I'm fixing to get a new paint job done for doing some sheetrock work on a friend's body shop. I'm going to go back to white. But I'm thinking about going with a flake. What you guys think about a red oxide flake. Other suggestions are welcome.
Either way I still have to take the head off. Another question. I have another motor sitting in the garage. Sorta like a backup motor. and it has the 1.2mm HKS metal head gasket on it. Is that too thin of a h/g. I know that the stock h/g is 1.38mm crushed. And what if I take the head gasket...
Okay I did a compression test today and after that I figured I don't need to do a leakdown test.
Here are the results:
Cyl.1: 78psi.
Cyl.2: 75psi.
Cyl.3: 170psi.
Cyl.4: 159psi.
Cyl.5: 150psi.
Cyl.6: 164psi.
I gonna jump out on a very big limb and say that the...
Damn I was way off.Saturday hasn't even started for me. Its 2:46am saturday in texas. But I will do a leakdown test and comp test in a few hours. I've got to get some sleep.
My bro says maybe I could have a valve seat that is worn. Or blow-by. Not at the cyl. to cyl. wall but the adjacent walls. I hope not. I don't want to have to tear the motor down. But I will definitely do a comp and leakdown test. BTW what time is it right now in Australia? I'm thinking...
well I got it back together and did what you said. I have pulse when its running and when i unplug it the engine note doesn't change. I swapped the injectors around again and it seems to follow the wiring and not the injectors. But only cyl. 1. I also have NFI whats going on.
are we checking for pulse on the injector? rang it out with a meter on ohms and it fluctuated pretty good. the car is torn apart at the moment...will take a few to get her back together...
with the ignition on and test light grounded to battery, injector pigtail is hot on both prongs......and with the ignition off and the test light on positive on battery injector pigtail is negative and still lights the test light.
---------- Post added at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was...
Okay well I took out the injectors and cleaned them. Put them back in and nothing changes. I moved cyl.1 injector to cyl.6 and still the same. so now I know its not the injectors. I changed the coil pack again and still the same. I have spark. Air and fuel. But on turning over there is a...
maybe if you were to put the whole part of the conversation on there it wouldn't look so stupid. Not just parts of it. And I was just putting in my thoughts about your thread. And the "0" is 0degrees. TDC
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