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  1. D

    what year is my car

    We're probably going to need a little more than a vague description of a brochure you found for us to determine your year ;). A Vin number would probably be a good place to start.
  2. D

    GRan Turismo Prologue...

    I've played it. Awesome visuals but the gameplay wasn't anything to write home about, it wasn't bad, just not amazing. My only major gripe was that Pulling the handbrake mid corner made the act like something out of GT2 :(.
  3. D

    Am I the only stock car in here?

    My supra was standard right down to the lugnuts on the sawblades ;). I never had the urge to go mad on my NA, The car that I learnt to drive in was family sized car (3200ish+) and had 95horsepower (when it was brand new, ten years ago), needless to say stepping up from that made the Supra...
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    Supra N/A T Questions

    May I ask why you're not considering going NA-T on the 2JZGE?
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    Our cars are disappearing

    The supra community won't die. Sure, cars and their members will come and go, but the true enthusiasts, the people to which a a70 is more than a stop gap for a MKIV or vehicle that takes them from A to B, they'll always be around to offer what help and advice they can to other enthusiasts. I do...
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    Finally got the new rims -PICS-

    Christ, I need a better camera.... I'm really liking your work, it's my idea of the perfect A70. As for you spoiler question, I stay stick with the pre 89 and rock it with pride.
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    Supra Demolition Derby

    Damn, the supra didn't just win, it dominated!
  8. D

    Best production year MkIII Supra

    Seriously surprised by the lack of 91-92 swinger's over here, no doubt they will be in soon claiming their lower production numbers, sunroof and airbag make them the ultimate a70 ;). I'd love a 86.5 for the "original" feel, but I have to say 1988 is the best year. A lot of improvements on the...
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    My 1986.5 Supra build up thread

    It needs those new rims ASAP ;). Really liking the colour, I've always had a thing for blue a70s.
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    Skeptical Supra guy

    Either get him to drop the price (by a lot) or walk. Don't feel like you have to save it because it's a 1992 - 1992 is just a year A rusty MKIII is a rusty MKIII, and certainly isn't worth $1500
  11. D

    What could this be?

    Well to be honest with you guys, I'm not going to get anytime with this car unless I'm it's new owner - It's either I buy blind or don't buy at all. Given what you have already read, would you buy this car without being able to do the checks Grimjack has descried?
  12. D

    What could this be?

    So you're thinking the hot start, cold start, boosting and foglights issues are all separate things? Is there anything that would link together the first three issues? The more I hear about this car, the more I think it's going to be a nightmare to get it running again.
  13. D

    Do you daily drive a 240sx?

    CA18's came in s13 200SXs from the factory and as far as I'm aware have a hideous reliability. Even with a fairly decent aftermarket support we get on CA18s over here, many find themselves bolting in a SR20 anyways. I personally wouldn't rock a 200/240sx - The drifter image they have attracted...
  14. D

    What could this be?

    Right-o gentlemen, I asked what the car behaved like when he did manage to get it to run and got this reply -
  15. D

    15" Wheels on a MA70?

    Simple question really - Will 15 inch wheels work on a MA70? I'm aware the GA70 came from the factory on 15", but they also had smaller front brake discs which worries me slightly - Are the smaller discs connected to the choice of running smaller wheels? I do know that this question has...
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    **The Mkiii Supra Gas Mileage Thread**

    My old NA/AT got about 22mpg city. If gas mileage is important to you, you need to be thinking about another car.
  17. D

    What could this be?

    But would turning on the foglights have caused such a problem? Come on guys, I'm liking this car A LOT, I just don't want to spend the majority of my ownership of this vehicle fixing up someone else's screw ups (I had enough fun doing that on my last supra...)
  18. D

    What could this be?

    Hello there again people The basic gist is I'm looking for another project car, and this ( has caught my interest somewhat. It has got an electrical fault...
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    possibly supra powered cappuccino

    What he said. Shoehorning pretty much anything else in the front of a car like the Cappuccino is going to screw up the handling no end - A 2JZ is roughly a Third of the original weight of the Cappuccino... Can you say understeer? If you want a lightweight fast car, buy a miata and turbocharge it.
  20. D

    possibly supra powered cappuccino

    If you intend to go drag racing, you need to pick another car. If you intend to go road racing, you need to pick another engine. If you seriously intend to go through the hassle (and expense) of importing a car into the untied states to bring over a Suzuki Cappuccino, you need to get your head...