build thread....

    My plans are simple: 1jz....of course R154 swap 3" SS exhaust (custom) SS Y-pipe Lightened flywheel aluminum hard pipes Tial BOV 24"x12"x4" FMIC Koyo radiator Emanage (blue) with injector & timing control Profec E01 boost controller Unlike my 7M that I had built, this will be...
  18. rakkasan

    Just a reminder boys & girls, don't drink & drive....

    a very good friend of mine just got popped on Saturday, and she's already spent over $5k....before stepping in the court room. That is all.
  19. rakkasan

    Screw coil overs, I want a Bose suspension It's a french show, but just watch....
  20. rakkasan

    aint she purty....

    ::w00t:: ::w00t:: ::w00t:: ::w00t::