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  1. SRZMK3

    Compression problem

    seafoam is a proven product and were not talking about having soo much carbon it pre ignites the fuel, were talking about dirty valves that dont seat properly.
  2. SRZMK3

    EGR Block off

    +1 the only way the EGR hurts your performance is if its stuck open. when its working properly it only opens to let in exhaust during a cruise to keep nox emissions low because exhaust gas is non combustible and it fills the cylinders with inert gas. and when you "floor it" it shuts again...
  3. SRZMK3

    Compression problem

    that carbon cleaner you mentioned is called seafoam, it comes in a white can, theres some good examples of how to use it on youtube, the way i do it is by pouring a third of the can of seafoam into a cup and letting the car suck it out of the cup via brakebooster vacuum hose, after its all...
  4. SRZMK3

    Got my first Supra. 7mge sugestions for rebuild Please.

    +1 i recommend obx headers instead, you just have to drill out your own 02 sensor bung but its not that hard, they seem to be a better header than pacesetter... i put an actual cold air intake on my car you just have to be gutsy and cut into the car a bit and fit the filter and pipe under...
  5. SRZMK3

    why are all my interior lights gauges and my running light out

    check to see if your liscence plate light on... if it isnt it might be shorted or opened. the running lights and the liscence plate lights are usually the same circuit on most cars and for some reason the LP light circuit tends to burn itself out the fastest.
  6. SRZMK3

    ignition timing suggestion

    im just wondering what the na ppl set their ignition timing too, im looking for the best place to set my timing at cuz i know for sure im off...
  7. SRZMK3

    possible suggestions someone?

    resivoir leaking is a sign that you need a new radiator cap. get a new one yours is prolly old and leaking.
  8. SRZMK3

    Compression problem

    my suggestion is to do the oil test. test each cylinder dry, then pour a little oil in each cylinder and test again if no compression is gained then its a valve problem, if you gain compression then your piston rings are the problem.
  9. SRZMK3

    new 7m installed, having problems with head gasket.

    yes the studs NEED moly lube because without it the studs will just get stuck and not even turn to actual torque specs. i torqued my head studs to 90ft lbs of torque. before you put the full metal headgasket on did you clean the block off of any old gasket residue. did you resurface the...
  10. SRZMK3

    bumpers side skirts etc

    +1 an 89+bumper with the bomex add on kit all around would be the ideal bodykit. i forget the website that shows them all... but the bomex add on kit is the best thing to put on the car.
  11. SRZMK3

    what did they do to this supra...

    :rofl::burnout:LMAO @ the cb radio antenna near the exhaust!!!:bigun2: 5grand? wow did this person even take the slightest look at the kbb value of this? and it has a bhg someone has the worlds biggest ego:aigo: (sorry for the smiley face overload im just having fun)
  12. SRZMK3

    car wont go past 2k rpm

    what was happeneing was i had exposed wire on the top 2 contacts of my tps connector, they shorted together and that caused what is happening... i rewired them without a connector seperating each with electric tape and plugging in each seperatley and that fixed my issue.
  13. SRZMK3

    car wont go past 2k rpm

    it was running fine and then it all fo the sudden just did this.... i got a code 41 tps circuit, that is pretty much exactly what i wanted to see.
  14. SRZMK3

    car wont go past 2k rpm

    lol do you think i put the tps on backwards? woops i might have... what happens is it feels like the fuel is cutting off entirley at 2k rpm.. and it does it in all gears all the time./
  15. SRZMK3

    car wont go past 2k rpm

    k so now im in a bunch...... my car wonr go past 2k rpm under load.. i replaced the maf and it didnt do anything... do you think it could be an intake leak>/? this is getting expensive and annoying.:: angry ::
  16. SRZMK3


    well after all of that time and pain and anguish its finally done it runs amazingly i have a couple of goodies on it and its a fresh engine, no more worries !!! :biglaugh::biglaugh:
  17. SRZMK3

    No spark wtf!!!

    it turns out that it was a frayed out wire, behind the battery that connects to the positive side, it was decent size wire i wonder if it was the connection to the efi...
  18. SRZMK3

    BRAIN FREEZE (plugs)

    they are 30.25 mm i got steel ones from shucks parts (dorman), they fit like a tight shoe, and im pleased.
  19. SRZMK3

    BRAIN FREEZE (plugs)

    k so im getting a migrane over this... but yes its still a supra so i cant even think about losing this car......... i swapped an engine into the car, another 7mge it seemed to come from a cressida. i got a coolant leak (VERY BAD ONE!!!) turns out all of the freeze plugs have holes rusted...
  20. SRZMK3

    No spark wtf!!!

    cool beans sorry for causing mutiny to your little power trip :D