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  1. gaboonviper85

    Need a new carburator for my quad

    Well then that would be the indication for them they know! Carbs are a stupidly simple piece of shit...little bit of dirt will make them act funny but that doesn't mean they need built! Replace some orings and clean it and you're good...there generally are no bearings to go...
  2. gaboonviper85

    Pulls to the right...

    did the thought of one wheel having more toe then the other ever cross your mind before you wrote this bullshit? I wonder how long it will be before you're banned from replying to tech questions
  3. gaboonviper85

    Methanol/water injection pre-turbo

    The intake is a sealed system...sure the alch evaps into a gas which cools the system but the alch is still there just in gas form....therefor if it's flamable in liquid form then it's generally even more volitile in a gas form....= pipebomb possibility still can happen....the water mix is more...
  4. gaboonviper85

    Need a new carburator for my quad

    99% of carbs never need rebuilt....just cleaned as there isn't any wear parts in carbs;-) the way I clean carbs is...well, very sketchy but works.....get a cheap BBQ and put a big pot on it (1gallon if possible)...fill it half full with gas and carb cleaner mixed...take carb float bowl...
  5. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    If I'm not mistaken the gears are color coded...I believe mine is orange that's in the trans's been awhile sense I've seen that gear.
  6. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    I hope so! 1987 5sp 7mge sport package LSD....what gear would that be if you know?
  7. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    Definetly could have I'm sure but that plastic is very flexable when new! It's very hard to line up the cluster just perfect....although I never forced it in and I'd rearrage if I felt the slightest resistace....definetly possible that I broke the plastic needle but I have a bit more faith in...
  8. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    Needle op was smooth as could be! Like a bird shitting in mid warning just fell!
  9. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    I know for sure I'm not near the steering column! I though trying to get the cable to go threw the firewall was tuff I could have hurt it....but again I didn't visibly break anything and the speedo worked fine till this past sat... I'm wondering if my lightweight fw and ds are playing a part in...
  10. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    Yup everything snaps into place....even bought that white plastic thing but didn't need it! I'm gonna unscrew the cables and see if it's the long or short section...the short broke last time but I still replaced both cables...hope it's the short one again but still want to figure out why!
  11. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    uuum no...thats what i get for letting iwantmkiii sit in my car....rayall you dont have to keep proving youre a tard...we all get it! yeah nothing on the speedo side moves....i couldnt get under the car lastnight cause i forgot my tools at the garage where i was helping iwantmkiii.
  12. gaboonviper85

    Prosport gauge install.

    When was the last time you used the autometer? How was the weather how hot outside was it what was the humidity same applies to the new guage...psi can vary
  13. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    Yeah nothing....and jdub I is na, I don't haz no downpipe:-(
  14. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    Pretty sure no...but I'm gonna go to the gas station and double check right now.
  15. gaboonviper85

    Show us your GAUGES!

    Damnit woman don't give him any more ideas!!! Lol
  16. gaboonviper85

    Show us your GAUGES!

    Pretty sure ij's pic as gear toward hommers abortion/dresser/coffee table dash...termites would love it!!!
  17. gaboonviper85

    Show us your GAUGES!

    Got to admitt it would make a cool coffee table! Could be neat driving a bedroom dresser around...always have clean socks on the ready!!!!
  18. gaboonviper85

    Speedo issues yet again!

    That's what I was thinking! I did indeed think about lubing it but it had globs of grease at the cable ends...I'll be under the car tonight
  19. gaboonviper85

    Show us your GAUGES!

    hommer....that dash would look fantastic in an wooden motor boat....supra not so much! It looks nice and is great work but Jesus god man not Ina supra:-(