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  1. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Lol I feel ya...Nice choice with the bumper though if I ever get a body kit I would definitely get that front...fogs will look clean on it.
  2. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Yea I am thinking about going t4 but I really dont want to until I get bored with the CT26 I just want a reliable fun daily driver...Once it reaches its limit I want to maybe go Holset!
  3. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Thanks guys...87mk111 I like your front bumper!
  4. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Alright I think Ill stick with my setup im running with 93 pump lol...thanks for the info...anybody have any suggestions of what I should do next as far as modding goes or any ideas?
  5. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Oh gotcha thanks for the info, all I need is for something to mess up is tight right now lol What injectors or pump would u recommend to use?
  6. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    What octane do you run wardog? I just run basic 93 octane pump I was thinking about running e85 when I do my dyno the second time to see the difference between the fuel.
  7. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    I know bro I need some bad paint isnt very good right now but im close to doing primer very soon...engine needs polished up a bit but I will post asap.
  8. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Alright man yea I am still getting the maft pro running right because im not to good with the tuning lol so my buddy shane is doing it...It should work out pretty good I just want it to run efficient and see how the dyno numbers go this spring and Ill post em up Thanks and let me know when...
  9. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Alright thanks man...I am going to be running 18 psi and try to tune it to perfecto and see how much I can make from it along with a few things I still have to do...433rwhp is impressive what are you using for tuning? I think Ray Khublal was the one that did that with the 57 trim on 7mpower, but...
  10. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Thanks Jeff, I am looking forward to having the supra close to done around May or so...Im definitely going to come to the annual meet to meet you guys and see your badass supras!!...I will have pics very soon since the weather has been bad and I have been busy...thanks again man!
  11. 88mk3supra

    57 trim ct26 #'s

    Whats up everyone? I know there have been numerous threads on the ct26 turbo's, but I wanted to see if anyone with the 57 trim ct has any dyno numbers of how much they have attaind with it. I am trying to make some very impressive numbers myself out of this turbo and would like to see what...
  12. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Thanks dude, I am from the clayton/englewood area about 20 minutes from downtown
  13. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Thanks man, lots of nice supras to lol
  14. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    OfnaRcR4 I think I saw your supra once when I was down at my buddy Shanes shop down in the Kettering area...Nice supra!
  15. 88mk3supra

    New guy from Dayton,Ohio

    Lol I know right
  16. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Yea i know Chris I need some good pics of the supra I dont have any good ones lol...Let me know when you are doing your swap im def. down
  17. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Thanks ohiosupramst glad to be a fellow ohio member
  18. 88mk3supra

    New guy from Dayton,Ohio

    welcome!! I am new on here to and am from the dayton area as well. Name is Josh
  19. 88mk3supra

    New from Dayton,Ohio area

    Hey whats up everybody? Thought I would introduce myself, my name is Josh. I own a 88 supra turbo targa, Ive been workin at it for close to a year now since I got it. Dont have any pics yet but soon will post some towards spring and summer because it will be getting painted along with a few mods...
  20. 88mk3supra

    Username/Real name

    88mk3supra/Josh Bruner