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  1. tubbie

    JE piston carnage! lots of pics

    A friend of mine had JEs in his supra. After about 7 year with a t66, his pistons melted almost like yours there and a few of the pistons were oval when taken out. No change in tune or anything during that whole time. hmmm...... must be a JE 7 year life expectancy thingy??
  2. tubbie

    Single Turbo Supra vs HorsepowerFreaks Turbo M3 Video

    Wal-mart Supertech full synthetic... $3 per quart.... :evil2:
  3. tubbie

    how to determine the correct boost pressure

    as the old saying goes..... Build motor... increase boost... increase boost.... motor blows up... build new motor... set boost 2 psi below previous engine max boost.... :bigthumb: Really, there is no true way to determine max boost. You will just have to monitor all that you can, hoping for...
  4. tubbie

    Single Turbo Supra vs HorsepowerFreaks Turbo M3 Video

    I can afford a used M3 for around $30k, but to spend $16k on a turbo kit, I can't afford that! Wowzer............. I hope that comes with free installation.
  5. tubbie

    Supra single turbo and civic turbo drive
  6. tubbie

    Single Turbo Supra vs HorsepowerFreaks Turbo M3 Video

    I wonder how much the kit cost? Autothority's for the e36 was like $10k. Just a supercharger for the E46 was around $8k the last time I checked.
  7. tubbie

    diy ffim

    A nephew of mine works at a metal fabrication shop that builds custom parts for customers like aap, balanced performance, etc.... I just cut up thick paper into the shapes that I need. He takes them and cuts them on aluminum, ss, or whatever I need it in . Does all the welding and...
  8. tubbie

    Racing BMW M3's

    My brother has a 96 M3. Intake and 3 inch exhaust. Dynoed 210whp. Highest stock dynoed M3 I have heard about is 223whp. Most are in the 210 range and the 95 M3s are around 200whp. M3s feel really fast because of the torque and instant throttle response. It's actually pretty slow in today's...
  9. tubbie

    76 Supra

    ANYTHING??? :rofl: :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: My uncle had a 78, green. It was in perfect condition. He sold it for $1200. I was just a kid back then.... :nono:
  10. tubbie

    = / stripped top tranny bolt

    ^^^^^^^ Spend the $20, much easier then pulling the motor.
  11. tubbie

    Nice ass NA motor,

    That's and MK4 NA. 268.4bhp and 289.2 fts on stock stuff is BS. unless he rated it the ricer way... Stock - 220hp intake - 10hp exhaust - 10 hp header - 15 hp tune - 10hp total gain = 265hp... :bigthumb: M3s with cams, intake, exhaust, ecu tune gets around 245whp and they start off with...
  12. tubbie

    NA guys have got to see this

    Must have cost a lot to make 270hp.
  13. tubbie

    Paintchopped STi w00t w00t

  14. tubbie

    C's Short Shifter

    There you go!!!! That way it will only cost $50 :bigthumb: Damn Chinese are masters at copying stuff...... + the cheap labor... :biglaugh:
  15. tubbie

    diy ffim

    MY home made FFI. No need for alternator relocation. Vacuum lines and ISC all are bolted on the bottom side.
  16. tubbie

    Auto Trans Linkage problem

    Sure your light for L is not out?
  17. tubbie

    Rolling paint job

    Took this from the 4age forums...
  18. tubbie

    Pics of Guage Clusters

    Or you can buy all the gauges used and save a ton on them. Plus having 30 gauges in the car looks sooo much mroe BLING then one $6000 LCD display. :evil:
  19. tubbie

    Front turn signal lights

    I have a set of brand new 88 style euros.