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  1. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    I'm going to end up having new faces printed up in PSI and *F, I got it along with a VPC and a gear indicator box. I got it all off eBay. Which HKS pieces do you have? I've got the TEMS controller as well
  2. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    I love HKS stuff as well, if I ever find an HKS set of 1J twins I would murder a baby to get my hands on them I'm diggin the TRD key chain as well, TRD is my other vice when it comes to this car
  3. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    Today I removed the cheap Faze brand boost gauge and EGT gauge out of my pillar pod with the intention on installing my HKS gauges in their place, but come to find out, the pillar pods holes aren't big enough to fit at the moment :(
  4. yhatzee89

    VNT and VGT turbochargers

    If you are using a version of the 6.0 PowerStroke turbo, try looking into getting a WickedWheel2, a lot of guys run them and love em. I own a 6.0 and the turbo does amazing on anything from gunning it at a stop light to cruising down the freeway at 90.
  5. yhatzee89

    Roommate Starting to Dislike Me - My Supra is too Loud

    Put in a quiet exhaust (cheapest you can find) and instal an electronic cutout in place of the cat, then just close the cutout when your comin home or driving someplace you wanna stay quiet, leave it open rest of the time
  6. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    - I realize that the Supra has enough braking power to lock the wheels and stop the car, I've done this many times in my old '87 when I first got it (I found out what brake fade was shortly afterwards) -and I realize that all I'm doin by trying to add pistons is increasing the already adequate...
  7. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    This I know, it sucks for the wallet, but pays off in the looks/function departments. I think you can still get them through the shop that was producing them, but its a made to order deal, but your right the group buy is closed. But I really don't like that rim anyways (don't like the bolts).
  8. yhatzee89

    O'Reilly Auto Parts no longer carrying brake pads

    ^^^indeed^^^ That is most likely your best bet
  9. yhatzee89

    O'Reilly Auto Parts no longer carrying brake pads

    Previa minivan uses the same pads
  10. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    For what it's worth, here is the post for those 17" Starion replicas, I'm not a fan personally (Although I'm finding the cost of having 1piece 18" replica rims custom made more and more promising)
  11. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    This setup?!!-Big-brake-kit-s-plug-amp-play-for-17-inch-rims-free-shipping!! Unfortunately that setup requires 17" rims as well :( The caliper I posted was the ST205 Celica 4 pot caliper Oh well guess I have my answer. Previa calipers...
  12. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    Well I found the answer to my question
  13. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    I found some BMW calipers that have the same mounting distance as well
  14. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    No for the MKIII, I think it's 110mm And I love those rims, but I want 5 spoke, which maybe I should call that company and see what a set would cost, it may be cheaper in the long run I already know that, if this doesn't work I'm going to just stick with EBC red or yellow pads and good quality...
  15. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    Does anybody know what the distance between the mounting holes is?
  16. yhatzee89

    Hi all! MK3 Turbo d/d owner and a 24HoL driver/wrencher.

    Welcome, I used to live in laurel md until last year, the salvage yard up there had a MKIII in their yard with the glass still in it. Might be worth checking out
  17. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    Yeah it had a set of endless covers on when I bought it, bought the car at midnight 3 states away and got screwed over because I did. But live and learn, all part of growing up. But now I've put together the EVO/STI rear Brembo setup, but it fits under a 16" rim. In my experience if I'm unhappy...
  18. yhatzee89

    Brake upgrade question

    This is something I've yet to work around without a BBK, the size isn't that bad, but the thickness of the stock rotors leaves much to be desired I'm not trying to cut corners, I'm trying to reach my goals without overshooting them. I realize that what I'm doing is considered...