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  1. D

    IGN Gives GTAlV a 10

    You might want to get camping now. Turned up at 12:30 and every copy had been sold :cry:.
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    IGN Gives GTAlV a 10

    Have any of you lot been able to buy this game yet? Not sure about over there, but the leaked PAL version has been out since Wednesday and that has promoted privately owned game stores to jump the gun as it were and sell the official release to customers before the official release date. I...
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    slight accident.. need advice

    I really don't see him having a picture of your plate holding any weight at all. In this day and age it's not particularly difficult to get ahold of someone's Name, Phone number and information as to what car they drive. I'd be interested to see if the authority's would follow this up as it...
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    mk3 vs mk4...

    Not too sure why, it's rather obvious the MKIV couldn't drive for shit ;).
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    Can this really change the world???

    The one thing I don't quite understand is that they said that it can produce 6 times the power it consumes. Wouldn't that mean it has to be powered by an external power supply and therefore rendering the technology a bit useless? (sure it would help cut down on bills, but it wouldn't be half...
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    What's this? (Help idenifying a prototype)

    These was spotted at the Ring the other day by a few friends of mine, but we can't for the life work out what it could be. The back end suggests that it's a viper, but apparently sounded a lot like a V8. Any thoughts as to what it could be?
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    Disappointing test drive

    I got up to here before I started shouting at my computer screen. Have you got any experience of the Nurburgring other than playing Forza/GT4/Some other video game with an inaccurate version of the Ring? Don't bother answer because we both know the answer. If you did have proper...
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    Why, toyota, why?

    High performance cars aren't cool anymore. We've had the Sports car trend in the Late 80's to 90's, then the SUV craze, now it's the Hybrid's turn. Toyota are just pandering to what sales.
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    Last day here

    What happened to you going NA-T?
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    Saw a convertable MKIII at the DMV today (PICS)

    I'd rock it. (Not in England of course :D)
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    Sad episode of Fifth Gear

    Now I usually wouldn't care, but being back in the market for a Supra in the UK has made me realize how much shitters there are out here, and seeing them wreck what looked to be an ungodly clean (for a UK car at least) MKIII and let some common as muck chrome turd piece of shit 4 door e30...
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    jdm shit motor

    Because this one is all JDM n shit :sarcasm:.
  13. D

    brake upgrade...?

    Can anybody clarify if the braking system from a GTS-T will a supra with the night pager kit? They might not "look" sexy as those off a GTR, but from my own experience they are pretty damn good with a decent set of discs and pads and are dirt cheap comparison to the GTR system.
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    The 300 dollar supra!

    That right there is a sad sight, looks like it was pretty clean before the accident too :3d_frown:.
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    Best production year MkIII Supra

    I think you have your arrows around the wrong way ;).
  16. D

    Insurance settlement too low?

    I wouldn't call it stupidity mate. You asked for our opinions, and you got ones that you don't agree with. If you had already decided you deserve more money why did you bother post this thread?
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    Insurance settlement too low?

    He has got a point there. You've gotten the car repaired, your medical bills paid and what I'd say is a sizeable bit of compensation and yet you're after more? I think we all agree that you should never have to pay for the privilege of being in an accident, but in the same way you should never...
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    Our cars are disappearing

    Thanks, good to know that there are others out there that are on the same page as me :). This touches on what I believe to be the most ironic thing about a70s, their blessings of being a cheap but fairly capable RWD platform and being a "supra" are also their curses - Kids buy them thinking...
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    7m-GTE MAx Boost ????

    I'm not trying to come off as an ass here, but from what I've read so far it seems like you don't have the right attitude for a Supra. You've basically came in here asking for the easiest and cheapest way of upping the boost despite you knowing that your car isn't running at 110%. These cars...