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  1. RPSil13

    Happy birthday, SupraCentral!

    Happy Bday!!!!!
  2. RPSil13

    easiest way to pull engine?

    ^^^ one thing that i would add is that it helps to have the rear jacked up, makes it easier to clear the rad support
  3. RPSil13

    1uz drifting driveshaft???

    hvyman: does your friend have a shop? is he in socal? lmk thanks
  4. RPSil13

    2 power steering pumps

    you should post a pic, but i think the 2nd power steering pump youre referring to is prob the hydro fan unit
  5. RPSil13

    Bypassing the Heater core?

    any one have pics???
  6. RPSil13

    Bypassing the Heater core?

    sorry to revive an old thread but does anyone have pics of how they bypassed the heater core??
  7. RPSil13

    Turbo to NA???

    cant find any info on going from turbo to na. any help would be greatly appreciated basically i have a 91 turbo shell and a good +89 7m na motor, but i cant find out much info on what i would need to make this happen, so far ive notived that the plugs behind the glovebox dont match up...
  8. RPSil13

    Lol Ebay scammers aren't even trying anymore.

    under the pic it says its a sample pic, not actual image of the product, so i doubt its a scam,
  9. RPSil13

    Loud "thud" noise when turning full right?

    any pics of said stop cap, thanks
  10. RPSil13

    Gauging Interest in Modified Stock UCA's for Negative Camber

    more info and pics, please will they have spherical bushings/bearings
  11. RPSil13

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    well its a good thing we know you, thanks
  12. RPSil13

    pilot bearing seized on input shaft

    i should have clarified,the whole pilot bearing was stuck on input shaft swap was done 2 months ago, drove for maybe 150 miles, new pilot bearing from toyota i searched and everything said not to grease the pilot bearing, will try this when i replace it tomorrow.
  13. RPSil13

    pilot bearing seized on input shaft

    inner race is stuck on the input shaft
  14. RPSil13

    pilot bearing seized on input shaft

    Has anyone had this problem? i searched but came up empty. did a 5spd swap recently, had a noise issue so i pulled the trans off again but the pilot bearing was stuck on the trans input shaft :aigo: what would have caused this? also anyone know why the tsrm is down??
  15. RPSil13

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    dang, i would love to get my own account as well if you dont mind shooting me a pm w/ a link where to sign up thanks
  16. RPSil13

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    how did you buy them? do you have a yaj account?
  17. RPSil13

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    those are actually panasport g7's but badass wheels none the less w/ the current yen rate theyre about 1200+shipping
  18. RPSil13


    mirrors? which ones? any pics? thanks
  19. RPSil13

    XTD Clutch scam!

    looks like what goes around comes around
  20. RPSil13

    Damn You Auto Correct

    i saw that site the other day, but i have an iphone and autocorrect doesnt really work like that, most of those are FAKE :(