So I'm not sure if you have noticed but when you drive by a new car dealership there are lots next to them filled with "clunkers." This is fine...whatever needs to happen to help the economy. Well I was a little early for work this morning and I decided to stop into the Nissan dealership down the street from my job. This is a street where there are dealerships after dealerships. I actually missed the turn and was turning around on a side street. The side street that I was on is between two dealerships. (a chevy body shop). I looked to my left and my heart fell. The dealerships "clunker lot" was right there and in it I found a beautiful red 89 Supra targa. Idk if I'm allowed to do what I did next but I parked my car and went into the lot. It was fenced off, but one side just had poles, no fence. When I got to it I about fell over. What could they have traded this car in for? (I mean if it was a Nissan it woudln't have been so bad, but it was in the Chevy lot, which prlly means they traded it in for an Aveo or something :3d_frown
Anyway, besides the interior being a bit dirty, the car was a mint. The armrest, shift knob and boot were all perfect! <<How often do you see this?? What makes me sadder is the fact that they left the window down....The car is going to end up in a junk yard I just know it. Which pisses me off because I had some guy tell me the other day "nobody wants those cars anymore":icon_evil
So...I took some pics to show you guys!

So...I took some pics to show you guys!