Even if the miles on the car in the original post were genuine, the barry tat the owner has glued on to the body would invalidate it's worth.
People who buy low mileage cars are after one thing - Originality.
They're no more over rated than MKIVs. It's all down to what floats your boat.
I still can't get over the price he paid - At $25k, that's more or less DOUBLE the going rate for a 32 GTR over here, and it's still illegal!
And GA70s... coz I want one :cry:.
You can 600 horsepower out of a car that weights roughly as my as my shoe?...
Why the hell didn't they sell it over here!? :mad: Wipers that turns on automatically would have probably been seen as an advantage with the weather we have here...
I didn't think it was connected to a road - It got up to speed pretty damn fast.
Just to throw a budget contender to the aftermarket digi-dash arena -
It might not have the features as some of some of the dashes mentioned but at $120ish, it doesn't have...
I've been to see a few soarers over the past two weeks which all came from the factory with the digital Dashboards. With the drug dealer spec tints most soarers are sporting over here, glare wasn't really an issue. VERY cool for the "ooo - ahhh" factor, but I wouldn't say it worth the arse ache...
This sounds like a bit of a scam to me to be completely honest - You're saving 5 grand by buying it "overseas"? Where in the world can you buy a mustang cheaper than the US? And now you're having Roush offering to do the interior?....
And that bodykit is quite bloody awful, particularly when...
You mean it sucks that he broke the law?
He should have known the risks when he bought the the car and he should have at least made half an effort to get it looking like a track car as he had a slight excuse for owning the car.
Do you guys have anything along the lines of a 306 Turbo D over there (i.e, small diesel hatchback)?
Up'ed boost + intercooler = Circa 150hp and 50MPG City :cool:.
Because I don't see the attraction of paying a premium in price for a number on the title and a few weaksauce extras Toyota added in order to keep the MK3 fresh.
Anyway, One Thousand plus cars in a year is hardly a limited production run...
Isn't that the same thing they said when Nick Hogan wrecked?
If someone is dumb enough to drive without their seatbelt, they're dumb enough to a lot of other dumb shit - Speeding for example.
While any loss of life is sad, these people were more than likely complete and utter bloody idiots, I...
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the swap has been done by the best possible people - Toyota themselves (it's an import), so won't have to worry too much about wiring.
Thanks for the tip on the valve seals. Any more tips like that? :D
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