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  1. D

    color suggestions??

    A Black supra on simple Bronze wheels is the definition of the word "Sex" :bigthumb:.
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    color suggestions??

    Black... Power... ... :D
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    Just caught someone stealing my soop

    A big :slap: to whoever thought the bloke was actually being serious, haha. Merry Christmas fellow Suprafreaks :).
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    88 n/a exhaust systems

    It would probably help if you told us just how limited your budget is rather than saying "It's not unlimited"... Anyway, Depending on how soon you plan to go Turbo, getting a 2.5/3 inch. Will arguably cost you a bit of power/Torques (notice how I said arguably guys, let's not turn this into...
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    I think dark blue supras are rare LOL

    Off topic and all, but any Pictures of the purple paint?
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    Stupid Mistakes I've made working on stuff, thread..

    I started a BHG job, got 9/10ths the way through the strip down, then realized that I had put all the nuts and bolts in the same place and don't have a clue where the hell ANY of them go... I'm so not looking forward to putting it all back together :(
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    Choices... Choices..

    These guys bring up a very good point - I'm not clued up on the spec of your car or the price of RS6s over there, but surely selling the Supra isn't going to make a dent of the purchase price of the RS6? You might as well go the mildly modded DD route on the RS6 as a daily and keep the Supra as...
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    Choices... Choices..

    What you talkn' bout IJ!? Scrap metal is worth next to nothing these days - Just before the economic down scrap dealers were offering £150 per tonne for steel, now you'd be lucky to get £30, with some dealers offering as little as £5 if you can get them to pay! China simply ain't...
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    15" Rims?

    Hmm... Learn something new everyday! It wouldn't happen to be a narrowbody would it?
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    15" Rims?

    GA70 Brakes are a tad smaller on the front which 15" wheels should clear. Best part is that GA70 are a next to worthless as the bigger MA70 brakes are such an easy upgrade, I'm sure if you asked nicely on the UK forums, someone would sell you theirs for the price of shipping.
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    supra or 240

    If you have to ask this question, the 240 is for you. Cheers. Josh
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    Thinking about buying an 89 Supra, looking for info.

    If practicality is important to you, stop right now and buy something else - You never buy a supra because it is going to be an economical runabout, you buy it because it is a supra, that is the car you want and you're going to damned if anyone ever is going to tell you not to do it (even your...
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    What is the hottest steering wheel for a MKIII?

    Yahoo Auctions in Japan. Mine was a bit of steal - $50 buy it now for the wheel, although I did get owned a bit on the shipping bringing it to about $140. I was told that it originally came from a Turbo A race car and then was used as a display item, but I don't trust the story as there is a...
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    Don't hate!!!!

    Worryingly, I've been thinking a LOT about going the civic route lately - Stock bodied 4dr VTi Civic with a Turbo bolted on the side - They won't know what hit em :).
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    7M-GE to 2JZ-GE Possible?

    Do yourself a favour and forget the VVTI engine. Your mate might have one on hand and it could be cheap, but the sheer ballache of getting it to run is simply not worth. A standard 2JZGE isn't exactly expensive or difficult to come by, they apparently make more power, have stronger and are...
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    7M-GE to 2JZ-GE Possible?

    I thought it was confirmed in another thread that other than the transmission setup and the motor mounts, it is an almost direct swap? (I'm talking non VVTI here though) I think the 2JZGE swap is a brilliant idea if you've got a damaged 7MGE, but can't afford to go the whole hog on a Turbo...
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    Worth Saving - BHG Sludge

    Or trailer the POS to a junkyard ;). I'm asking for your professional opinion here - With the "oil" in that sort of state and the possibility that it has been ran like that daily for several months, do you think the bearings are going to last longer than 5 minutes under daily usage after a...
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    Worth Saving - BHG Sludge

    But hasn't the damage already been done?
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    Worth Saving - BHG Sludge

    I hear what you're saying. Even when taking this thing apart, I thought about how much more I'll appreciate this time by putting it together with my bare hands. I know for example that I'll be less willing to drive like a complete idiot in it because I'd know what I'd done to get it to a nice...
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    Worth Saving - BHG Sludge

    I don't know when the oil was last changed (I got zero history with the POS). The previous owner didn't mention an oil change, all she said was that she had drove it like this for months daily without any problem (other then having to add water once in a while :nono:)