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  1. D

    I was just given a what? Now with pics!

    A good rust free body is far important than good mechanicals or even the rest of the car (interior and what have you) being 'tidy'. If it's anything over there like it is here, finding a rust free Supra is getting harder by the day. If the shell is good either keep it or sell it onto somebody...
  2. D

    Supra in Clunker lot

    Despite the scheme not making any sense to me on any level that the government try to justify it on, I can understand why end users take advantage of it. It's a quick painless way to get £2,000. Granted they'll only be able to put it towards a soulless korean turd, but to the people who take...
  3. D

    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    Very cool project. Would love to do one myself one day, but with Aristos being available (albeit it friggin rare), I think I'll wait for one of those to pop up :). Oh, and the lack of dish on the front wheels is seriously distributing ;).
  4. D

    Supra in Clunker lot

    This is it unfortunately. It might be a stupid short sighted government scheme, but you can't exactly blame the owners for taking advantage of it when it's true value isn't anywhere near what the scheme offered. To him it was probably just some old car, why care what happens to it?...
  5. D

    Songs that make you happy or put you in a good mood

    'Don't Stop Me Now' - Queen 'Paradise City - AD/DC
  6. D

    about to buy the next project which would you prefer? Lexus SC or GS?

    GS. Get a sliver one, keep it visually stock, throw on MKIV TT 17s on and you've got the ultimate base for a sleeper :evil2:.
  7. D

    Is it just me, or this a

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against VWs, heck, if It wasn't for my dad's old MK1 GTi I wouldn't be into cars, but it's the whole Show > Go mentality that I constantly see from the scene that annoys me. And then on top of that, they'll look down their nose at anything that wasn't made...
  8. D

    “cash for clunkers” program

    And I thought we were taught that recycling was good? :rolleyes:.
  9. D

    Is it just me, or this a

    Problem is with the V-Dub community is that a vast majority of them seem to be a bit... odd. There's purposely making your car look shit, I mean, 'Rat'. Oh, here's this bloke's second attempt: Then we have ridiculous (and down right dangerous) tyre stretchering, slamming your car to the...
  10. D

    “cash for clunkers” program

    And I thought it was just our government was dumb... A similar scheme was introduced a couple of months ago here to both save the environment (I'm not even going to get started explaining how damaging this all is it poor old mother earth) and help our economy (Despite the fact that a...
  11. D

    My 1987 Volkswagen Golf GTi

    I need to start drinking at your local if you can get this sort of stuff for £50! :D. May I ask how these are like to work on, the engine bay looks complicated to say the least.
  12. D

    Wyotech or UTI? Opinions on em?

    Don't dealers over there offer some sort of apprenticeship schemes? I'm currently 4 months in out of a 3 year course with a Bentley dealer. Every 6 weeks or so I'm shipped off to the factory where the cars are built for training, during the other time I work full time for the dealer making...
  13. D

    JZA70 R w/ RB26 DETT Engine

    An Utterly retarded idea probably carried about a pale geeky "JDM Tyte" moron by who falls asleep every night wanking off to Hentai porn.
  14. D

    Drifting moron!

    It's a 200SX ;).
  15. D

    Drifting moron!

    So the bloke's an idiot because he tried doing some low speed car control with an open Diff?. Not sure what it is like over there, but our Drift scene is more about having fun in what ever RWD car you can find, be it rocking a Welded, limited Slip or Open diff. At no point in the video did I see...
  16. D

    A short vid of my friends Gs300 that we just finished

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the GS300 is the ultimate sleeper. Very nice!
  17. D

    My sons car got robbed

    That's brutal... Won't your insurance cover it?
  18. D

    To Buy OR Not To Buy.... That Is The Question

    I do like that, a bit dirty, but it does look like an honest and complete car. Get it bought! :)
  19. D

    To Buy OR Not To Buy.... That Is The Question

    I would pass. The last two supras I've bought were junkers that I intended to restore and make into my own car for the stake of the learning experience. Neither actually got finished due to me getting half way through the project and thinking that I want something that actually works. It's hard...
  20. D

    I think dark blue supras are rare LOL

    Come to think of it, Dark blue supras aren't actually that rare. Here White, Red and Black are the most common, followed closely by dark blue. Now Two tone Dark & Homo Blue, that's a rare (and particularly awful) colour...