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  1. rakkasan

    engine block freeze plugs....

    Anyone know the size of the 7 freeze plugs in the side of the block? The local Napa said that they're 40mm, but I can't get them to seat.
  2. rakkasan

    Am I too well hung, do i hang too low.....

    My intercooler, you dirty motherf.......:biglaugh: seriously, is my I/C to low? Something tells me it is.
  3. rakkasan

    cool internet explorer plug in....

    preview pages without opnening them.... download more info:-
  4. rakkasan

    clearance vs. oil pressure......

    I ask this out of curiosity, but if the main & rod bearing clearances are a little looser than what the TSRM calls for, but the oil pump is shimmed, would there still be an increased risk of trouble?
  5. rakkasan

    SNL MySpace Seminar

    LOL, best skit on SLN in many years... clicky
  6. rakkasan

    Toyota - most profitable company in 2005....

    They made a net profit of $12.1 billion last year, up 17% from 2004. It must be due to all of the BHG's repaired lately. :biglaugh: read the whole story here
  7. rakkasan

    Some things you just can't shake...

    LOL..... click me
  8. rakkasan

    the history of dance...

    pretty damn good for a white boy..... clicky
  9. rakkasan

    bolt questions....

    we need the 4AG ARP flywheel bolts, correct? Also, what about the pressure plate - flywheel bolts?
  10. rakkasan

    Mandrel bends costs? Here's what I paid.....

    I bought these from 5-45's, 2-90's & 5 feet of 3" aluminum piping for my I/C piping & 4-45's, 2-90's & 5 feet of 304 stainless for my exhaust. I thought less than $350 shipped was a great deal, but I offer it to you for your use..... ORDER DETAILS...
  11. rakkasan

    resonator question.....

    I recieved my resonators today, but I have a question about them. They are 3" on the in & out side, but in the middle 12" section, it chokes down to about 2.5". This section is perforated & I assume that there is some sort of sound absorbing material behind it, so I don't think that it will be...
  12. rakkasan

    Machining the front plate....

    I just spoke to my machinist, he said that I'll get my motor on Monday. :icon_bigg This makes me very happy. Anyway, he said that he can't deck the block with the front plate on because his machine requires that it the block rests on the crank journels. He took .007's off of the block...
  13. rakkasan

    Just found out that my sons soccer coach

    won the BullRun (Cannonball Run) last year. :icon_bigg Cool guy, plus his daily driver is an Astin Martin....
  14. rakkasan

    who has the HKS boost gauge graphed into the stock

    gauges location? I remember seeing a write up about it, but I can find it now. I want to do the same thing & I might have a few extra gauge faces made while I have mine made, so let me know if you're interested.
  15. rakkasan

    resonator position

    Does it matter where a resonator is placed in the exhaust? I want to place my as close to the downpipe as possible, but I want it to work properly, too.
  16. rakkasan

    Anybody have experience with Zoop Seal?

    I've heard good stuf about it, but I'd like to hear some more before buying it. Hell, while we're at it, anybody have some left over that they'd like to turn into cash? :icon_bigg