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  1. 88mk3supra

    Pass the Winsauce, please

    true bro. I would like a 7m setup with the power range as yours if I am going to keep 7m, if not I want 2j when you planning on dynoing your beast?
  2. 88mk3supra

    Pass the Winsauce, please

    haha yea bro def. need my suspension and brakes. I am in a very big predicament of getting a 2jz 87 supra just dont have the time to get it off the guys hands really:( so I dont really know what I am going to do man I really want a 2j and truly I want a lot of power mine is just gonna take to...
  3. 88mk3supra

    Pass the Winsauce, please

    Gotcha just wondering cant wait to see what it can do man, good luck with it! I have some new plans myself ;)
  4. 88mk3supra

    Leftynridge complete restoration build thread

    So yours is the one that Shane said was gonna be running the billet 62 that should be will love the billet turbo and will be a very very fun street setup man
  5. 88mk3supra

    Leftynridge complete restoration build thread

    Yea bro I am pretty cool with Shane and Tyler, Shane is the best guy i personally know to work on supras in the Dayton area! Tyler's car will be a beast when he gets it tuned and dyno'd...I am currently selling my built 7m 88 supra to buy a 2j 87 supra;) next time you go let me know I will stop...
  6. 88mk3supra

    Leftynridge complete restoration build thread

    Nice build man, We need to cruise sometime I live in englewood/clayton not far at all from ya I will drive out there.
  7. 88mk3supra

    Pass the Winsauce, please

    Tyler what are the specs on your boss 67mm turbo? just curious, keep up the build I will have to come down to shanes when you get ready to dyno!
  8. 88mk3supra

    Who Doesnt Need New Tires?

    03-04 cobra 17x9s have a 26 or 27mm be honest Tyler, mine has khumo ecstas tires on 18's I am not pushing to much power but its hard to lose traction on them they r great and sticky mine just seems to go instead of losing traction haha for now ;) I think 245/40 275/40 on your cobras...
  9. 88mk3supra

    Leftynridge complete restoration build thread

    what paint code did you use? that black looks amazing bro! I also see your from dayton I am not to far from ya
  10. 88mk3supra

    Who's going to TX2K11

    I will be riding along with Matt aka "mechanix0889" cant wait!! its gonna be an awesome time....Supranasty you better get that trailer and bring your ct26 beast down there!
  11. 88mk3supra

    510whp 466 lb ft tq

    Rays car is badazzz!! keep it up man 650-700rwhp will be one mean 7m
  12. 88mk3supra

    Duane in Import Tuner

    Congrats Duane, nice to see a 7m putting over 1k down! car is sickkk
  13. 88mk3supra

    Stock Twins WHP???

    Kind of overkill for the twins but if you ran a standalone and tuned with that along with a few other mods you should be able to put 400rwhp on 17-18 psi I would not go over that though, the 60-1 from driftmotion is a great turbo good for 500rwhp so you will be good with that...good luck with...
  14. 88mk3supra

    Holset 7m/2j dyno numbers?

    I will have a holset hy35 dyno in the late spring early summer for everyone!! I plan to test the limits of the lil hy35 probably around 25-26 psi so it still is efficient I'm hoping for high 400s to the wheels. Does anybody have any hy35 dyno's on here? post em up guys!
  15. 88mk3supra

    Which turbo has the most bang for the buck?

    Holset hy35 or he351cw FTW! but the jt62 bolt on turbo that Jeff sells ( is a great street turbo for your power needs!
  16. 88mk3supra

    Possible turbo setup opinions?

    I just bought a holset hy35w setup for my 7m. I to am using the adapter and a tial 38mm wastegate until I can get a t3 to t4 adapter and t4 manifold. The he351 that 3.0 GT has is the best bet though it flows like a hx35 and spools like a hy35 should make 500hp.
  17. 88mk3supra

    7m or 1jz

    Personally when I bought my 88 supra turbo, my 7m was VERY messed up when I got it. I chose to build the motor and go from there it was more in my budget to do so instead of a 2j swap, but I have to agree with the other guys on the 2jz na-t swap its getting cheaper to do and welll worth it, not...
  18. 88mk3supra

    Arknotts' 92 Teal Build

    Gotcha man, I have to get my car up and running for the spring I just bought a holset hy35 turbo so should be nice!...let me know if we can ever get some Ohio guys to hang and cruise but keep up the build man its awesome!
  19. 88mk3supra

    Pass the Winsauce, please

    Tyler you better hook me up with a ride in this beast when it's ready ha! Build's nice man.
  20. 88mk3supra

    Arknotts' 92 Teal Build

    Love the build man! keep it up I will have to cruise up to a meet sometime and chill, I am in dayton... but I gotta know what size those rims are front and rear and offsets? they are perfect! on your car