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  1. Chambers

    Flaming Rivers Mustang 5.0 Manual Steering Rack Problem

    Hi all, So I figured out what has been an issue with my steering rack for a while. The whole rack moves when steering if the vehicle is not in motion. To me its actually quite shocking how much it moves, I have had my suspensions of this for some time but the last time it was checked...
  2. Chambers

    Some May Consider It Blasphemous...

    Thats the place where I bought my wheels, I found that most of the 17x9s they offer should fit with no issues. But the 10 inch wide ones dont have the right offset.
  3. Chambers

    Some May Consider It Blasphemous...

    It was the 80's, a lot of questionable decisions were made... haha. Yea, saw blades are an acquired taste... By the way, I too have mustang wheels on my car, Ford was even nice enough to make a 4.0 V6 so my center caps match my engines displacement. :biglaugh:
  4. Chambers

    1UZFE Turbo Questions

    Yea, I don't see that happening on a 1UZ, there is more to it than just swapping heads... but that is ideal for a V engine, with heat rising and such. BMW has a killer V8 twin turbo that has the turbos in that position.
  5. Chambers

    1UZFE Turbo Questions

    /\ Haha nice! Yea, I'm building a single set up. I have to redo everything I have so far so its exactly the way I want it. About the booster, yes the stock MA70 booster is to thick and will need a nice dent in the side to clear the 1UZ valve cover. The LS1 like most pushrod type V8 engines...
  6. Chambers

    1UZFE Turbo Questions

    I will always say, best bang for your buck will be LS1. It pumps out more horsepower/ torque right out of the box vs. the 1UZ-FE. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely love my 1UZ car, but I always let people know who compare the two. A twin turbo set up on either engine would be...
  7. Chambers

    Glove Box Stuck

    Yea, I just replaced mine. I had to pry the glove box down (bending the mount the metal bar on the dash is mounted to). I got it to a point where I could loosen the two screws on the metal bar. To do that you need just the right amount of pressure so you don’t trash your dash. I banked on...
  8. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Went to the College Park Tuning car show today and got a dyno spot:
  9. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Just got the R154 conversion kit in today, very good quality parts!
  10. Chambers

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    Took a photo of it in front of a giant mechanical chicken:
  11. Chambers

    Daily drivers!

    I daily drove my Supra from ~August 2007- October 2011. Just recently picked up a dd beater so I can keep the Supra out of bad weather. I drove my 86.5 through 4" of snow, ~2" of water from serious rain, hail storms, 94 miles a day for two years strait... that one had a 7M-GE with W58 and...
  12. Chambers

    Brake master upgrade?

    Rockauto has both re-manufactured boosters and new master-cylinders. Putting on a new MC would prob help, and there is always the booster rebuild from driftmotion if your on a budget.
  13. Chambers

    Anyone have a Cb installed in a MkIII

    When I did my road trip up to State College PA I just stuck my 36" magnetic CB whip on the rear of the roof, drivers side. I ran the wire in the corner of the hatch where there was some space and then into the cab and closed the hatch. It was great for the trip up there and back, but I wouldn't...
  14. Chambers

    Wiring the 1UZ-FE into a Pre-89 Supra

    Yup, they matched the book I had. I'm thinking Im going to order the 1992 and 1996 books next.
  15. Chambers

    Wiring the 1UZ-FE into a Pre-89 Supra

    Major Update, I have assembled the Guide for the 1997 1UZ-FE - Pre-89 MA70 Supra. Scroll down below the pinout info on the first page to see.
  16. Chambers

    Philly Supra Meet 2012!! Sunday, May 27th (aka Tease the Prisoners Meet)

    There might be a 1UZ powered Supra coming too...
  17. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Thanks all! Stopped by a local tuner recently, talked to the owner. He said if re programing the 2JZ-GTE AEM ECU isnt a big pain they would run a dyno tune for me, ditch the AFM and try to squeeze some extra horses out of the stock engine before doing anything else. So I'm hoping the info I...
  18. Chambers

    w58 tranny questions

    The MKIV/SC300 W58 has a different shifter, and has a different belhousing vs the MKIII W58. All W series transmissions have removable belhousings. I'm not sure if you can swap shifters, but if you try you would need to remove the tail housing and swap the socket receivers (the part that the...