I have been using a multimeter to see if I'm getting 12v to the fuel pump and the ecu, but that's it.
So I should be getting power to the ecu from the big brown and red wire even if the cps is bad?
I didn't think the fuel pump had anything to do with the 1j..... But your right, It is good...
Crazy, the thing that throws me off there is when I jumped the wire to get the fuel pump running and get the car home the tach was working, just when I crank it I have never seen it move or jitter.
Can the cps failing cause there to be no power to the ecu?
And could the ignition switch have...
Tach does not jitter at all.
But after I put in the new open relay the safc does not power on!! I checked out all the wire on the ecu and the look fine, I used a volt meter to see if there was power to the ecu and it only showed 0.36v that is also what it shows to the fuel pump wire in the...
I was able to take out the open relay from my 87 (not very easy) but can not get the one out of the 90 to save my life!!!
I have spent 3hr's up side down trying to get it out, with no luck!!!
That's good to hear! Guess you had the right afpr? I thought you said you had a 15lbs wastegate spring.... I have Perrin and it works realy good, some of them are not so good though. You might have a boost leak some were.
That relay is gone, I have a bosh relay in the rear of the car as I stated:) I had to use two aligator clips attached to a wire and then connected on end to the 12v battery conection and them one to the +fuel pump wire but not the one to the fuel pump, the other one that turns on the bosh relay...
so my car died when i came to a light and it would not restart, so i had to push it off the road and and started trouble shooting it. checked all fuses and the are good, jump fp and b+ and no dice there.
so i have the 12v mod and i thaught it might be the bosh relay, so i ran power strait to the...
Only thing I see missing from the mods is a high rate fuel pump, and you should be at around 350hp at 16psi.
Do you have a FCD or is the safc allowing you to run at 16psi?
I had the same thing happen, once I started driving it alot it never did it again.
I also did some test just to make sure as well. Check for exhaust gas in rad, compression test, and oil sample sent to a lab. All test were good!
It's the short runs of the engine that build up crap on the oil...
When I looked up toptier fuel places 76 station was on the top of the list, I have been going to 76 station for my supra for 5 years. And some 76 stations also have 100octane:)
Never had a problem!!
My second choice would be chevron.
And oil, German castrol syn, or rotella syn. is a tru...
I pulled out my fuel rail with out removing the manifold.
Just take off everything above the injectors, and remove the TB, then you just need to pull out the fuel rail.
I don't see why there is a problem running 440, many people do it with stock twins, especially when aiming for 400hp. To...
Your fpr is a tuning device, back it down a bit and try a test run, if it helps then try and find a good balance with that and the safc. You might want to check your plugs to make sure there not fouled out.
You can always take it to a pro and have it tuned the right way.
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