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  1. boosted2085

    A few Videos to share

    sounds good. How much boost were you running at the track?
  2. boosted2085

    Fuel Injector/Plenum Removal DIY?

    the fuel rail wasnt too hard to take off the only thing that got me for a second was the fuel dampner,old seized part while on the car almost kicked my a** but put some elbow grease and got it off
  3. boosted2085

    What you guys think?

    looking clean
  4. boosted2085

    New AEM FIC

    why spend that much for that piggyback?...
  5. boosted2085

    Engine swap questions

    here are the atuo to manual conversion wiring if you havent searched it yet
  6. boosted2085

    ABS Removal

    i just bought an 89 w/o abs..was it a bad choice?..i didnt notice until i went to pick up the planning for 500hp+ as far as braking at the end of the 1/4 mile every once in a while that i'll go.
  7. boosted2085

    New toy. :)

    nice...i need one too
  8. boosted2085

    MKIII supra drag race looses targa

    lol that sucks
  9. boosted2085

    mk3 dyno 09

    that supras nice
  10. boosted2085

    Automatic or Manual?

    an adapter plate with a chevy 350 tranny would be nice:naughty:
  11. boosted2085

    auto to manual swap question

    those lines are running to the auto tranny oil cooler under the radiator,r154 doesnt use them,just cap them off
  12. boosted2085

    ffim getting welded

    sheeesh the welder forgot to radius the ports....i guess ill still try it but if it doesnt work ill fab another one.
  13. boosted2085

    ffim getting welded

    he finished it so i pick it up today
  14. boosted2085

    ffim getting welded

    my cousin sent me this picture of it so far.he said it might be done tomorrow