i had considered this route. the reason i chose this route was i wanted to run an ultrabell and the pti converter had already been designed to work with this plate. plus i'm pretty sure i'd have to run an 8" converter with the 340 bell. obviously the ultrabell isnt going to work tho. but i...
now for bad news. despite many swings with a snap-on hammer and 4 letter words, the ultrabell just will not fit. with the motor jacked up in the front it is still atleast 1/2 hole from mounting on. did i mention the ultrabell is massive? i had high hopes of using it. it is a very nice...
hardline is cleared.
you could pull everything apart and use a ss line or make a new hardline to make more clearance. or you remove the heater. def did not want to get rid of the heater, nor did i want to pull everything apart to modify for a stupid hardline. since the upper portion...
IJ- yeah i guess thats why. yep, there is our gay pride converter in that car.
problems arise.
the heater core hardline is in the way. the upper section of the ultrabell and adapter plate are for the buick/olds/pontiac applications. don't need it, so off it comes.
still not...
you aren't holding your head right when you look at it. she'll fit. how much did it end up costing you and where did you buy it? don't know why it wouldn't be returnable if you decided you didnt want to use it.
whenever you decide to do some involved work, give me a call. i'll be back over to help. still trying to find you a housing for that turbo.
oh, and i left my kobalt 5n1 in your hatch.
here is the 400 from frank. sean cut the bellhousing off to fit the ultrabell.
i will use a custom hybrid vigilante 9.5" converter from Precision (901-466-0267). Terry made a toyota front side and gm back side hybrid and we decided a 3800 stall would be ideal for my setup. converter...
i wanted to go with a turbo 400. frank helped me out here, he had a built up 400 with 5 passes on it. on the 5th pass the bellhousing broke but i had a solution. buy a JW Ultrabell and bolt it on.
here is the besttrans adapter plate (413-736-9496) mated up to the ultrabell. will need to...
in this thread i will post pictures, "how to", and what will and will not work. this is not the end all be all of gm trans swaps. there are different ways to go about it. this is the direction i decided to go. i thought this might be helpful since there seems to be more questions than...
do you still have the j-tube restriction in the return line?
is your vac holding steady on your boost gauge?
if you remove the vac line from the afpr does it still bounce?
it was a rumor floating around that they crushed their cars. i was out there not long ago and they still have them, and always getting more. they did send off their na cars tho.
quin/chris- supraman502 is parting a 89 turbo w/ gray interior. he is in clarksville (across the river from...
i understand what you are saying, but there will be a lot things you'll have to do to make that TD turbo fit.
modify/fabricate adapter for turbine flange
modify/fabricate downpipe
modify/fabricate ic piping
make new oil/water lines
modify/fabricate new turbo inlet pipe
i was pretty sure it was the other way around. the vsv closes during warm starts to increase fuel pressure to combat heat soak.
it is a small round brown sensor under the intake manifold. it has a vac line on each side of it, and a 2 wire plug going into it.
i've seen several of those ebay hks style wg fail. if that were to stick closed, you'd run insanely high boost and possible kaboom. there was a thread on here a while back about taking it apart and polishing the rod or something that was supposed to help reliability, but i would rather not...
those intercoolers are kinda hit and miss. the one i have is very well constructed with nice welds.
some of the ones i've seen (one of the kits you posted) wasn't very well made. the tanks didn't line up correctly, the welds weren't very good, the pipes were paper thin and the couplers left...
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