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  1. rayall01

    2mm Stopper MHG Too Thick?

    You got something else wrong, cause that won't make that much of a difference.
  2. rayall01

    We are looking for customer videos!!

    Oh! That's cool then. Was mostly just bustin. It's an a340e, in a 92 turbo. Actually, they should be the same as the ones you have now for 86-88. I don't know of any differences. I'll gladly measure to be sure though.
  3. rayall01

    Getting my car running again

    Thanks! No pics of the car for a while, it's too beat up overall right now. I'm embarrassed. Yeah, gotta do the valves, but I have herniated discs, so I'm not looking forward to leaning over the engine.
  4. rayall01

    Head Gasket thickness selection

    No, unless you mean you're going to do what I did. Read my build thread.
  5. rayall01

    Head Gasket? Exhaust Leak?

    ^ What he said. Most HG's blow because of heat, and usually between the cylinder and water jacket, so It's not very likely to leak oil.
  6. rayall01

    Steering Rack Leak?

    Did you read all the posts? IJ just answered the same question! Looks like a.d.d.
  7. rayall01

    89+ rear hatch lock

    Believe me, my stepson is no brainac, and he figured it out. This is the guy who put a rod bearing in wrong, and seized the engine. It can't be that difficult.
  8. rayall01

    89+ rear hatch lock

    And what I'm saying is that my stepson got the 88 lock cylinder to work, I'm just not exactly sure what he did, to do it.
  9. rayall01

    We are looking for customer videos!!

    Whoa! Just checked out your site. You don't make a turbo auto shaft? What's up with that?
  10. rayall01

    The Supra passed inspection for the first time since 2001!!!

    ^ Pressure line most likely, at least in my experience.
  11. rayall01

    how bad is my screwup? now with a pict

    If your going to try to repair the lines, use flare type unions. Compression fittings will not work. They'll just blow off.
  12. rayall01

    how bad is my screwup? now with a pict

    Yeah, the front area is not where the pickup is. Dent puller, IDK. The oil pan is some pretty strong stuff, and you might not be able to move it much with a puller. Worth a try though, IMHO. Just don't drill into the crank!
  13. rayall01

    89+ rear hatch lock

    Just take the cylinder apart, and swap in your old tumbler set. It's not that difficult. I'll look at my stepson's to see exactly what he did, cause I don't remember if he had to modify the lock cylinder to fit in in there.
  14. rayall01

    hot wheel, crazy thumping and vibration

    Check for a shifted belt. When a tire shifts a belt, all hell can break loose.
  15. rayall01

    89+ rear hatch lock

    My stepson did the same upgrade, and he just force fit the lock cylinder into the opening. It worked well for him, never fell out, and is working the same way in his brothers car at this very moment.
  16. rayall01

    block resurfasing????

    I stand corrected, I always thought it was. Seemed reasonable.
  17. rayall01

    Clutch release issue.

    ^ Try ebay. Here's a link to one in the states for example...
  18. rayall01

    7M-GTE No comression Cyl 2 and 5

    Coolant passage most likely.
  19. rayall01

    block resurfasing????

    If this is the first cut for this block, and it's still got pits in it, then most likely it is still OK. To be sure though, definitely measure the block, per the TSRM specs. The pits won't effect anything, as long as they don't touch any sealing rings.
  20. rayall01

    Camber adjustment .....

    Honestly, I couldn't tell you the specs, cause I always got them off the machine while I was doing it. If it were my car, I could do it by eye fairly well, but that's because I have a lot of alignment experience. Caster is another issue though, as that would be near impossible to do by eye. Is...