how to determine the correct boost pressure


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
I did a search but there are too meny threads containing boost, pressure and determine. How is it that you guys determine the currect boost pressure for your car. I know you have to have the right mods, but how do you determine when its going to detonate the pistons do you go off of intake temp., trial and error, or what? thanks in advance for the info.


Yes, powerful Jedi....
Apr 4, 2005
Hoschton, GA
as the old saying goes.....

Build motor...
increase boost...
increase boost....
motor blows up...
build new motor...
set boost 2 psi below previous engine max boost....


Really, there is no true way to determine max boost. You will just have to monitor all that you can, hoping for no detonation along the way. But if you research others that have about the same upgrades or similiar upgrades as you, you can use their max boost and it will be close......


New Member
Feb 19, 2006
New Jersey
I'm assuming you are asking what the boost should be raised to safely?
If so, then tuning is what you need to do. Start off low, and slowly raise the boost pressure in increments. As long as you don't get carried away and you did things right in the build and run the right fuel, you won't have any of those nasty issues.
*Edit: tubbie beat me, lol.


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
EdgeSupra said:
I'm assuming you are asking what the boost should be raised to safely?
If so, then tuning is what you need to do. Start off low, and slowly raise the boost pressure in increments. As long as you don't get carried away and you did things right in the build and run the right fuel, you won't have any of those nasty issues.
*Edit: tubbie beat me, lol.
but how do you know when to stop raising it? like tubbie said just raise slowly til it blows?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
When your AFRs get too high (running out of fuel) or IATs get too high (turbo running out of air) or the rods say 'G'night folks!' :cool:


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
a better way to look at it is like this: what power do you want to hit at what boost pressure.

if you're shooting for 350rwhp at around 12 psi a slightly upgraded ct should work.
if you're shooting for higher go from there.

a motor could take large amounts of boost from a small turbo but unable to take medium levels from a much larger turbo. its more about flow than psi.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
s383mmber1 said:
Healthy engine
Intercooler and pipes
BIC downpipe and 3 inch exhaust
ive already got a new fmic with 2.5 piping and intake 3.5 downpipe with 2.5 exhaust.....i was gonna set the bc to 10psi because the only fuel upgrades ihave so far is the walbro 255...what else do i need to take it to 16 psi?


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Get a WB and you'll know when you're getting close to melting pistons. That's the safest way to tune becaust you know what's going on instead of just shooting in the dark.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
- Basic maintenance - you can't run 300 whp on old seals, hoses, and gaskets.
- Fix the intake... buy a AEM dryflow intake kit or a Blitz setup.
- Take off and replace the turbo elbow, downpipe, and exhaust with 3" units. My personal favorites are the BIC DDP for a downpipe and the exhaust from him as well.
- Add a boost controller. This could be as simple as a ball and spring MBC from DrJonez.
- Pull off your intercooler and IC pipes, replace with a decent unit and hardpipes. Talk to Aaron at Driftmotion.

At this point you should be awfully close to 300 at the wheels... probably 285, anyway. And from here it gets complicated. For the next bit you need to buy bigger injectors, some fuel lines, an AFPR, and something to mess with your air signal. My personal setup is RC 550cc injectors, and Aeromotive AFPR, stainless lines from Horsepowerfreaks for the fuel, and a MAFT Pro running on speed density plus the boost control harness from DrJonez.

Then you'll need some good tuning and you should be well over your goal.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
starscream5000 said:
Get a WB and you'll know when you're getting close to melting pistons. That's the safest way to tune becaust you know what's going on instead of just shooting in the dark.
its good to see members from from berea, then i moved to NC when i joined the marines.....anyways...what is a WB??


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
GrimJack said:
- Basic maintenance - you can't run 300 whp on old seals, hoses, and gaskets.
- Fix the intake... buy a AEM dryflow intake kit or a Blitz setup.
- Take off and replace the turbo elbow, downpipe, and exhaust with 3" units. My personal favorites are the BIC DDP for a downpipe and the exhaust from him as well.
- Add a boost controller. This could be as simple as a ball and spring MBC from DrJonez.
- Pull off your intercooler and IC pipes, replace with a decent unit and hardpipes. Talk to Aaron at Driftmotion.

At this point you should be awfully close to 300 at the wheels... probably 285, anyway. And from here it gets complicated. For the next bit you need to buy bigger injectors, some fuel lines, an AFPR, and something to mess with your air signal. My personal setup is RC 550cc injectors, and Aeromotive AFPR, stainless lines from Horsepowerfreaks for the fuel, and a MAFT Pro running on speed density plus the boost control harness from DrJonez.

Then you'll need some good tuning and you should be well over your goal.
i already have a K&N intake and a MBC and a big fmic w/ 2.5 hardpipes, but i have been looking at the BIC DDP so that along with a 3" exhaust is probly next. thanks