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  1. tekdeus

    Installing a gt35r with stock ecu

    A GT35r moves a lot of air. I'd stick with 15psi on pump, especially with stock pistons. I'm all Supra'd out too. I haven't done any mods or upgrades for the last several months!
  2. tekdeus

    Installing a gt35r with stock ecu

    A simple AEM meth kit, a re-tune, and 22psi will get you around 420+. 70+hp for around $330 :)
  3. tekdeus

    Ryan's 92 build thread aka NashMan

    Bay looks really good. I would suggest relocating and heat-wrapping your turbo oil feed line though. Mine got too hot which broke down the rubber inside, clogged the line, and cooked my turbo bearing a few months back.
  4. tekdeus

    Got IDLE BUMP?

    Like an occasional exhaust pop? Mine does it.
  5. tekdeus

    ***SM Member Horsepower List***

    May as well add mine while you're at it:! 515 rwhp and 503 ft/lbs of torque at 28psi in hot weather. Stock 7M-GTE engine with metal head gasket and 62mm billet...
  6. tekdeus

    she will be back

    You should rig it up in the future. I limit 1st gear to 10-12psi and get full traction and really snappy launches from stop lights :D Without it, it would just roast the tires in 1st every time, and was quite useless.
  7. tekdeus

    ***SM Member Horsepower List***

    ^^ his car is fast and light with super sticky R-compound tires. Pretty hard to beat!
  8. tekdeus

    Will the real STIG please stand up...

    I preferred not knowing.
  9. tekdeus

    Curious, what AFR's do stock 7mgte's run at 7psi?

    He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. - Chinese Proverb :D
  10. tekdeus

    The Mistress

    I'd like to see a little race between these 2 on Sunday :D
  11. tekdeus

    Holset HE351VE (No 56k and tons of pictures)

    Good work. It's doing the same thing as my Quick Spool valve. Mine opens at 15psi via a hobbs switch rigged to the mechanical actuator. I too have wanted to find a way to have mine stay open at cruise and build boost on command and open gradually over a set of choosable conditions. Still, the...
  12. tekdeus

    car is done and tuned holly carp

    Wow, and I thought I was pushing it with a stock 7M with 50,000 miles at 515hp ;) Very impressive numbers for pump gas!
  13. tekdeus

    car is done and tuned holly carp

    What boost/fuel?
  14. tekdeus

    What's the worst car you've ever owned?

    LOL. I recall the headliner lining drooping down like a sheet and resting on top of my head, messing my hair as I drove. :D Also reminds me of my sister's '80 Sunbird. If you pulled the inner door handle too fast to close the doors, the entire door panel would rip off.
  15. tekdeus


    15psi is the common safe limit on pump gas for most setups
  16. tekdeus

    What's the worst car you've ever owned?

    Ditto, and can easily happen if you've owned nothing but Toyotas. My first car was a '79 Corolla, then an 83 mk2, an 84 Mk2 and my Mk3. All have been ultra reliable; never an engine or tranny failure, no BHG, etc. I did drive an '80 Chevette as a courtesy car for a cheap shop and I was blown...
  17. tekdeus

    Running Rich With 560cc And lex Maf . What to DO

    Do a boost leak test first; a leak can make it run rich. (do a search for boost leak tester) Then get an SAFC installed and tune it on a dyno. Might cost $300 altogether.
  18. tekdeus

    Electric fan question...

    I have a brand new Koyo rad and Flex-a-lite fans that came with my car when I bought it. On hot days with the AC on, it is barely sufficient and the temp does rise. Driving to Las Vegas through the desert at 90mph up a long gradual incline made it overheat. If I was starting over, I'd run the...
  19. tekdeus

    57 trim ct-26 Dyno

    If you're hitting fuel cut that means lots of air is going through the AFM, which might mean you're running lean, making more power than normal which is dangerous. I'd at least recommend getting an SAFC and a quick dyno tune, and get a wideband later if you're tight for cash. My car was very...
  20. tekdeus

    2010 PacNW Supra Nationals Videos!

    Here's a bunch of footage from a few people's different cameras. Be sure to check out Duane's mind-blowing fly-by ;) JustusS: Montage I put together of Saturday's events Flyby's Duane's flyby at 160+