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  1. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Awww...I did that when I built my first is300 setup
  2. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Hey guy. Hope everyone had a great turkey day. While we are waiting (and I really appreciate your patience) why don't we post up some picks of the sets already completed and hear about your experience with it so far.
  3. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I am still waiting on responses from my contacts. And I am still open to sugestions. I would like these done quickly as well but its hard to rush favors. As soon as I hear anything I will update. I promise.
  4. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I will take that as a compliment! Thanks
  5. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    So from what I am seeing. Counting clockwise starting at the top left (from the back where the wires enter the connector) 12v....3, 4 2, 5....1, 6
  6. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Think of it in terms of coils 1, 2, 3. I don't have the information right off but will get the information tommorow.
  7. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Good. Glad we clarified this.
  8. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Im assuming the DH61 requires the AEM
  9. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    My thoughts as well, though im still interested in this ignitor
  10. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    What did it come on? This is the first I have heard of this for the is coils.
  11. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I designed this with the stock system in mind. However, I see no reason why it wouldn't work with an AEM sys. Although I am not familiar with the DH61 ignitor. Can you elaborate?
  12. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Yes a razor blade does the job, or even better a hose cutter for a clean even cut.
  13. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    The dg500 has a long boot (5") The DG528 has a short boot (3") I have had a problem with the 528 boots being loose.
  14. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Yes either will work. The plate is designed for the DG500 and the 500 is easier to find. As long as the plug sits flat you will not have clearance issues. Also the boot that comes on the 500 is better for getting a solid seal. And the coil is cheaper overall. The is300 coils are rated at 28kv...
  15. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    There are some boots that you get that are not formed right. If nothing else you can buy the boots cheap from any autoparts store. Boots for a 2003 escape are the best I have found so far.
  16. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Right now I can do just a harness for about $60 that's including shipping but I'm not making a penny on these. I still have to find out what the plates are going to run. If I can get a few we will be gold. But I'm not trying to make fortune here. Just trying to make a nice setup available for...
  17. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Major thanks to AbsoluteSpeed for the hook up on the cad drawing. Things are serious now guys!
  18. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    In that pic it is not mounted. When it is in the car I have the threaded galley plug at the front to hold the plate down but its really moot because these boots will never let go. Lol
  19. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    For those who didnt like the white plugs. Here is a photo of the black harness.