Fan clutch measurements JZ engine please


1jz 4Runner
Jan 2, 2007
Tampa, FL
Could someone kindly measure the overall thickness of the JZ fan/ clutch assembly? From the mounting surface to furthest point of the clutch AND fan, if different. Overall fan diameter would be helpful too.

Is it the same mounting pattern/ overall size as a 7M? Any difference between GE and GTE on either?

Anyone know if there are aftermarket fans which are thinner?

OT: I need the overall thinnest combination possible. Never thought I had room until I saw another car (Dodge iirc) and it looked like the whole combination was less than 2.5". I've been using electric fans due to space constraints... but I just moved my whole drivetrain back for other reasons, and now I think I may be able to fit a clutch fan setup, which I'd prefer. My setup is from a Soarer so I already have the pully and bolts, but the rest is long gone so I can't get measurements.



1jz 4Runner
Jan 2, 2007
Tampa, FL
Are you saying that is what u have (...could measure)? Or that is the thinnest combo? I don't quite understand your response.

I'm looking for measurements on the thickness of it all... Any measurements you could provide would be very much appreciated.


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
c_ronius, I'll see what I can get for ya tonight, I have a 2JZ TT clutch and fan.

Randy, you were running the clutch fan setup with an aluminum radiator right, how well did that work? How close was the fan to the rad/shroud? Right now with the setup I have it's super close, even to an OEM radiator. Thinking about listening to everyone and going the N/A fan route, would like to sneak a big AL rad in there too, if possible.


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
Sorry with it installed on the car this is about as good as I can do, HTH. Let me know if you need any other measurements....




1jz 4Runner
Jan 2, 2007
Tampa, FL
Thank you very much... appreciate the effort.

Looks like it's about 4.25" -I only have a little over 3.5, so I guess 2jz-gte combo won't work. :cry:

I'm still very curious if there is a thinner combo that will bolt to this engine. Went to Toyota to look at the options, but they weren't too wild about getting all the parts just for me to measure (very busy I guess).

Anyone know if the GE fan is thinner (or rides further back on the clutch)? Is the SC clutch thinner? I think that's what becauseican was getting at...

Mods... I know this is kind of off topic here since my swap is not in a Supra, and if you have to move it I understand... but I was hoping to get some extra attention from the JZ guys here for a few days if possible.


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
From my understanding the N/A 2J fan does sit farther back, and has to be spaced forward with washers to avoid hitting the waterneck. Maybe someone can chime in with pics or a measurement of some sort.

Also, you should be good asking your questions here man, we know not everyone puts 1J's in just Supra's.

Turbo Drifter

New Member
Dec 8, 2005
Surrey, BC Canada
fstlane88;1171417 said:
c_ronius, I'll see what I can get for ya tonight, I have a 2JZ TT clutch and fan.

That set up did not work well at all for BIC, he ended up with a big hole in his Koyo rad at the drag strip. This happend in Vegas and he is now getting the parts he listed above to solve this issue.

Again a MKIV TT clutch & fan with Aluminum rad will not work, its just too clouse.



Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
I could have told you that, hell I can't even fit my hand in between the fan and the rad on my setup. And that's with an OEM rad!!! :icon_eek:

I knew about what happened with Randy out in Vegas was wondering what setup was on the car then. Thanks for clearing it up. So he's going to still run an aluminum radiator with the new/different clutch fan setup??


1jz 4Runner
Jan 2, 2007
Tampa, FL
Anyone tried these low profile clutch fans from Flex-a-lite?

Looks a little wimpy, but the ad in Summit says they move more air than stock. Don't know what their comparing this to, of course.

looks pretty thin ...and looks to ride fully behind the clutch, so the thickness of the clutch would be the limiting factor in how thin I could get the assembly.

Anyone got a SC300 or Soarer fan clutch to measure?

I'll be going by Autozone shortly to see what they have in stock to measure as well. I found in a Dodge forum that a 90 Jag XJ6 clutch is only 2.75" thick, so I'm wondering if this will bolt onto the JZ pulley.

Dylan JZ

一番 King
Oct 18, 2007
you guys need to talk to Aaron from driftmotion.. If I understood him correctly, there may be a better solution than the sc300/ GE fan setup. I didn't end up using it as I had some other issues, but it's definitely worth checking out IMO.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Yes I have the MK4TT clutch and fan currently, with my Koyo race rad, it was like 1/4" from the fan. I slotted my motor mount brackets to slide the engine back as far as I could and ended up with about 3/8-1/2" between. I had wheel hop at SILV on the track and it caused the fan to clip the rad and take out my 2 week old $400 rad :(. It may work with the stock thickness rad. Apperently the SC clutch is thinner and the mk4 n/a fan sits closer to the engine. It makes it quite close to the water neck, but it works. I should have the parts here in a week or so, so I will see how it works.


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
On my setup I used a.

1)3000cfm Perma cool Efan its the 16" one with only a 10 amp draw. It fits inside the factory JZA70 fan shroud perfect. but you need to build standoffs to go between the bracket of the E-fan & the radiator it sits to close to the radiator.

2)Permacool 10 amp safe switch switches on at 165deg so you dont need to add a Relay a bonus there you cant run spals w/o a relay they draw a lot of amps.

3)Koyo 55mm thick race radiator.

4)TRD 2JZGTE thermastat.

The spacing between the Efan & engine parts is safe ~1" at closest parts.

I run this setup in CA summer days and keep Really Cool.


1jz 4Runner
Jan 2, 2007
Tampa, FL
becauseican;1174126 said:
Yes I have the MK4TT clutch and fan currently, with my Koyo race rad, it was like 1/4" from the fan. I slotted my motor mount brackets to slide the engine back as far as I could and ended up with about 3/8-1/2" between. I had wheel hop at SILV on the track and it caused the fan to clip the rad and take out my 2 week old $400 rad :(. It may work with the stock thickness rad. Apperently the SC clutch is thinner and the mk4 n/a fan sits closer to the engine. It makes it quite close to the water neck, but it works. I should have the parts here in a week or so, so I will see how it works.

Thanks for the info, I'm still trying to get a measurement on the SC clutch... both my local parts stores have no stock on them right now. Is the fan on the NA MK4 different from a SC?

When u get your setup, I'd love some measurements if you have the time...

Evilempire1.3JZ-GTE;1175364 said:
On my setup I used a.

1)3000cfm Perma cool Efan its the 16" one with only a 10 amp draw. It fits inside the factory JZA70 fan shroud perfect. but you need to build standoffs to go between the bracket of the E-fan & the radiator it sits to close to the radiator.

2)Permacool 10 amp safe switch switches on at 165deg so you dont need to add a Relay a bonus there you cant run spals w/o a relay they draw a lot of amps.

3)Koyo 55mm thick race radiator.

4)TRD 2JZGTE thermastat.

The spacing between the Efan & engine parts is safe ~1" at closest parts.

I run this setup in CA summer days and keep Really Cool.

Thanks for the input, but I'm trying to get rid of my e-fans. The setup I have works fine, I just would prefer a fan/clutch setup, if I can fit it.

On a side note... I measured my 02 5vz 4runner and the whole setup is only a hair over 3 inches, but the bolt pattern is too small. I may go this route if I can safely modify the bolt holes (open them up to a cross?). I have to remove it and make sure the pulley bolt fits inside the center first.

I know someone has a SC fan clutch hanging out in the garage whom could measure for me and save me some driving round town.... anyone?