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  1. NTRA08

    motor question

    just the motor? no more than 500
  2. NTRA08

    Ok, having a few issues. Jerking/rough idle..

    why did you do 10BTDC? I do OTDC and everything is fine for me
  3. NTRA08

    GM Trans to 7M write up

    will this bracket work for the t56 transmission
  4. NTRA08

    I thought this was a little funny
  5. NTRA08

    help me see at night please

    I would ask Ian maybe he knows. He has been around a while
  6. NTRA08

    help me see at night please

    if it did it before you could have a break in a wire or two somewhere.
  7. NTRA08

    help me see at night please

    I think we have headlight relays. And we have a few fuses. I would recommend checking your fuses. Or maybe you headlight switch on the column broke
  8. NTRA08

    intercooler couplers

    HPF is where I get mine. I get mine 2 4 1
  9. NTRA08

    Not firing right

    I have one buddy that has an n/a. I can look around. I was told that lexus injectors would work on the 7m is that true. I have 8 injectors from a sc400. If not I guess I'll just have to take them out.
  10. NTRA08

    Not firing right

    Just in cylinder 1? Everything else is fine. Would you happen to have any 440's laying around
  11. NTRA08

    Supras have taken over my house!

    I have parts in my shed that is 24'x14'. All over the place. 2 dashes i'm trying to get rid of. hint hint. A fully built 7mgte sitting at my friends house. Two stock exhaust systems behind the shed. a set 87 wheels and a set of 91 wheels. Supra glass everywhere. 2 ct26's a blown t70. t-bolt...
  12. NTRA08

    engine break-up at 29.99 psi ? (gt4578)

    this is very interesting. Ian when you have some time do you think you can help me with my problem. Thread Not firing right
  13. NTRA08

    Not firing right

    well I did a few tests today and all lead to cylinder 1. I pulled the plug wire. nothing changes. I pull the wire and put an old spark plug on it and ground it out. and I'm getting spark. I test the injector and its firing. but when I take the clip off the injector when the car is running...
  14. NTRA08

    Not firing right

    I really don't fully get what your saying
  15. NTRA08

    mkiii stock drift

    he needs to get 5-point harness so he doesn't move around too much. And hes letting off the gas too fast. IMO ---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ---------- NO........ Its so he can tune his high horsepower supra.DUH
  16. NTRA08

    Not firing right

    I was going to a buddy's house monday and my car was starting to get on empty. When I got to his house the car sounded like it was misfiring a little bit. Well This has happened to me before. So I did what I did last time. I changed the spark plugs. Did that and it still sounds like shit...
  17. NTRA08

    auto to manual

    Or you can take you auto trans and find witch wires belong to the neutral safety switch and wire those into you switch behind the pedal from your engine wiring harness. Thats what I did.
  18. NTRA08

    Car keeps dying?

    If thats not the problem listen for a deep suction sound and follow it.
  19. NTRA08

    Supra in the movie Splinterheads watch it for free just look it up on the site.
  20. NTRA08

    Supra in the movie Splinterheads

    I guess there's more than one old man in a supra.