Well switched out the waste gate. Doesnt spike anymore. Bad news is I fried another alternator and lost second gear. I'm on hiatus. Gotta recoup and figure out how I'm gonna fix this thing.
Yeah I'm a little miffed about this. Didnt realize it would be so hard to get a quote. I only have one plate made right now. I can get one made up if you would like but I will need time. It is time consuming to cut these out by hand.
Right now right out of the turbo right into the wastegate. Factoy. It had burst at the wastegate. I'm leaning toward a bad or slow wastegate but I just bought this from DM early this year.
So I poked around this morning and found one of my lines going to the controller had collapsed and burst. So I took it off and routed it back stock. So should be golden at 11 psi right? Not. It keeps going past 11 and when it hits 13 it starts poping and carrying on. New thing though, this time...
So I just got done putting a new alternator in my car after having some issues. However I am now having another problem. If I try to gas it the car jerks and pops and flashes a code at me. Running a test finding a code 34. This is a factory turbo car I have a maft with 550cc injectors wastegate...
So when i bought my supra (88 turbo auto) i supposedly had a 140a alternator on it. Charging stayed at around 14v but never though a whole lot about it. Well it craped out on me sat night and of course i broke the stud while taking the wire off. So i sourced another unit Advance auto part number...
I just cut the piece off that goes down it does not cause a problem with the bracket. Also manual guys can always get a jdm TB. The placement on my setup already clears the 3k pipe if equiped and the coil (5 and 6) clear the throttle bracket. Guys remember what you have to deal with on both the...
Mine was set up as B but can be set up as A as well. The idea was take the plate off as a whole. With these it doesn't matter if they float or are solid.
Its not nessesary for the hole to be threaded the bolt goes through and there is plenty of room for a nut on the other side.
Yes the coils mount through the bottom of the plate.
As for the boot, I cut mine to 2 3/4 in long.
Hey guys. Ill get the drawings up tonight. Yes I made the black plate out of phenolic as well. Its heat resistant and strong enough to resist warping even at 1/4 in thick. But its expensive and difficult to find and work with. The aluminum plates will be easier to work with and mass produce as...
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