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  1. becauseican

    Fan clutch measurements JZ engine please

    Yes I have the MK4TT clutch and fan currently, with my Koyo race rad, it was like 1/4" from the fan. I slotted my motor mount brackets to slide the engine back as far as I could and ended up with about 3/8-1/2" between. I had wheel hop at SILV on the track and it caused the fan to clip the rad...
  2. becauseican

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    Yes it is the thickness of the caliper as sticking out past the hub, with high offset 16" wheels or thin spoke design spokes it should fit. I really look forward to comparing them all back to back, but the insurance is up on my car at the end of the month as we pretty much just have rain and...
  3. becauseican

    Suspension Rattles! !!!!

    Its probably the sway bar end link, or the shock is worn out.
  4. becauseican

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    The nightpager does NOT fit under stock wheels (16 saws) I also tried the spare...nope, and a set of 17" mustang rims...nope. The clerence issue is the thickness of the caliper, the front it will touch the inside of the face of the rim. If you have 17's like the FNO1RC or a similar rim with...
  5. becauseican

    89 widebody finishing up

    What parts did you use for the wide body?, is the front fenders stock?, or how did you widen the front/ rear ?
  6. becauseican

    Fan clutch measurements JZ engine please

    SC300 clutch and N/A mk4 2jz fan blade...
  7. becauseican

    Ceramic brake pads

    No matter what pads you try the stock brakes just PLAIN SUCK!!, I had decent results with brembo rotors and the KVR pads (stock setup) but there just inst enough brakes for such a heavy car. Good pads and rotors will only get you one or two more stops before they will fade. Now for the pad...
  8. becauseican

    Fuel Upgrade

    550's are fine with a SAFC, 650's may be a little tough to control. When I had my Eman blue, I was running 720cc injectors and even passed emmsissions testing, but that was with the full injection/ ignition, map options working. Randyy
  9. becauseican

    Damn early 89 car... 2jzgte swap question(s)

    The stock rubber mounts are fine...unless they are damaged, lots of them will be cracked or sagged once you look at them up close, however the pre 89 mounts are 10x stronger than the 89+ mounts. I would say 80-90% of them are broken once removed. BTW I have the mounts and brackets in stock...
  10. becauseican

    Big Congrats!!

    Don now next year you have to get your butt down there and join the fun, being there is way better than reading the posts on SF!!!!
  11. becauseican

    Stupid ebay radiators...

    ......again you get what you pay for.......good luck with your dispute.
  12. becauseican

    solid subframe mounts

    BIC already has these available. I have tried Aluminum, Nylon and now I have a prototype poly set on my car. They reallly tighten up the rear suspension. The is no more "floaty" feeling when going over bumps at speed. The steering response is also alot crisper as there is no shifting of the rear...
  13. becauseican

    Annual "Vegas Burrito Wrap-Up Thread"

    Jose is the Man!!!!, huge props to him for driving out and saving my butt. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! There is alot of great people in this community, particularly Jose and Tyler (not sure of your SM name) from AZ that trailered my broken car...
  14. becauseican

    Vegas!!!! MK3's smack Talk/update on travellers heading to Vegas

    Yup SILV was pretty awsome...alot of broken cars, including my own. I was matched up against Shawns (pinks) car for my first run which was also the eliminations round, pretty much any mk3 without the stock turbo was in the smackdown class... I red lighted and when I launched, my clutch fan...
  15. becauseican

    Radiator needed ASAP in Vegas!!!!

    I am looking for Aaron from Driftmotions cell number, if anyone has it please call me with it as I wont have computer acess for the next few hours. Thanks, Randy 778-772-8459
  16. becauseican

    Radiator needed ASAP in Vegas!!!!

    Can you express ship to Vegas same day?, Ill pay...Call me if you can. Randy
  17. becauseican

    Official MKIII Smack down, High Roller Series and other VEGAS results here!

    HELP ME!! I had a run in with wheel hop at the SILV drags tonight, and my fan ended up clipping my new KOYO radiator, and leaking all my coolant out, so here I am in Vegas and I am supposed to be leaving tomorrow (Sunday) and drive 1800 miles back home to Canada, I need a radiator badly...
  18. becauseican

    Radiator needed ASAP in Vegas!!!!

    I had a run in with wheel hop at the SILV drags tonight, and my fan ended up clipping my new KOYO radiator, and leaking all my coolant out, so here I am in Vegas and I am supposed to be leaving tomorrow (Sunday) and drive 1800 miles back home to Canada, I need a radiator badly!!!!. I need buy or...
  19. becauseican

    Vegas!!!! MK3's smack Talk/update on travellers heading to Vegas

    Well we rolled into Vegas at about 7:30-8pm andwent straight to the In N Out burger....Brad the rest of the drive is fine, there is no more hills, its just straight and flat, sorry we had to leave you there but there was no sense in having all 7 cars wait. It sounds like you got it figured out...
  20. becauseican

    Rear Subframe Spacers Ideas?

    The BIC Nylon spacers work great, I had mine in for over two years and it really tightens up the rear. I now have a prototype Poly set in my car.....:)